How is Doomfist one shot capability OP but widowmaker isnt?

Oh, I know.

I don’t personally have any issue with the one-shot (sans the early early hit-box and they over-did the nerf), his combo is where its really at anyway and I don’t have a problem with that either. I was simply stating why a lot of the community feel that way about him, not my personal views.

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At least I have the comfort of knowing I’m safe behind a shield against a widow.

Widow also doesn’t make me lost control over my own character sooooo that’s a plus too. I hate widow with a passion but I hate doom more.

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Until you leave the Shield for one sec and get a bullet in your head


Widow also doesnt need to be at melee range


but you’re not safe if doomfist gets a one bug on any of his 4 abilities which causes him to get no kills and if anything cause him to not escape and die?

Not safe that a mccree / brig can’t just stun a giant hitbox?

i can understand why you hate doom more

but the point of this post is

for doomfist to do any sort of one shotting, he needs to put in more skill, more work, more effort, more knowledge than a widow to do the same thing but every 1.5 seconds.

you can agree that DF is a harder hero than widow to get anything near the value as, even if doomfist is more annoying

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Yeah, Ult and the interaction of Uppercut -> Slam are the two things I’m most frustrated with for DF.

Ult, I think it can work for the damage and radius it has, but it needs adjustments:

  • Same charge time as Tracer’s ult (the biggest one)
  • Reset abilities from CD
  • Ability to use it to escape (even if graved or things like that)

Huge mechanic in fighting games are resets for combos or escapes (Guilty Gear/BlazBlu series games use these a ton). It’d be cool if DF’s ult functioned closer in that sort of way.

I also consider the ult can be pretty reliable to escape, can be used for a shield grab (because it’s probably not going to kill anything), and it can be combo’ed.

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Neither of them are or ever were OP. Just like neither are an “easy” hero, that’s just as toxic to claim.


The thing about the ult is it’s bad at what’s it’s trying to achieve. It’s supposed to be this great fight winning mega slam, but now you’re lucky to get one kill with it. In fact there was a bug (probably still a thing) where it heals enemies. So basically if you try and use this ult as it was meant to be used, you will probably do like 100 dmg total and get one shot when you land.

Oh how SOOOOOOO many people would disagree with this. They like to think DF is the easiest character in the game.

Doomfist used to be pretty strong but not op. He was very strong in ladder because his uppercut was busted- one he landed seismic slam unless he was stunned or the victim had a air mobility move- that character was a 100% dead if they were a squishy and very likely to die as a tank versus a practiced doom.

However his uppercut has been fixed- before it was the only busted part of his kit but they’ve now flipped it on him. Now when you uppercut the victim regains full air control after 0.6 seconds while.doom stays in place in the air- this is a stupid unfair interaction and i think changing it by giving doom full air control after uppercut would be a huge but fair buff for doom. At this stage with current doomfist, op is 100% right that he is the harder character.

Reasons widow is busted and actually easy af;

Shes hitscan
Small hitbox
40m half second mobility every 10 seconds
0.7 charge time for squishy headshot kill. 200+ damage at all ranges, hitscan no damage fall off every 0.7 seconds!
Ult is free kills or free zoning for 15 seconds when the player is good
90% of the cast are projectile, most are slow moving and have intended ranges of 15-20 metres…

Cons/ reasons most of the population think she’s hard

She has the hardest aiming in the game
But thats because ow has laughable projectile hitboxes/player hitboxes. It is a joke compared to most other shooting games.
Very few xharacters are hitscan.
Hitscan bullets are very small
Play too much of the projectile characters (90% of cast)
Play widow (err mag gawd so hard to aim!)

So what happened with widow mains;

Actually played her for 20+ hours in comp
Get constant 4ks cos widows busted af when positioned properly
Are considered high skill when playing a hero that takes laughably low gamesense. Moderately hard aiming (if you’ve played older shooters she’s easy af)

Lol all day.

Yknow guys there’s a reason widow, genji, tracer, rein, lucio, brig, hanzo and ashe all get played so much.

It’s because they are the strongest characters in the game- not all of them for the right reasons though…


And so many people would be wrong. If you think doomfist is easy you have certainly never stopped to learn all the mechanics and depth to his abilities.

People who think Doomfist is easy, ARE STUPID

So… Remove the dropdown animation/stun, so that tiger can pounce, and we got a fun ult.

I’d be in love with that ult. Getting hit by it isn’t something you worry about as much as the DF swinging right after landing.

That’s boss fight intro material right there.

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Oh yea, if you think DF is easy, jump into a Deathmatch game with him. See how long you last.

They’re not stupid just ignorant. They play doom in a few quickplay games, kill a few noobs with rocket punch and declare “op”.

Psa; quickplay doesn’t count for anything. Play 5 hours at least of comp with a character then you can start to talk about the characters balance and then after that it still depends on what elo you’re in.

Most people don’t even bother playing him. They see the tail end of a doomfists efforts where they get out played and die then they say OP

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The reason people hate dooms rocket punch so much is because your brain subconciously knows (even if you’ve never played him) that you just let yourself get hit by an ability that takes 3 seconds to charge and has one of the loudest audio ques. So you get mad at the character cos the ego refuses to accept it’s a bad kid.

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Doomfist is the worst hero in the game, he wasn’t any more powerful than tracer or genji before the nerf.

He just countered the meta and stopped brig, rein, zen, anna. They cried hard… Zen especially (I have his tears as proof) because of this they deleted doomfist.

The devs pick favorites and that is all there is to it.


Hey, can we take a moment to talk about this? Why has doomfist’s seismic slam not received the fix that reinhardt was given for earthshatter yet?

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Either a) they don’t care bc they don’t like Doom b) his numbers are too low for them to care (even though they killed his playerbase) c) the technology wasn’t stable enough to make them bother