How is Doomfist one shot capability OP but widowmaker isnt?

Doomfist vs Every Hero

Sure he wasn’t.

Totally not OP.

Last season someone one tricked him to rank 1 on EU ladder. Let’s just think about that. In a game designed to have multiple heroes to select from to counter other heroes - someone one tricks this single hero, playing him EXCLUSIVELY, to rank 1. Not OP at all.


Is not like pros can make every hero look like a god isnt it?

Is not like people have done that before with other heroes isnt it?

give up

Did you even hear what the commentators said? This SP4RK1E guy’s Doomfist alone was enough to put fear into the best Contenders teams in the world.

And the heroes they’ve done it with, have usually been OP.

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And we should care because?

Torb? op? you gotta be kidding

When a single hero is feared by the best players and teams in the world, it’s probably OP. Even Dannedd and many of the best Doomfist players agree that he was OP in his old state and needed nerfs.

Tracer is a good example.

And ive heard many others that agreed he wasnt

Doesnt change the fact

You’re right. It doesn’t change the fact that Doomfist was OP and needed nerfs.

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Dont change my words, i meant that it doesnt change the fact that every hero is capable of that on the right hands

Which btw i know your not capable at all

Elaborate your sentences more next time then. Compare how many one-trick Torbs you saw in Top 500 compared with how many Doomfist one-tricks there were.

Every hero is “capable”, but some are simply easier to be capable with because they’re OP as Doomfist was. Of course neither of us are capable but that’s irrelevant to the discussion. I have a 75% winrate with him on my other main account, and this account that I one trick him on is a whole skill tier higher than my main where I play all my usual heroes. Just goes to show.

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Doomfist needed nerfs. Did he need as many nerfs as he got? No. He got overbuffed slightly over the course of the year and needed minor tweaks at most. Not 6 nerfs in one patch while not even fixing his bugs, putting him back to the exact same spot he was a year ago with all that time and effort to put him in a better spot gone to waste.

And ironically they nerfed every aspect of his kit except for the one thing everyone was complaining about: Rocket Punch.


Because Doomfist just needs to point his body into the fray and get a free kill by charging up his punch and seeing who he catches with it. Widowmaker actually has to click on my head from a distance, one pixel out of millions VS. one pixel out of a dozen in terms of aim/skill payoff. That’s why.


Doomfist was not OP

Riddle me this, how did he become OP when he got NO changes of any kind when Goats became a thing?

Before it, he rarely saw use, Goats happened and now he suddenly is “op”

Um hard isnt it?

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He received plenty of buffs over time, and numerous bug fixes listed in patch notes. People saw how strong he had the potential to be and played him more, got good and dominated.

Rocket punch hitbox is the size of a bus.

Widow’s hitscan needs to hit a pinpoint.

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You’re thinking of PTR/Release Doomfist, who’s punch hitbox got shrunk weeks later.

Rocket Punch’s current hitbox is barely bigger than Mercy’s gun projectile hitbox. Before it got buffed slightly it was even smaller than Mercy’s pistol, causing you to just punch through people often. The punch hitbox literally shrunk him.


Because they are fundamentally different

Doomfist impacts a hero and he stops and gains shields, they fly back into a wall (within a pretty extreme distance). He can than escape or carry on qith another target.

Reinhardt pins and has to carry the hero to a wall, the entire time being open to damage, CCs, boobs etc. Very easily punished if executed incorrectly.

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That was during release, now its not.

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He got fixes yes, he got some buffs, yes, but he still saw little playtime

Until Goats happened, a comp that made most of the Dps useless, primary the dominant ones, Tracer and Genji

Except for Doomfist, a hero who counters Reinhard, Ana and Zen, which is most of the Goats comp

The other factor in which he looked strong was because a big portion of his counters were weak (not because of the meta but because they were UP) such has Roadhog, Torbjorn, Junkrat (which btw should have killed goats) etc

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GOATS didn’t “happen”, it was discovered as the optimal composition or “best way to win the game”. When one hero beats the optimal composition, that hero is OP. Besides which I doubt GOATS was even played much even on the ladder back when Doomfist started dominating.