How is Doomfist one shot capability OP but widowmaker isnt?

Actually read this whole thing before commenting please.

The skill level between Doomfist and Widowmaker is huge. Doomfist is a much harder hero. He is a high risk high reward. He has so many bugs that makes the hero RNG. Here is one example of his “4 second one shots”

Widowmaker is low risk high reward. She sits on the highground as far as possible, and as safe as possible. All you need to learn on widow is how to land headshots which isn’t difficult. There is little to no skill play widowmaker. She can one shot every 1.5ish seconds (not sure of the exact time) while Doomfist has a rare RNG 4 second oneshot which barely works hence why people mainly go for his slam + uppercut combo but that is also RNG.

Doomfist is a LOUD character
Doomfist has a HUGE hitbox
Doomfist has to be pointblank in front of the enemy to do any sort of killing. Which means a single stun will shutdown doomfist. When sombra got buffed and brig got released this made doomfist more of a trash character than he already was. The bugs on doomfist is insane.

“DoOm FiST BaReLy HaS BuGs”

a lot of bugs that aren’t in my video:

a dev confirming what are bugs and what isn’t in my 40+ doomfist bug video

“I BaReLy GeT BuGs On DoOmFiSt”
that is because you don’t know his bugs or don’t recognize when you get a bug. I have 500 hours on doomfist and I started to “one trick” him in season 9, you know the season he was considered a troll/throw pick. Then he got a shield buff and his primary got “buffed” or should I say adjusted. And guess what? He was still a troll pick for literally 2 - 3 more seasons after that.

Sombra gets buffed
People are playing sombra
Brig gets released (my god that hero was broken when she was released, still is btw)

and they HARD COUNTERED doomfist. Yet people complained he is OP. How? Where was he OP? he was literally a troll pick after his last buffs? He has so many bugs it makes him RNG. He’s one of the hardest heroes to master.

I am not saying oh buff doomfist, revert nerfs. trust me i love the nerfs, it made all the fake doomfist mains who think they can play doomfist stop playing doomfist. so its rare to see a doomfist player but when that doomfist player is popping off and getting lucky with the RNG abilities thats when doomfist is powerful.

You guys really dont understand how many bugs you get per game, per ability with doomfist. He’s RNG. He’s never OP or ever will be (until they fix his bugs)

And if you can’t counter a LOUD hero who screams across the map with a giant hitbox then you simply aren’t good at the game.

It doesn’t matter if he slams over a 60 foot roof above you, you can literally hear him charging his punch across the map, you can literally hear him slamming over a roof.

Not only they nerfed doomfist they nerfed some spots that you can get to as doomfist.

So please explain why doomfist is OP but widow isnt? The amount of skill to one shot on both heroes is INSANE.

Widow is a very easy hero, she’s seriously a point and click hero. I don’t even play widowmaker but when I picked her up on my alt acc for just 1 game I was already hard carrying and I don’t play widow at all.

TLDR: Don’t say Doomfist is OP if Widow isn’t.


No, you did used my trigger word in title, im not gona read it before my comment.

They 2 are not op, but i just realy dont like doomfist.

Brig is not hard counter to doomfist tho.


she is if you tried to dive anyone. zens use to be free kills when you are doomfist. all she has to do is press “E” on zen and he stays alive OR she can just whip him and cancel his combo maaking him useless so brig counters DF. in a 1v1 situation, doomfist can counter brig but brig basically stops him from diving anyone.
Going against grandsmaster / top 500 widows shows the full potential of the hero. I understand at different elos they can’t really land shots

Op heros? No.

Horrifically frustrating, often lucky, and getting one shot often leads to them just winning the game? Yes.

It’s the reason I moved to Apex, I can actually stand a chance in a fight and not have to worry about getting one shot.


So you play agains those people? Or like anyone who complain about meta, you say it because you just watch pro players?

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Doomfist has oneshot potential combined with huge cc and stacking health shields, has abilities that ignore shields, can hit multiple heroes with those same abilities

Widow has one single-target charged up shot that cannot pierce shields, no cc, low health, low mobility

Good widow’s are strong but not op


i literally play doomfist at a 4.1 - 4.3 sr level. i dont watch people play video games lol


Doomfist wasnt OP


um no she countered everything about him. Diving any target all she had to do is press “E” and the person doomfist dived stays alive.

If she doesn’t have E all she has to do is use any of her CC abilities and you’re basically dead after that point.

Brig hard countered doomfist.

Doomfist VS Brig in a room alone, doomfist clearly wins.

once you get stunned you’re basically dead

Brigitte was never a hard counter for Doomfist — even at her hey day. A decently played Doomfist could always rocket punch out of reach the moment the fight felt uncomfortable.

Soft counter yeah but hard counter definitely not.

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Better comparison:

Why Doom Punch OP if Reins Charge isnt?

Both of them has one-shot capability but more risks and setbacks than actual advantage.

Ashe, Roadhog, Reaper, Sombra, Bastion are all hard counters to him

Even Torb


I didn’t read the whole thing, but I just want to say: haven’t you seen the forums lately? Plenty of Widow one-shot complaints. Any Doomfist thread, if there are any, is asking for buffs.

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I see more people complaining about Ashe, which is just stupid

I barely come to the forums. I’d rather get bug fixes than any buff on Doomfist. DF doesn’t need a buff

About any sniper really nowadays.

He does

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um no she countered everything about him. Diving any target all she had to do is press “E” and the person doomfist dived stays alive.

If she doesn’t have E all she has to do is use any of her CC abilities and you’re basically dead after that point.

Brig hard countered doomfist.

Doomfist VS Brig in a room alone, doomfist clearly wins.

once you get stunned you’re basically dead

LOL @ no skill. If you can one shot people every 1.5 seconds and its super easy to do why dont you do it climb to top 500?


Because DF unlike Rein, leaves the fight with more health than when he went in.

Sure both are annoying abilities but at least Rein was stranded out of positon with allowed you to punish him, DF on the other hand could use any 1 of his 4 movement abilities to escape (with more health than when he started)