How inflated is OQ comp SR?

There are 2 reasons.

  1. It’s way more easier to win, as easy as it is to get throwers on your or the enemy team, in OQ.
    It creates a much easier time to win for one side, over another.

  2. There are just less people that play OQ Competitive, in general.
    Because of that, people that actually rank about Plat or Diamond in RQ, end up as the GM & Top 500 of OQ.


You need to get over 4100 to reach Top 500 in Role Queue, while Open Queue and other Arcade Comp Modes you can go around “Diamond/Masters” to get it.

Those 400/500 SR is actually a HUGE difference


Hulk really is a gold mine. Goated person.
(Fun fact: he also believes that matchmaking handicapping is a thing)


That’s all I need to know, to be able to tell that its an Average or lower ranked player :joy:


i legit think competative mystery heros would have more integrity than comp.
think about it, at least in mystery heros the rng is distributed in a truely random fashion and therefor to win more you literally need to be skilled playing every character well in all situations.
compare that to comp where people can cheese wins, abuse op heros and otp heros.

Very funny you mention that, one team could get the best heroes that synergizes well, while the other gets absolutely random and terrible synergy heroes. See?

OQ would be actually an OK show of skill if it didn’t have like 200 players globally.

And no, almost no arcade mode can be an actual competitive game mode if its luck that is involved even in the slightest.


yes but that is just short term rng and is equally as likely to happen to everyone so it cancels out. more efficiently than regular comp imo.

Agreed, most Arcade Comp gamemodes can be easily cheesed/full of RNG:

  • FFA: Abuse Hog
  • Mystery Hero: Get luckier with heroes
  • Lucio Ball: Spam your way to victory (The Boop Cooldown really made it a terrible gamemode)

You can’t tell me that a team that gets 1-2 Pharmercies while the other only Junks, can be a fair match

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its a grind based game. the individual matches are meaningless. its your consistent skill on average that matters.
mystery heros if actually way more efficient at determining that than comp because the rng is in a true random distribution. therfore to maintain a winning edge you literally have to be more skillful with all heros in all situations.

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You can’t “outstkill” an enemy Pharmercy as Junkrat.

Terrible idea and mode

Total mayhem could prob be a competitive game mode, granted each match might take around 1 hour 51 minutes.


It’s quite popular in Korea because of the gitgud factors. OQ is much more complex, fast, harder, and challenging then snailmode 222, where everyone is ttk padded and trashbins get boosted by clicking heals on thicc tanks.

Seriously if you can’t carry a 4-5 dps open you really don’t get to talk. Everyone good plays open. No, the streamers and pros aren’t good, because they play lolezmode 222. Open is hard mode, and the best players aren’t noticed.

Faster queues, wayyyy higher skillcap, more options, more freedom. What kind of trash actually supports the fullblown clunk of 222? Also u dont really experience challenge modes until u solo q open. Stacks, heals, tanks, comms, teams - are just crutches.

Any1 can ez their way up some meaningless sr number if they moba as a group. That’s not proving anything except following the heard. and they rig u so u dont feel bad.

So he understands the definition of rigging literally word for word - rigging the match towards fixed outcome/odds. That’s rigging even though your damage control schills try to brand it as “fair”.

Please try again.

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Poggers! Now that sounds like a great match length! ;]

I just need a toilet seat underneath me and around 5 Redbulls

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What’s your rank again?

higher than u lmao but we’ll never know 4sure bcuz the gaem works around hidden mmr rigging not fake sr grind. 1v1 if u wan i will host

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That is because Korea servers are people filled with the will to flex, otps and non flex players are literally bullied and harassed into leaving their region most of the times.

What do u even mean bruh


So you are 4000+?

I can’t play with my current 33% Packet Loss, come back again when it is fixed

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(He is kevster)


If by fill and flex u mean advanced metas like 141 then yes. 303 is dogtrash and already countered by damage in the right hands. the content creators and pros u worship are years out of touch but bcuz of owl demands 222 has been buffed to absurd levels. u can be garb healer or tank and get full value because 222 is just slow motion compared to 132 and thats what they tune for - disadvantaged gamers and vulnerable groups who dont micro/aim/apm enough for fast ttk games.

if you ask any kr on an owl roster they will tell u open is treated with lots of respect in kr community. bcuz it is faster (queues, tempo, micro punish) and relies less on all-in scripted macro/ults. so for individual respect u abs need to diff urself in comps like 141

and the devs realize 222 is bad washed clunk so theyre giving us tdm/arena mode aka 5v5 where trashbin mercy mains and shield holding rheins wont get ez value

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