How inflated is OQ comp SR?

If u do play kr, you would know 90% of the games are double shield.


It is treated with respect in Korea because it has actual players there my dude unlike NA and EU openq which is just a joke.


Outside is problably in the Silver/Gold range, which is why he has fast queue times :joy:


LMFAO OK I’m dead.

But in all seriousness, high elo queue times are so bad right now, Tanks can have like 15min queues, dps and supports are averaging 20mins+


C’mon guys, everyone knows receipts is a hardstuck plat/Diamond player who pretends to be bronze so he can insight civil unrest.





The people that show up with zero things but rank shaming are usually the ones i farm for free. too easy

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OWL doesn’t demand 2-2-2. The fans do. Nobody likes watching GOATS because it’s too high level for casual players to grasp.

2-2-2 has significantly more action. Andd do I would DEFINITELY say Open Queue (without GOATS) also has more action.

But if teams can’t break the synergy of GOATS then 1-3-2 is kinda meh….

OWL and Blizz went where the fans and community wanted.

2-2-2 saved any competitive value this game had left.

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Imagine being part of the forum mafia discord and being so bad at ganging up, upvoting eachother, flagging 4 eachother, high 5ing eachothers terrible memes and insults, and then trying to call out individuals who live rent free in ur heads…and still being wrong lmao

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I would understand in you were higher than me (4000+), but currently you are like a Gold player at best. Share a VOD if you dare


As much as we rag on Hulk, he will PROUDLY present proof of himself where as this dude only ever pops off at the month.

If you’re unwilling to unlock your account and put your money where your mouth is, you’re just another hard stuck low Elo player in my book.

Going to ig.vault and buying a Diamond/Master/Grand Master account doesn’t make you that rank of player. Sorry homie…. MMR is pushing you down because you suck at the game.


Don’t try to make sense of his lunacy, dude. You’re gonna get an aneurysm.


K let’s stream the 1v1 or should we go 2v2 or 3v3 see how free i am
then u can basically uninstall or buy another accnt from g2g.
the ppl who bring up rank first are the ones buying from me over there

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That sounds like fun!! Can I join?! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


When I played on pc I had a gold account, which was sitting at 2.1 for support that season.
I did unranked open q and I got placed 3.6 playing only supports.

The game thinking I am 1500sr better in open q :slight_smile:

To be fair, it was a smurf account and im a gm support player on my main. But still. I don’t understand how I can be low gold in role q and low masters in open q. Makes no sense.

That sounds like my warmup before playing role Q…



Same bro…. I use Open Queue as a live-action aim trainer.

Though did you know some of the bots in custom game modes are programmed better?

There’s a Perfect 5000 Rien Bot.

Actually it kind of does if (and only if) any of my assumptions are correct.

  1. You NEVER played Open Queue on that account prior to doing placements.

  2. The original Open Queue system is still in place and compared your performance to that of previous data.

  3. You played as hard as you could. I believe original Open Queue rules stated that you could place like 3500+ after initial placements.


Role Queue MMR and Open Queue MMR are not internally linked unless your account predates the 2-2-2 implementation patch.

In which case, your tank/DPS/support SR all left off where your final SR was in Open Queue.

Alternatively, if you played open Queue comp but did not participate in the Soft Reset of +Role Queue beta*, your SR for all 3 roles simply picked up from where you left off.

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That Rein bot is INSANE. I managed to beat him twice. He won every other time…

I have a few other aim trainers which work well. However I just have to hope and pray that I have under 200ms in the first place before starting comp.

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I only ever beat it twice as well. VERY well coded!!

I too, am a Hanzo main!! If my PC was setup I’d say you should add me I’d hook you up (you probably already have em tho).

Damn that’s rough bro!! No wonder people think Hanzo’s arrow is busted. With that kind of latency, people are gonna get around the corner before they register the headshot :joy:

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It can be a blessing and a curse.

Sometimes the higher latency works in my favor other times I can blink away from a Rein swing as tracer and just die in the middle of nowhere from it hitting me :rofl:

The most annoying thing is trying to block rein shatters or recalling as tracer and seeing the animation start but I still die and getting slept or one tapped as genji when my deflect is clearly up, oof.