How do you think Moira can be reworked into a more fun anti-flanker?

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One Moira hater gone. :rainbow::nail_care:

chasing flankers isn’t her strength though??? she would still be a good deterrent to solo dives since she is a very elusive target.

not overall though. her 1v1 capabilities would be nerfed (depending on how significant their range nerf was) but her healing would be buffed overall and her survivability would remain unchanged.

how would that homogenize her then?

her strongest offensive tools are damage orb and coalescence. both aren’t negatively changed with their suggestion.

it wouldn’t hurt her ability to contribute since resource rate would be buffed and the range nerf wouldn’t have to be super significant lmao. they didn’t specify but I doubt they mean for it to be winston length or something.

I cant tell if you are deliberately ignoring their message or if you are misinterpreting. their reply doesn’t remove her resource regen, it buffs it and extends it to her damage orb at the cost of reduced m2 range.

they didn’t remove the mechanic at all.

mercy isn’t a healbot. if you run mercy to focus on healing you are completely throwing the game. moira has mass aoe healing, and damage, mercy has less healing, rez, and damage boost.

I call bs. if youve read my replies in previous moira threads I give compensations for making her require more mechanical skill. in this thread I didn’t even suggest an idea that makes her an “easy target for flankers”. flankers (excluding echo) are only effective at relatively close ranges so reducing her range wouldn’t really make her an easy target my guy. so far it seems like your idea of keeping moira more homogenized is for flank moira to be viable like its some silver games lmao.

also fade exists. you could throw fade on a dumpster fire and it suddenly wouldn’t be an easy target for flankers

You want to maker her more fun? Give her more mechanics because she’s kind of mechanics-lite.

Keep her M2 the way it is currently, but reduce the damage and add an overlapping zarya/sym-precision inner-beam specifically to reward good aim.

Like, she does 50 dps + 20 hps now, regardless of tracking. So reduce her general M2 damage from 50 to 30 (don’t touch the current healing). This makes the aim-bros happy because total potato-aim players, while still a threat, will leave them solid openings to escape like they want.

However, make them cry with the pixel perfect beam in the center by having it do something ridiculous like an additional 30 dps and 20 hps @ a 20 ticks/second rate (like Zarya and Sym).

So, if you can track perfectly, Moira will deal 60 dps and have 40 hps meaning that those flankers will once again cry when they encounter supports who can actually aim (which many supports above plat will have).

Another idea I have is to have her orbs consume her healing resource (even the damage orb).

Cut passive regen in half and triple the active regen.
Damage orbs cost a quarter bar.
Healing orbs cost 40%.
M2 cost doubles.

Would require a lot of fine-tuning.
I would suggest making her resource meter reverse-logarithmic instead of linear to give people more leeway if they’re not 100% paying attention to her resources and add a “low resource” warning of some kind that’s both visual and audible.

So basically the top 80% of the bar would constitute only about 65% of her resource making an empty tank actually have more resources left in it than you think it does. Then have an alarm go off when she gets into the bottom 20% (actually bottom 35% of her resources) of her bar. Would prevent people from running out all the time without noticing.

This would require her to spend a LOT more time actively maintaining her resource and would make her a bit more engaging and, IMO, more fun in the long run.

Another idea I had would be to add interaction between her orbs and her spray/beam.

Reduce the CD on her orbs, her M2 damage, and her M1 healing (from 10 seconds to 8, from 50 dps to 40, and from 65+65 to 50+50).

Her heal orb now works like this in addition to everything else it does.
Spraying her healing orb with her M1 causes the orb to NOT consume its healing pool as it heals, and slows the orb down by an additional 25%.

Her damage orb now works like this in addition to everything else it does.
Targeting her damage orb with her M2 (tight beam accuracy, actually not easy to do) prevents the orb from consuming its damage pool as it deals damage, slows the orb down by an additional 25%, and allows her to change and guide the orb’s trajectory. The orb will gradually alter its trajectory to match the direction Moira is facing.

First, it absolutely is, and second you don’t deter highly mobile flankers by being “elusive”. They’re mobile. They can chase you.

You deter highly mobile flankers by being able to kill them.

This isn’t rocket science.

Reducing her M2’s range absolutely would nerf her overall. Even if you buff her passive resource regen she’ll still have to get closer to deal damage and put herself at more risk to do so. She’ll be less able to chase flankers that get to close or go in when they shouldn’t and punish them for making bad decisions.

Range is important. It’s why Soldier:76 was considered better than McCree until McCree got his RoF buffed out the wazoo. He has 50% more effective range and at the time there was really only one barrier tank in the game so you couldn’t stack them like you can since soldier started to suck.

You need to be specific. Say numbers. Don’t just say “reduce her range” and expect people on the other side of the argument to take it as anything but a worst-case scenario.

Seriously. Float numbers. Even if it’s a range of numbers, just to get your point across better.

And makes her more passive in the process.

You do know the difference between passive and active. No?

Reducing it is exactly what was suggested. It is literally what was being suggested.

Reduce her active regen (engaging mechanic) and buff the passive (non-engaging mechanic).

This part isn’t a debate. Either you agree with what I’m saying here, or you don’t understand what a “mechanic” is in the context of what is being suggested. This isn’t an “I win” declaration or an insult. I’m talking about a technical definition here.

We’re talking about “A Theory of Fun for Game Design” or “The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses” level stuff.

She kind-of is though. She holds down M1 and her soft-target gets healed.

She’s a heal-bot in that her primary job is NOT to deal damage. While she does have a damage-buff beam, she is incredibly passive, and her primary role is to keep people alive to the point she actually has the game’s one and only Rez mechanic.

If all you do with Mercy is heal and rez people and only use her M2 when there’s no damage to heal, you’re not that far off from her most effective gameplay patterns.

The only way to make a character more of a heal bot would be to literally make them a turret (nobody suggest a support Bastion. We really don’t need anything like that in OW).

No, but you do back the “reduce her M2 range” suggestion which is highly suspect since it’s exactly what it would do.

this is absolutely false. in double shield she effectively countered doom since being able to escape all of his engages leads to his overall effectiveness being less strong. being able to escape flankers without losing value is her strength vs them. also she cant even effectively chase flankers. if you’re chasing flankers (that arent like gold) as moira you are effectively wasting your time. moira isn’t strong vs flankers simply because she can kill them.

this isn’t necessarily true though. there were 0 numbers given on how much the range reduction would be or how much the resource buffs would be. you’re just assuming that the range nerf would outweigh the resource buff.

this doesn’t even make sense. mccree still has less range than soldier and the rof buff didn’t change that. you are only proving that less range wouldn’t be completely crippling if it were compensated.

its not my idea lmao. tell that to the creator of that reply. you claimed that the change is bad because she loses mechanics or something and you are assuming its a net nerf for some reason even though it doesn’t necessarily need to be.

how would buffing her damage orb make her more passive than she currently is? both her m2 and her orb currently are basically equally passive as their value comes with little input. if anything, reducing her m2 range would make her get more out of being active since she can recharge quicker with m2 and orb. I don’t see what you mean.

they didn’t say to reduce her active regen, you assumed it. all they said was to buff her passive regen. doing so wouldn’t nerf or reduce her active regen whatsoever.

by this logic, ana/lucio/bap are healbots since their primary job isn’t to do damage lmao. her not being an effective damage dealer or her being passive don’t mean that shes a healbot.

not necessarily though. me disagreeing with your claim that it homogenizes her isn’t the same as me entirely agreeing with that dude. I don’t think reducing her range would make her an easy target anyways for reasons previously stated (which you conveniently didn’t reply to).

Ningen nado, toruni taranwa.


I would not be so quick to generalize all flanker players being ok with this. I don’t even play flankers and I think brig’s currently the 2nd worst designed hero in the game.

I think these changes.

Her primary fire does not run out of charge (healing)

Her secondary fire also does not run out of charge (damage)

Her teleporting ability stays the same

Her other ability is she shoot out a beam that can harm and heal (although not nearly as powerful as her ult did)

Her ultimate is she deploys a giant orb in the middle of the battlefield, that does not bounce around, it instead sits their damaging any enemies who come close and healing any allies, until it has damaged / healed 2000 damage, it then vanishes.

her orb already lets her be a fun anti-flanker, if you want any buffs in that regard, you’re more than silly xo

If you nerf Moira u should nerf every high mobile hero like Genji and Tracer in the game.
Moira is one of the supports that keep away from being must pick heroes in the game

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That is true, but Moira doesn’t at all.

I think the jury is out on current Brig, but I think we will find out soon enough.

Okay. You’re trolling then. This level of basic comprehension concerning knock on effects is simply not possible.

Good day.

good luck chasing flankers :slight_smile: :+1:

This is so dramatic lol

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lol no. Those heroes take skills, lots of them in fact.

Tracer and Genji don’t need nerfs unless they can do their job while being braindead.

Well she’s a support first, so there’s that. You spending time trying to be anti-flank means you aren’t healing anyone, so a flanker is already doing their job

Well in Overwatch there is a thing where low skill heroes counter high skill heroes.

Brig - Tracer
Moira - Genji
Winston - Widowmaker

Why? I don’t know. It is what it is. It’s a bit unfair to dedicate your time into learning high skill hero, and all that it takes to make you uselles is enemy repick into your counter, and usually that counter is sooo low skill everyone can play it.
Of course you can outplay your counter, don’t get me wrong, but the amount of skill that it requires is abysmal. That’s how overwatch works, I’m not happy about that but there is a reason for everything i guess.

Moira isn’t a DPS?! Is she? I always thought that any Moira that is DPS’ing is a thrower.