How do you think Moira can be reworked into a more fun anti-flanker?

Her buffed mobility will help her survive and her stronger self heal will more likely annoy the flanker and target someone else!

My idea is to make her the slippery hard to kill support but not very deadly, this way she counters them by preventing the flanker from killing her and because she can still heal faster she can actually peel for whoever’s their trying to harass like ana or zen.

the OP is asking for a more fun anti flanker but her current state now is so oppressive due to her dmg combo of dmg orb and her beam.
She can counter the flanker by making her like a decoy to soak their dmg preventing them from easy kill.

You know that mercy and Lucio are already slippery.

We don’t need another one

but the reason you would want to run her over any other support is her mass heals + fade. having to attack to regain resource doesn’t mean shes not a healbot.

Charging her heal is not hard lol. If you tap dmg beam it charges super fast. Moira has no utility so she’s way more of a healbot than anyone else. Well maybe mercy is more but moira is close.

Im well aware of that

But i cant think of any other solutions yet and if you have some please let the OP know your idea on how to make her fun anti flanker.

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She already is a fun anti flanker.

And come on, this is a Moira hate thread in disguise.

The op immediately likes everything that’s against Moira.


Not according to flankers tho, i think what the OP is trying to say is fun for both? I dunno thats how i get from this thread anyways.

And what is fun for flankers?
Having a free kill/nobody who can fight back.

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its not a hate thread simply because you don’t like the suggestions lmao. google hate.

also this isnt true.

I dont know asked them?

They have been complaining about her dmg and always dps moira and can kill them and her orbs doing rng homing thinggy!

So what i did is to make her mobile and slippery yet her dmg have been nerf allot to become more of a healer akin to lucio.

Your ignorance frightens me ~ Moira

if you’re scared then start running :joy: :-1: :100:

Then I say this:

So clearly I’m not for everything against Moira lol

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It would make her less capable of chasing allowing flankers to escape more reliably. It would make her less of a deterrent to unorganized, solo dives.

It absolutely would make her easier to deal with.

I know. So was I.

She’s far more offensive-oriented than people give her credit for. She’s very far from passive-anything. She actively gains by dealing damage with her M2.

Also, being less able to utilize her M2 would absolutely decrease her survivability since she actively uses it to heal herself. Successful utilization of M2 for self-healing allows her to save her orbs for impactful situations. Nerfing it would directly and negatively impact both her ability to defend herself and her ability to contribute to her team.


I’m not talking about “mechanical aim”. I’m talking about a game mechanic. You know, like how “press A to shoot” is a “game mechanic” Moira has an active resource regeneration mechanic whereby when she deals damage to a target with her M2 she regenerates her healing resource faster.

By moving that regeneration away from the active regen and towards a more passive regen, you are literally–by the terminology of a game developer–partly removing a game mechanic.

MERCY. JFC, you must be trolling.

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Clearly, évolution does not distribute its gifts equally ~ Moira

I mentioned Brig in the op. She’s an anti flanker. She’s fun to play as and as a flanker fun to play against despite being a counter. I just want Moira to be like that…fun for everyone…not just Moira players.

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It absolutely is. It’s what you’re advocating, and obviously what you want. Not just in this thread, but in every other moira thread I’ve seen you post in.


That’s your opinion honey :unicorn::dancer::nail_care:

Oh…I wasn’t even paying attention to the rest of the thread. I guess it’s devolved into toxic ramblings now :frowning: . Oh well…have a nice day anyway. Just trying to make a positive thread where everyone can brainstorm ideas to make the game more fun…I’ll check out now.

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