How do you think Moira can be reworked into a more fun anti-flanker?

elaborate because I don’t get how their idea “homogenizes her”.

I don’t understand what you mean. never did I complain about her fade, I just said that it has range lmao.

I assume because lots of others heroes have some kinda passive hp regen then moira having one is bad or something.

My idea of reworked moira into more fun anti flanker is to give her three fade ability but make her beam deals 30 dps, give her strong self heal, her beam width and length is the same and has faster healing refill.

This way she cant just kill flanker or any none mobile hero easy but have a survivability and good mobility!
she would deter flanker than straight up kill or made their game “unfun” and would prevent dps moiras because of her super low dmg, but because her healing regen is faster and her self heal is stronger she wont be a food to flanker either. And can easily peel for her team due to her mobility and buffed heal refill, making her gameplay more of a healer than a 50/50 heal and dmg.

So all in all more balanced and less “Oppressive anti flanker support”

In my humble opinion anyway!

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I thought they meant buff the passive regen for her resource?

Oh maybe. Still seems like a decent suggestion to me lol

That would make her way stronger… Like way

I also said damage orb?

I was just throwing random ideas. Another one is making her gain some resource back when she goes to noobland using fade.

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How would Moira say… “Stupidity is not a right”.

That sounds really fun actually. Three fades makes her seem like a support version of tracer lol. But extra mobility is always something i like. Especially for a support!

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lucio overwatch is sick :100:

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How exactly?

She is now more of a healer in this iteration than just go dpsing and she cant just harass other none mobile hero because they can actually have a chance to fight back due to her low dmg output!
I was just basing my ideas on how a lot of people here complain that she does too much dmg and can survive on top of it,so nerfing her dps will actually encourage healing more, thats why i buff her healing refill too to prevent doing dmg often.

Her mobility is just for her survival more so, she can have the best mobility in the world but if she cant kill you then she is not gonna be as oppressive like some people here complain about.

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And Genji would say to her: “Hah. Aho ga!”

those changes would probably make her much stronger since she would be able to heal much more and with 3 charges of fade she would be untouchable. the cut to damage is significant but doesn’t matter much overall.

Reduce her range to “balance her” (read: make her easier for flankers to deal with and less able to do her job).

Compensate by “increasing her passive regen”.

This means she becomes more like every other healer that can’t defend themselves effectively due to having a support-oriented kit instead of a damage or survival-oriented kit by removing her mechanics.

By turning her into more of a heal-bot and less of a hero able to make plays and affect the game except through her teammates.

By making her more passive (both through a reduced range and reduced reliance on dealing damage in order to heal) and less active.

By removing her ability mechanics and making her less dependent on player action to do her job, you make her less engaging of a hero and more like the other passive supports like Mercy and Lucio (if he didn’t shoot his gun or boop as much or have wall riding).

It homogenizes her by literally removing the game mechanics that make her interesting to play, diverse as a play-style, and unique in the game.

You want to suggest a change that won’t make her fans’ blood boil?
Double down on what makes her unique and fun to play. Don’t try to remove things.


… Clearly, evolution does not distribute it’s gifts equally ~ Moira

Maybe let her have more cooldown on her fade and have some delay each use so she is not like tracer.

How about not making suggestions that will turn her into food for the roving dps she’s supposed to counter?


the post is about making her more fun to interact with. nerfing her range but buffing her resource gain isn’t going to make her much easier for flankers to deal with since she still has fade and her high healing.

they were talking about her healing resource not her hp.

she already (and always has been) support oriented. their change doesn’t affect her ability to survive at all since fade is unchanged.

what mechanic does their change remove?

this doesn’t really turn her into much more of a healbot but even if it did that wouldn’t homogenize her. she is the only healbot character in the game lmao.

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She is not a healbot…
You know she has to attack in order to heal

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