How do you justify widowmaker still existing in the game?

I seriously hope you get false reported until your account gets perma’d. If you want to abuse the report system, its the only fitting end to your overwatch experience.

storm arrows are even more useless than a regular arrow. You should play hanzo yourself and come back to me and tell me if you can start an engagement in storm arrow mode and still win that fight. Real good hanzo players don’t even rely on storm arrows back when we had the one shot. Heck the only time I ever used it was to dish out quick burst damage on barriers or bait tanks into using their abilities. Ill gladly take storm arrows being removed if we get the one shot back

Widow can survive against a Sombra with a pocket. If you aren’t a duo and have an average support (one who never heals anyone who isn’t directly in front of them and who ignores pings), yeah you should swap as soon as you see the Sombra

you’d think the people they pay money to take this stuff into account would, you know… take this stuff into account.

How do I justify it?

She’s been here from Day 1.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with her.

As for Sombra, easiest way to deal with her is to set your poison mine somewhere where she has to go in order to flank you. Either she’ll be forced to shoot your poison mine, which alerts you to where she is and allows you to get away. Or she runs into it, gets knocked out of stealth and allows you to get away.

I love how they removed Hanzo’s OHK while its exponentially more difficult than Widow’s HS except lucky spam, while Widow keeps hers

Widow can make almost every other non tank hero in the game unplayable due to 1 shot and playing outside most heroes ranges, and people call that fair and balanced.

However the moment widow is made unplayable by a hero, its unfair and needs fixing.

You cant have your cake and eat it too.

The devs seem to have decided that the solution to one hero being super annoying to play against is to create another one that’s just as bad.

Sombra and widow are both bad. Plz fix.

Um… You should win a fight with storm arrow?

They deal 75 damage and you get 5, for a total of 375.

So you need to land 4 body shots, 1 headshot 2 body shots, or 2 headshots.

And since the ROF is 1 per .24 seconds, you can kill somene in less then 1/2 second.

Where with normal arrows you need 3 body or 1 headshot and 1 body, for a minimum of ~2 seconds

Storm arrows are far from useless when it comes to a engagement.

Widow griefs everyone on the other team, sombra only griefs widow. Which is the dumber hero? I hate sombra, but Widow is just as problematic and her existence keeps sombra away from everyone else.

Both heroes are bad for the game. But which is worse?

On paper, landing all those shots back to back sounds good. In actual practice? It never happens. Even arrge, arguably the best hanzo in this game doesn’t land every single shot. Thats because we can all move and strafe instantly with no slowdown, we can crouch spam instantly without any slowdown to movement and can even spam jump without penalty, not to mention we can even adjust where we go while in the air. Its nearly impossible to predict exactly where everyone is going to go all the time. So no, it doesn’t happen, my argument still stands. Actually play the hero for a few days and then come back and tell me how good storm arrows are.

You argument of “people miss” still does not make primary fire better then storm arrow?

If you miss storm arrows, you also are gonna miss primary fire arrows.

You saying

Is like saying Torbs overload is worse then his primary fire.

Storms arrows are a temporary boost to DPS, its very nature is to be better. Thats why storm arrow and torbs overload are limited by ammo/time limit because they are just a temporary boost to power.

You don’t justify it.

You just let the Widow defenders lie to you repeatedly and make you feel like you’re the problem instead so that they can play the game they want at the expense of everyone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t get a boost, you get a quick burst of damage. You can actually kill someone faster using a regular arrow than a storm arrow. You can literally land one headshot and follow it up with a quick arrow or melee for a kill. Back then, hanzo could simply one shot you. Storm arrow is a trash ability and I have never ever relied on it unless its to deal with a tank and I need to unleash thy load. Hanzo could get another ability and it would be better than storm arrows, hands down. In the current state of storm arrows, they are straight up trash. All you gotta do is play the hero, hanzo is currently the worst dps in the game alongside symmetra.

Um… Did you mean to say that?

A quick burst of damage is a boost to DPS?

It takes a minimum of 2 shots to kill a 250 health target with primary fire.

~.7 seconds draw time + .5 seconds recovery + .7 seconds draw time = ~1.9 seconds to fire 2 arrow

Storm arrow fires 1 shot every .24 seconds, and has 5 shots max. 5 shots x .24 seconds = 1.2 seconds to fire all storm arrows.

It takes max 4 body shots with storm arrow so 4x.24= 0.96 seconds and minimum 2 headshots 2x.24=0.48 seconds

So the minimum time to kill with pirimary fire is 1.9 seconds while the max time to kill with storm is .96 seconds while the minimum is .48 seconds

Like this is not up for debate these are the actual numbers, this is just math.

(edit, you can do a short draw for the second arrow making the minimum for primary ~1.3 ish seconds)

Know what? Ok bro, stick to your math. Ill stick to my common sense. Believe whatever you want through your sheet of paper. I’ll be the one actually playing the game. I could bring up any number on any hero you play and say they are totally fine because of the numbers but everyone that plays the game can tell you those numbers aren’t accurate. So lets agree to disagree, have a great day.

Im not saying its fine or balanced or op or anything, just saying your statement of “Primary kills faster” is wrong, Also the Numbers are accurate, storm arrow will deal 75 damage and fire at .24 seconds for everyone, It takes ~.7 seconds to charge the bow and there is a .5 second recovery time, the arrows dont just randomly change damage or ROF from game to game.

My goal is to correct miss information, you claimed Primary kills faster then storm, but it does not.

Because she’s a DPS hero, so she gets a pass. Even though long range hitscan like widow is the primarily reason why tanks like JQ is unplayable on maps like havana. But nope, we conveniently ignore that and blame it all on ana.

Pharah literally counters reinhardt too, who he can’t interact with, but the forums just tell them to swap to You can do the same against ana, but nope, we also conviniently ignore that.