How do you feel about Overwatch currently?

EU has also seen an incredible drop. I’m in the most populated skill bracket and even I’m seeing the same people recurring more than I should.

Also this, the lore is excruciatingly slow for a game that also used it as a selling point.


Mostly great. I think the game is fun, my only desires are…

  • Heroes to be released more frequently (keep their kits unique and don’t just create a series of alternate barrier tanks)
  • More lore. I appreciated the Bastet story. I would rather comics/animations but of course I would still be happy if they just expanded upon these heroes. In between these events, having a weekly “Lore drop” on a particular hero alongside updates would do wonders for me. Tell us why we should care enough to buy dat merch!
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What? No way. Game is in it’s niche and pretty popular right now. Even in Russia. Local community still exists and progress, expands.

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I feel that the game is slowly getting better. Yeah… A bit too slowly

The game is very alive in central europe. Queue times are pretty low, mostly under 1 minute (at least in QP and Arcade. I haven’t played comp since season 5 xd)

People have become much less toxic and suprisingly I get a lot of games with people on voicechat… In quickplay!

Most of the game changes seem reasonable for me, and im actually starting to get a bit hyped with upcoming balance patches again, so thats a really good thing for me.

If only we could get a bit more lore and stuff like the recent Bastet challenge. It would be great.

Overall: Im slowly starting to enjoy the game a lot more than 1 year ago

Balancing team is just awfull bad, events got boring a while ago… still having fun, but always have enough after playing 2-3 matches…

I’ve pretty much given up all hope of the game ever being truly good again and I’m honestly kinda past caring.

Blizzard just aren’t putting the resources in and seem utterly tone-deaf towards the community’s concerns and the balance team just keeps on stubbornly digging the hole deeper and deeper. Short of a miracle, things are only going downhill from here.


I want OW classic, good old season 3 Overwatch.


They have no vision. Instead of trying to set a trend or chart a new path, everything is reactionary. Solutions are far too slow to work and often do not even address the problem.


Game is ok for the most part. Some balance stuff as always. I am more worried about Blizzard itself now. Its seemingly coming apart.

The dev team starts things and just leavs them to rot away if it isn’t regarding “balance”. How long does it take for them to finally upgrade custom games? I shick and tired of maps being locked for certain modes and those stupidly rigid rules that don’t allow for nearly every basic mini game without AFK warnings.

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Hero balance: 1/10

My friends still scratch their heads and look at me akwardly coz they knew i still have OW as my list of current games! Yes sometimes im embarrased to say overwatch in 2019 becasue almost everyone here forgots about it like i should move on.

You could literally ask someone if they still play the game and most of the answer i get it, “yes two years ago when it was fun”.
Like “dude there are tons of new and fun games, forget that game its so 2016”.


I mainly play quickplay. Matchmaking could be better, and games are frequently ruined by widowmakers and hanzos who I have no clue as to what they are doing in my crappy elo.
But, it’s still a great game.
If they ever make a good PvE title with this gameplay and characters, and it’s not a corrupted “live service” rip-off deal, I’d probably play that more, though.

I’m with you, I am extremely sick of what little story we get being essentially teasers without any conclusion; but isn’t this question in particular already known? Overwatch’s black ops department got outed, investigated, and persecuted for all the shady stuff they did, all this at a time when public opinion of the organization was already bad. Reyes was always jealous of Morrison, and now he was angry, bitter, and lost everything to boot. All we don’t know is the exact particulars of his argument with Morrison, and the explosion at HQ, but it isn’t hard to imagine.

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I think Ashe, Torb and Sym ruin the game. There shouldn’t be autonomous weapons (yes, Bob counts).

This game needs some new content.

The events have been recycling game mode for almost a year, the map releases have been behind schedule and this game desperately needs a new mode for a Comp/QP.

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Uninstalled a few days ago and removed battle net, first time ever doing it, matchmaking hasn’t been touched since I started playing in season 3, it’s a disaster of a system imo, and they don’t disclose any information about it.

Balance changes… Well, I have been annoyed at balance ever since Mercy was turned into an unstoppable god with the introduction of valk 1.0, and Road was gutted. I started losing hope for the balance team when they did this, they left her in this state for 2 MONTHS, god who thought that was okay? I also got annoyed when they turned Dva into a dps, before she had her micro missiles, she had a long defence matrix, and she was pretty much a main tank and it was so much better… Never liked that change and still don’t

My opinion of the game has just gradually lowered from that point on. I can’t be bothered anymore.

People say the community is toxic, that’s because the game triggers that kind of behaviour, it’s frustrating and it’s a core problem with the game. Yes people can be ****'s, but when I play this game I get angry too, and I’ve always been the most passive person and have never gotten mad at any game… But I’ve gotten very angry in Overwatch.

This game has so many problems, sick of waiting around for Blizzard to fix them, only to mess something else up even further…


I think this game got what I call the “Reddit touch of death”. It’s true of blizzard forums too, but when the people who actually spent years balancing the game, the devs, listen to people who are angry because they lost some SR, the game falls apart. Players are given too much credit for their knowledge of the game.

  • Balancing is fine-ish
    - There are heroes like Bastion (who is F tier since the launch) that need attention,also I don’t feel like Reaper is being taken in the right direction.But there were times where balacing was way worse…

  • Events are just recycled mess
    - The skins themselves are high-quality as always,however no new gamemodes makes events boring AS HELL

  • Lore is coming way too slowly (hopefully they release more short stories like ,Bastet’'

  • Loving the mini-events,however I don’t like how the stream drops are being handled.


i love the game but hate the playerbase. they can whine and cry about a character that doesnt need nerfs, which will eventually get the character nerfed.

The game for me is in an Ok spot. Not too bad, but not great.
I am still playing the game daily, and I still have fun playing it.

The only thing I don’t like is the balancing. There are dumb things stem from the heroes balancing, for example, the amount of bad DPS players (have to make this clear) switch to Junkrat despite being pwned by Widowmaker, or stubborn healers who either feed or save and somehow wasted ult (most of them play Ana).

However, despite the bad balancing, Blizzard is still better than Valve.
And there aren’t that much cheaters in Overwatch too.