How do we feel about a Widowmaker rework?

I know what contention means.

I already knew that google would give several different definitions and of course you could pick the least suitable definition.

You come across as very standoffish.

The difference is one agreed with you and the other didn’t.

You’re shutting down all opinions.

His opinion that one shots are not an issue is an opinion you are shutting down.

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Ana is, or at least was, a sniper. you can hear it in some voice lines, in a comic Ana had a sniper duel with Amelie, and her weapon can also be clearly identified as a sniper. Her sniper in the game is equipped with syringes instead of bullets and she is not an assassin like Widow, so Ana does not need any oneshots. Widow as a sniper and assassin.


My point is that saying “its a sniper, therefore it should 1 shot” isnt true. Ana is literally a sniper, its her backstory and she snipes stuff in game.

I mean, even widow cant 1 shot Reinhardt, so the logic is flawed there too.

My hope is that she could become more of an oppressor rather than just straight up doming people and sending them back to spawn. For example, maybe through the use of damage over time attacks and her long-range she can take people out of a fight for some time, without “always” just killing them. Maybe she can make it so that her next couple of shots deal DOT that can’t be cancelled. So said person would have to hide so that they’re not constantly losing health while trying to fight. Idk, I’m still mixing a bunch of ideas in my head rn

heated disagreement is apparently the least suitable definition. Not only is it the most suitable definition given the context of the situatuion, but it’s also the very first definition that pops up. Dude… just stop please.

Its “so fragile” that you havent been able to refute it yet mate, you are just running around with different variations of “No, you” here.

You making a claim without zero proof is worth nothing.
Overwatch IS a tactical shooter, it is a Team, Objective based, tactical shooter. One of the most complex there is. It is done and marketed with cool heroes and cinematics so it appeals to the general public but dont be mistaken dude, it is FAR from being casual.

Again, casual means: “Easy to learn, easy to understand and get into and easy to play”.
Overwatch is NONE of those things.

Also the TTK is way higher in OW, so just because there are OHK as an exception (most of the heroes cant) that is not a valid reason to rework Widow. Specially if you are going to leave Hanzo as it is for example.

You have shown you lack basic understanding of the game so you are in no position to call names to anyone, specially regards knowledge (like you called me ignorant). Instead of getting triggered, give a VALID reason (so far you have given none) why Widow specifically (not all OHK) should be reworked.

You nitpicked my first comment, adding only “feelings” and “thoughts” and no valid reasons, acting like you dont need to refute mine (which are based on logic) and still run around acting superior/condescending.

Again, projecting is not going to help you here mate.

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Uh, probably not. Her whole identity is centered around her one-shot. It’s the reason she’s played. Removing that, even with heavy compensation buffs would make her significantly worse, and completely alter her as a hero.


I was thinking something similar. If you’re removing one-shot, it’d be weird to do it for only one hero. Might as well wipe out one-shots across the board, even though we shouldn’t. I can hypothesize that sustain meta would become a little more prominent, since there’s nothing to burst a target to death.


But she is an assassin and her task is to eliminate a target as quickly as possible with one shot to maximum distance. Simply stunning a target or using poison to kill it over time does not work. In particular, as long as she is abused by Talon as a weapon. If she switched to Overwatch, tranquilizer shots might make sense. But then we still have Ana in the game with her sleepdarts, who basically already fills this role.


Yeah then next they will complain about killing combos that happen under 0.5 and the cycle of complains goes again.
Nah, doubt the devs will do anything about it. HS multiplier should go though.


Which would make sustain way too strong and result in damage creep/healing nerfs. It would just be a domino effect the cycles back where we started.

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That’s not the game.

As far as lore goes, Bastion WAS a mindless killing machine who didn’t care about nature but things change.

The Ana in game is now focused on healing and has something that only looks like a sniper rifle but is in fact a dart gun shooting darts that either heal or poison.

The developers use loose casual language like “she’s a sniper AND a healer” like how they said Ashe had “a semi-automatic rifle” and other obviously wrong things because they use purposefully loose language that people know is loose but use bad faith arguments treating every comment they make as if it’s carefully worded rules in a rulebook.

When a devs said “Moira’s name is spelled O P A F” are you going to take that statement literally?

That’s wrong.

Snipers have to one-shot, “one shot, one kill” not “one shot, kinda wound them so they can run away”.

it’s vital for game balance as Widow is NOT a support that heals like Ana.

Widow becomes total trash if she consistently cannot score an elimination with one shot due to the nature of long range combat it is so easy to duck back into cover.

Just because in the comics she was, in the game she has something that is clearly a dart gun not a sniper rifle because it shoots darts… not supersonic lead cored bullets.

Get beyond the superficial.

Of course.

You picked the one with the most wishy washy vague meaning other than the obvious (disagreement).

You apparently have no idea what makes a tactical shooter (slow, methodical gameplay, usually has severe recoil control and very low ttk, I’m sure there’s more to it than that as well).

Also, I believe my logic for what I’ve been trying to say to you is that Overwatch is not a tactical shooter. It’s a hero shooter. And because of that, heroes like Widowmaker who are able to kill people just as quickly as people are killed in tactical shooter games, makes her annoying.

I see your point from a lore point of view, it just doesn’t work for me in-game. Regardless, it’s not too likely that any rework I come up with will be implemented. So no worries there.

Again, bruv look up contention on google. It is quite literally the FIRST definition that comes up. And even if it wasn’t context clues should be more than enough to let you know what I meant. Just stop m8. I don’t even know what other definition you had in mind for that word at the time.

No its not. Snipers dont always 1 shot in games (i.e. Ana), so your definition is flawed.

Ana is instant hit hitscan when she’s using her sniper scope.

Removing her low investment 1 shot wont make her trash if she gets a rework - for example, what if she needs to use an ability to ENABLE 1 shots, instead of it being every time she left clicks?

She goes against everything that the game is about, which is team work. Not only does she betray the game’s design philosophy by playing by herself, she’s also incredibly obnoxious to play against. She also has a ridiculously high skill ceiling which makes her unplayable for the majority of the ranks.

I’d be down for a rework. Not for selfish reasons, but hopefully to make her more team-oriented and more fun to play.


I think it would be welcome, as long as it preserves the nature of “sniper” even if it is not “a shot”

it has a very high downtime and travels from non-existent to super-oppressive very fast.

don’t get me wrong, I love the widow, but she needs to have more direct participation in the battles.

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What is it now? I don’t really like spread as a mechanic, I would prefer recoil myself.

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3.00 degrees with 13 damage and a 20-40 meter fall-off with a 0.1 fire-rate. 3.00 degrees seems like too much to me and 13 damage is just barely too weak.

Now you are just running around arguing semantics to the only thing you can “semi” respond to. Words have meaning pal and anything that requires strategies, team effort, timing and using resources properly IS a tactical game. Dont make up things and add slow and recoil for no reason at all.

You know whats not a tactical game? Fortnite. Games where “Just survive” is the main objective. Also “hero shooter” is a vague generic term to shooters that have characters with abilities or “super powers”, it means nothing. A Tactical shooter can have heroes or not, they are NOT exclusive.

Again, you are exposing yourself over and over since this sentence is basically a different form of “I dont like getting 1 tapped” … which is not a valid reason to nerf Widowmaker and leave Hanzo alone for example.

One shots in this game are not as effective (again, you respawn) nor are easy “just click heads lul” or can decimate an entire team (realistically of course) in 2-3 seconds so yeah, oneshots are NOT a problem in OW.

Again, debunked.

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You don’t just pick a definition because it arbitrarily is at the top of a list.

What the word means in how you said it and what you now want it to mean to change what you said are not necessarily the same thing.

Yes you do.

This is circular logic.

You say something that is not a sniper rifle IS a sniper rifle to prove that snipers as a class shouldn’t one-hit-kill.

By this absurd reasoning you could argue that support heroes shouldn’t heal by saying that Symmetra is a support hero (she isn’t) and BOOM, the absurd rational to remove Mercy’s healing.

Obviously you should increase the investment rather than remove the payoff.

Yeah, on a 2-3 second cooldown.

Anything like a 6-10 second cooldown is just a cowardly way of deleting the hero. It’s blatantly designed to cripple the hero.

She perfectly synergises with what the game is all about, which is teamwork.

Not only does she perfectly complement the game’s design philosophy by filling a distinct role, she is interesting to play against.

She has a moderate skill ceiling which is accessible for all ranks if you try to learn the idiosyncrasies of the hero.

I’d be against a major rework as it would only be catering to the ignorant who don’t understand the hero. It would be for entirely selfish reason as players don’t want a hero who is different from the heroes they are familiar with.

Widow is very team oriented and all these reworks are designed to make her less fun to play in a transparent attempt to remove her as a factor from the game.


13 dmg are not bad in themselves. Headshots make 26 dmg. means a magazine has a potential dmg of 455 - 910 within 3.5 seconds, which is absolutely sufficient for a secondary. The problem is the spread. 3.0° is the second largest spread after tracer 3.6°. I find it astounding how Sombras MP only has 2.4 ° spread, although she only holds the MP with one hand, which is not good for the accuracy, but Widow holds Widowkiss with two hands and should therefore be more precise than a one-handed MP which has twice the rate of fire.

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