How do we feel about a Widowmaker rework?

I love playing widow and I enjoy how she is now. I think she’s a great hero for when you really want to express your skill. If anything I would like her smg buffed a bit but no changes to primary fire.


Absolutley agree - the less low investment 1 shots in this game, the better :slight_smile:


She doesn’t really need a full blown rework but I think her headshot multiplier should be removed, and she should get other buffs in return.

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How about reworks for characters that need them first, like bastion


So you have nothing besides “I dont like getting one tapped” got it. Thanks for proving my point.

Also if you think OW is casual mate, I think you are playing in a different universe … because its one of the most complex FPS there are in the market and if it was “casual” it would be easy to understand and see on the get go.

Try putting an OW stream to someone that doesnt play videogames or played FPS like CS or Quake only. Good luck :rofl:

Reduction to absurd is a fallacy pal, you shouldnt use it. Premises are not conclusions, but the previous context of something.

There are plenty of posts asking to delete Genji, whats your point here?
Also quite weird that you ask me to read entire threads, when you are not even reading and understanding ONE sentence in my post that proves why One Shots are not an issue.

As to your reason:

  • When there is a skill gap, almost anything can be oppressive. Not a valid reason.
  • Yes you can learn and respond to them. Your team can do it meanwhile you respawn and you can switch to heroes equipped to deal with that
  • They have counterplay, you can bait shots with shields and get a response in return.
  • Hitscans with brutal long sightlines are not prevalent in the game, they are in fact the exception and you should be aware of those.

There is a hero that disables abilities pretty easy with a TELEPORT and INVISIBILITY that can be used permanently … but your issue is basically “I dont like getting 1 tapped”.


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Haven’t thought up one for him yet, but I plan to. Gonna need ideas for that too.

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14-15 DMG SMG with 2.4° spread is really all it needs. Helps it be more consistent and less unruly.

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Then she wouldn’t be a sniper any more.

You can make the “one shot kill” harder to get, make easier to counter and so on but you cannot categorically remove it.

For example having her charge reset to 0% on taking damage gives a viable counter for most non-tanks who are insta-killed by a headshot, requiring she actually be stealthy as a sniper should be.

Other games counter snipers with flinch or something like that. Flinch on being shot doesn’t seem to be OW’s style but cancelling an ability upon taking damage is a precedent with Sombra’s hack.

1 shots dont make someone a sniper though?

  • Hanzo 1 shots
  • Ana is a sniper and cannot 1 shot.

Aren’t you just doing what you told me not to do earlier? You’re glossing over everything I wrote and found ONE sentence that you take out of context, just to prove your fragile point.

Go ahead, put the time-to-kill that’s in any of those games in Overwatch on a MUCH broader scale and see if the community likes it. In fact the reason so many people hate widow is debatably because she take the time-to-kill that’s in those^ games and gives it to herself and her one-shots. And just to be clear the argument: “I don’t like getting one tapped,” is a very plausible one when it’s being repeated on a wide scale throughout the entire community. But I’m not even stopping there, I’m giving you sound reason on why it should be listened to. But please, continue being ignorant. I’ll know when to stop.


I made a post a while back with a Widow rework that made is so she relied on using a heavily upgraded version of her venom mines or her ult for her primary to one-shot. She’d have more synergy between her abilities, a better spread on her power budget, more consistent damage, a higher skill floor, and keep her thematically similar while giving other players a chance to react before they were instagibbed from across the map. I’d love to see how this version of Widow would play out in actual gameplay.

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Bastion always gets ignored.

That’s going to REALLY hurt characters that depend on not being crit.

Like Bastion.

Also 150 damage isn’t an option as that eliminated Tracer.

I never said ONLY snipers can one-shot, I said all snipers MUST one-shot.

It’s the difference between “all cats are mammals” and “all mammals are cats”.

Non snipers may or may not have some form of one-shot… but a sniper MUST have a one-shot capability.

Ana is not a sniper just because she has a scope.

That isn’t what makes you a sniper, the greatest sniper of all time, Simo Hayha famously used iron sights.

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Ana is quite literally a Sniper. Canonically and in-game. That’s indisputable.

P.S. - Leave it to the forums to take a simple post and just take it A-wol. I swear some people come on here just to argue.



Look at me, disputing it.

It’s called a “discussion forum”.

Discussion that only includes agreement is an echo chamber.

Read the Title and the original post, and tell me that things didn’t get out of hand because someone had to say more than needed to be said.

Perfect example of someone who had an opinion and didn’t take it too far.

A perfect example of someone looking for contentions on such a simple post.

Yeah, the title, says How do we feel about a Widowmaker rework.

Things did not get out of hand and no one said any more than needed to be said.

Thanks for singling out this comment so I could like it.

How ARROGANT of you to presume no one can even mention the idea that one shot be permitted in any form in any game.

You made a contention.

Every single post you have made here is a contention.

A contention is just a statement of fact or belief as part of a discussion.

You’re just using pejorative language to elevate yourself above others

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To give Widow a rework that makes it impossible for her to oneshot would kill her character.
Ashe would always be the better choice, since Widow is only chosen because of the oneshot because Ashe can do everything else better.
Ashe has more HP, a team fight winning ult, is flexible, not easy prey, even in close combat etc.
It would also generally question her existence. a sniper assassin who has the task in the lore of eliminating a target with one shot, but this is not possible in the game.

Widow must be able to oneshot or she would come to Oblivion.
She is and must remain a sniper, that is her destiny and her lore. And the determination of a sniper is to take out a target with one shot as far as possible. (fun fact: the world record of a confirmed one shot kill is 3540 meters. Widows 76 m are therefore absolutely laughable and still incredibly pointless and stupid).
I don’t see how you can rework Widow without destroying her and preserving her core.


I would prefer 200HP and no falloff instead of an SMG buff.

Bruv, type in contention in google and tell me what comes up as a definition. Also, when Hyphen says what he said as a FACT instead of his own OPINION, it comes across as very standoffish. For example:

Compared to…

One was put across in a suggestive way, while the other was put across in a way to shut down all other opinions. It sows contentions. Yes, contentions, the word you should be looking up.