How did Rialto ever make it past playtesting

Eh depends on the hero. It’s super open with tons of high ground and flanks. It makes any short ranged hero feel very exposed and the fact you have to stick near the payload on attack makes it so your very exposed.

There are long stretches of the street where you can’t do anything but get shot at while pushing the payload on attack. I kind of feel the map would of been way better as a 2cp map, that way you could approach the points form multiple flanks without being stuck to follow the payload route.

If you guys want to keep change maps, please change Anubis… That’s the worst map to play.

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You know you can go around on attack and flank the enemy right? Most people choose not to.

rialto is on of my favorites

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten spawn camped on first point rialto but uh, I’ve definitely held that point quite aggressively when on defense. This might be because I love playing pharah and she’s honestly so good on that point. Not even just for the boops, she has so much cover that she can take while in the air and rooftops she can fly over. Even if you’re not gonna play pharah and fly over the rooftops I think making use of the right and left paths out of spawn to flank is super important. My positioning as Pharah usually does cover the (attacker’s) right side but it doesn’t cover the left very well at all, and if right side was pushed with more than one person the attackers could probably take me out, I’m often the only member of my team with sightlines of that approach.

I’m surprised at how uneven that figure is though, and I guess it’s good that we’ll see some kind of changes to the map to try to balance it out. They probably didn’t want to do it too fast while players were still figuring out how they were gonna play the map.

“It’s 12 parsecs if you round down” -Han Solo

I personally love Rialto the way it is.

Definitely not anywhere near one of my most hated maps.

I will echo though like others have said, we should really have an arcade mode where it’s a specific map daily and that’s it. Would really give Blizzard results as to what people like to play too.

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If it’s comp, both side have a chance on attack so the percent is irrelevant. They both have to deal with the map as it is.

That being said rialto is actually one of the better maps in the game. The only minor thing I have is the first point is more slanted for defense, but even then it’s not a huge deal. Maybe move the spawn point for defense back a bit so they aren’t basically 10 feet away when they spawn. It’s literally just over the bridge and yer back in defense position.

I would rather they just moved the capture point to be closer to the fountain or whatever it is. I cannot recall honestly. That way, you can cross the bridge easier as they are already spawning further away. It would probably bring it closer to a 50/50.

If the attacking team can’t get past that first bridge that’s basically their fault considering there are two flanking paths. My point was that the defense side basically spawns right next to the point making the last third really hard for the attacking team. Think about where the defense spawns for first point defense on a map like Dorado then compare it to Rialto.

Again, that aside it’s still one of the better maps in the game.

Most of the added maps are horrible. I dislike Horizon, Blizzard world, Rialto, Oasis, and sometimes Junkertown. They just can’t do maps.

The last third? I am not really recalling a bridge. I do not know, most maps end with a spawn that is right by the “point.” I never really considered Rialto’s to be particularly egregious relative to the rest. Wait first point Dorado? I am definitely lost on what you are talking about.

I guess my point is that just minor adjustments are all we need because the map is not terrible in my opinion.

You do know there are 2 flank routes out of spawn right? You could even get behind the enemy team and boop THEM into the drink.

My point is my only real complaint is first point defense spawns really close to the point. Literally all they have to do is run across that bridge and they are back on defense. I used Dorado as a comparison. For first point defense on Dorado you basically have to run across half the map to get back to a defensible position.

i quite like rialto myself, i think its a good map

Hi Jeff, How have you been? It’s been a long time since you have posted anything on the forums. We miss you and your developer videos. Welcome back friend!

Even Hammond is great when coming out of spawn right out the gate. Plenty of hook spots to knock enemies back.

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Someone like doomfist works really well on this map because of the several flanks and he is close range. Rialto is my 2nd fav map (impossible to replace Kings Row), personally the only thing i would like to see changed about the map is make the bridge on the start bigger so there is more room to walk and environmental kills dont happen so often.

…and that’s a bad thing?

Rialto is the best map. It’s a FPS map. Beautiful.

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