How can we make Mercy take skill?

you dont NEED superjump, even though its a useful tool sometimes, but you need to have insane awareness of everyones position.

Thing mercy must be immortal to be good. Mercy dying is like the worst thing. Your value is dying as little as possible, because your main thing is stabiizing fights with rez and valk

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You already play hide n seek as her.

They are akready lock on. You can even toggle beam connections via options -> controls -> mercy (instead of pressing the mouse button).

Instant weapon switch. Youā€™ll be able to play Battle Mercy outside Valkyrie.

This was literally the best definition I have ever read. Too bad some people will never understand it.

A bit higher cool down on her E Ability + A nerf to her Damage Boost + HPS back to 60 as compensation and sheā€™ll be fine IMO.

You think Mercy is boring? F8F5WJ at 4:35-4:40 you could not pull off that mechanical skill. In fact if you watch this rather casual QP game you will notice a lot of mechanical skill:

  • Quick snapping and managing of heals vs damage boost while flying around. This is not easy.

  • Super jump mechanics beyond what you could ever hope to do.

Super jump is not a bug since it is her basic bunny hop mechanic at its core. Its confirmed by blizzard in an official support ticket to be acceptable for use, is used in OWL and even show-cased. The devs have confirmed it not going anywhere and we know its in OW2.

Finally, raw mechanics (inputs and frame perfect timing like in many other mechanically skilled games) can be demonstrated here (you will not be able to do this challenge guaranteed):

you can always set your GA and beam sensitivity to zero if you want to use mechanical skill while playing mercy (ļ½”ā—•ā€æā€æā—•ļ½”)

There are so many huge projectiles in this gameā€¦ I rly doubt that. Isnā€™t it the smallest alongside shuriken?

Iā€™m first and foremost a tank player, but sometimes I play other roles and when I go Support, I always pick the ones who are considered more mechanically demanding - Bap, Lucio and Ana are my favorites. I DONā€™T have the awareness to play a good Mercy at all. You need insane gamesense and timing to get value out of her kit, even though it isnā€™t mechanically demanding and I just donā€™t have the capacity to read the game that well and quickly to play her.

375 hours in and Iā€™m still not at GM mercy level or close to.

I daresay she takes a lot of skill and dedication in order to play well. =)

I think mercy is the micromanaging queen. Which is a skill in itself.

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IK your bouncypaw, but is this a troll post or not?

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pretty sure jeff said hanzoā€™s has one of the smallest projectiles in the game actually

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Iā€¦ am soo tired of hearing ā€œbut he has the smallest projectileā€

Iā€™m sick of seeing this easy hero/hard hero bull

Iā€™m sorry Genji & Tracer main but every one of you i see all you do is spam & miss a crap ton of your shots & have easy out so how about we change things up for you we take away some of your movement abilities & see where that aim skill gets you

Mercy need changes to her rez & damage boost gone with something more dynamic to replace it imo

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Dying less times than the resses you can pull off is an actual skillset and Iā€™m tired of people pretending itā€™s not.

Dual beams (only on different targets, canā€™t use both on the same target) with less strength when using both. Full strength when using ult, the beam used as the secondary stays single target.

okay and? like itā€™s the literal fact idk why youā€™re ā€œtiredā€ of hearing the truth sis
all iā€™m saying is that he does in fact have small projectiles, so when that person said:

they were completely wrong.

Ironic how you quoted one of the wrong developer quotesā€¦ you are completely wrong.

Sounds like a great way to kill mercy for more headache when it comes to actually micromanaging heals on people.

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i couldā€™ve sworn that hanzoā€™s projectile size was incredibly small, do you have the correct source then?

this isnā€™t really a hill i wanna die on so i have no problem being corrected here