How can we make Mercy take skill?

Such a boring lifeless hero, stand behind a wall holding right click on your DPS.
How can we make her take more skill? The most rewarding thing she has is either the bug jump or using ult to kill people with her gun that shoots bullets the size of pulse bombs. Neither are very skillful.


She takes skill. Just not mechanical skill. And she is quite easily punished in higher ranks.

Basically, she’s fine how she is. She comes and goes with the meta.


Maybe there should still be easy heroes since some of the players have disabilities and are limited on who they can play.


Sounds like somebody got tilted by a Mercy…


Lock on beams
3x bigger projectiles than Hanzo (who has second biggest projectile in the game…) and also do a lot of damage
GA on 2 seconds which allow for generous room of mistakes
Rez on a reasonably small cast time for what it offers (undo enemies’ kills)
Oppressive dmg boost…

I believe she needs more mechanical skill. Brig for example needs mechanical skill in positioning, managing armor packs and whipshoting. But Mercy requires only to who to give the beam and that’s it…

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no changes needed, as it already takes some skill to fully and optimally make use of her abilities

although the above is stated as if it were fact, it is an opinion – one that many players do not share, myself included

Mercy can be played as described above - but it isnt the ONLY way she cn be played and imo is highly suboptimal

that said, the statement implies this is how all Mercy’s are played…and that isn’t the case at all

not at all

both using superjump and good aim involve skill


chile they do 20 damage per shot…


She already does take skill.


Posts like these are why people call you a troll.


Make her more like Medic in TF2.

Medic was incredibly hard to play for having a similar kit.

But medic was also the first ult based anything really, when you died, ult was back too… 0… that wouldn’t work in OW cause of snowballing. But medic had no mobility, a shorter beam, the beam had to be on a hero for 4 secs to get full healing, lost uber on death, LoS was 0.5 secs not 2, arcing secondary fire.

Oh the medic life… everyone loved you. (okay the heavy’s loved you)

Because I agree with OP and confirm what are the problems with her current kit?

No, because you say stuff like Hanzo has the biggest projectiles in the game and talk about how mercy doesn’t require skill and is oppressive.


Mercy is far more gamesense than mechanical. But that IS a skill. Decision making and gamesense is actually really important.


the dmg boost is oppressive, in the way that it requires no cooldown and no consumption and some dps even got nerfed just because of how strong it is on them(when dmg boost itself was the problem), NOT mercy herself is oppressive
she requires some sort of skill but its very little mechanical stuff and she should require more skill for the current value she offers

Literally. Also if we’re talking all projectile sizes Mercy is in joint 5th with


Not that I think Mercy is too strong, but I do sort of like the idea of a split resource between damage boosting and healing. It’s an idea to toy with, but isn’t by any means me saying it needs done

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I am sure if “FragsByTheFoot” can get to mid gold with his damned feet, other disabilities pale in comparison. (guy is amazing btw)

If you baby people they become accustomed to it, it’s like wheelchair ramps, can people access the place? yes? but you don’t hold it for them as they pee or they expect it every time, no that is on them to figure out.

Like what disability requires Mercy? Stupid argument for people with no real point.

Okay let’s break down your post, I’ll try to word it so that you can understand.

Data shows that it’s the 2nd smallest projectile in the game.

20 damage and I can probably order something from KFC driveway and receive it before she can swap to her weapon and actually use it.

Your teammates’ positioning has to be good so you have to decide what teammate is the safest to fly to.

The only hero people complain about with damage boost is ashe, and she’s better now without a mercy pocket by the way.



If you looking for suggestion I got some:

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except that she is very strong in higher ranks because of the strength of heroes she synergizes with and she doesnt need to develop a skill that is massively important in this game that is also required in the survival in her direct peers which allows for her players to divert a lot of her attention else where, heroes that can do this without having a hard counter often thrive in higher ranks. i for one dont think shes a problematic hero whatsoever but watching her beam clip through walls or while she hides around the corner while healing or damage boosting someone and being able to fly 40 meters every 2 seconds does not make her easy to punish. the only heroes that are strong against her are hitscan who are the same heroes that get the most benefit from her. hence why shes been in a really good spot for the last year.