The Mercy Challenge: Test your Mercy Mechanics

“Mercy is an easy hero” - Some GM dps players
“Requires no mechanical skill…” - Some other dps players
“So boring to play!” - Famous OW streamers

Well then…

The Mercy Challenge:

Mercy’s bunny hop mechanic is a fantastic tool that allows her, combined with the GA prefers beam target setting, to perform some strange and highly technical jumps.

The Mercy Challenge is simple. In one continuous shot you have to perform:

  • Super jump backwards while the beam is connected into the air.
  • 3 Backwards chain jumps without reaching the ground (intermediate jumps while still being airborne is okay, like the one in the video).
  • Corner jump after the chain jumps like in the video.
  • Lastly chain jump from the top without touching the ground.
  • No HUD since who needs it, this is raw mechanical timing.

Recommendation: less than 100ms ping but 200ms is still possible.

Please post your attempts below.


That was pretty good. I’d say the vast majority of Mercy players couldn’t do that. And I’m confident that anybody who doesn’t play her couldn’t do it. Doing it in a fight is tougher, of course (since you don’t always know where your team is moving when you aren’t looking at them), but having a good enough grasp on the mechanics to pull it off in practice is step 1 and that’s pretty tough even on its own.


No one has said this since 2018. Mercy is incredibly hard to get value out of.


I definitely couldn’t pull that off consistently and I’d like to think I’m decently good at GA tech

Especially in an actual game, I can super jump consistently easy in practice range but when you’re trying to focus on so much in an actual match I mess up a lot more


I don’t think this idea ever went away. I still hear “boosted Mercy main can’t play anything else” all the time in-game.


Probably people who suck at the game. Most pros and high ranked streamers say that mercy is incredibly hard.


Same, I hear it from time to time but I will say it doesn’t seem as common as it used to be at least


Emphasis on the mechanical part not the game sense aspects.

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I can’t do these and that isn’t because I’m bad. It’s because I don’t have GA prefer beam targets on. I have done backwards GAs without it though but it’s more difficult to pull off and can’t be consistently done. It’s more of a evasion tool.


Her movement is still incredibly hard, people who say that mercy is easy have never played her before.


Mercy is very underrated in high ranks watch moth play he doesnt look like he is doing anything but the little things mercy has to do is so much you have to put thought into every move.


I also prefer GA to activate based on who I’m looking at rather than my beam target. I like to keep my beam on the person I’m leaving behind for about a second while I fly to the next target. I can’t backward super jump but I think it’s worth the tradeoff.


I say this as someone who plays tons of dps i have Been learning Supports and i saw JakeOW’s review on moth’s mercy and i saw how much you have to do What makes Moth the best Mercy in the World (Coach Jake #9) - YouTube


Moth is a wizard. I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but Jake posted a video of this year’s Grand Finals match from Moth’s perspective where Jake breaks down what makes Moth great (awesome super jump at 19:48 by the way).

Edit: Ha, nevermind. You have seen it based on what you just posted while I was typing this. Good!


I changed my GA setting just for this, so realistically I never have to use some of those techniques. But I did this anyway because I was bored. So, thank you for coming up with this fun little challenge.
I was stuck for 10 mins before I realised I was supposed to use superjump for the corner jump.


I would probably attempt this, but I’ve just been grinding away in wow for 1.5 months and haven’t touched ow. :sweat_smile:

My training range warmup usually consists of superjumps, mid-superjumps and normal string shots and trying to apply bhop after them, shooting at bots normal mode and valk mode, superjump resses, high to lowground superjumps and getting the feel of valkyrie superjump and superjump ress right, sometimes chain jumping when I feel like it. I also admit I’m kinda slow in adding techniques to my repertoire.

Surprised to see no superjump ress though. Could also maybe do upper platform to lowground superjump.

Inb4 someone comes around and like “I learned to do all this in 10minutes mercy is so easy”.

The next challenge is to apply all this and far more and win multiple games in top 500 in mercy soloque without basically throwing and use them to survive against top 500 players and then do everything else a mercy needs to do in between.


Very nice! Well done! :heart: w :heart:. I am happy someone took it up and did it so quickly.

The corner jump is actually quite useful in competitive, that is why I prefer doing jumps like those facing sideways slightly instead of head on or backwards. There are variation on the height you can also try:

The rest like that last jump is great for contesting points which is the point of it but it is hard, just like doing a super jump without the crouch key. My advice for you is try doing it just before Mercy touches the ground otherwise you end up with the backwards slingshot variation you have shown (which has its timing slightly above the model of the target instead of below). It is like a super jump from the air while falling down.

The first backwards thing chain jump is just a show-off thing more than useful xDDDD but it is fun once you get the hang of it.


ppl still say this.
week or 2 ago was a thread how skill based supports(ana) should be better than no skill brig/mercy.

ppl view mercy’s jump and beam as no skill.

its sad really.


And people were against what the thread said. Sure, there are still people who think that she’s not a skillful hero, but most people think she’s an incredibly skilled hero.

I definitely see the benefits of GA prefers beam target and I have for some time. Especially corner jumps (be it super jumps or slingshots to the side) prove to be very helpful from what I’ve seen.

It just makes me wish for a hybrid option (GA to beam target if you’re not looking at anyone else, otherwise GA to who you’re looking at) because I really like the freedom I have when it’s turned off.