Seriously don’t understand it. Even the Blizzard cheer squad will troll the forums to shout down dissent, but add “I don’t think heroes should be locked either.” If you don’t agree, that should be it. “I don’t agree with this change. Blizzard needs to change this.”
It’s absolutely crazy that “it’s only $10” or “You only have to grind for it” or “You’re getting it free!” are even considered to be valid responses. Exactly none of that matters. It goes against the entire spirit of Overwatch. Overwatch is supposed to be an even playing field. You all get the same tools and may the best team win.
Even the dev said locking heroes would be bad for the game in the past. They admit in articles now, that they’re only doing it for the money. They didn’t need to do it, but they are. That’s not okay.
And these braindead arguments about “poors” and people “wanting things for free” are absolute nonsense. You’re not a baller because you spent $10. I’ve put thousands in Blizzard’s pocket over the years. Others have put much more.
This is about the longevity of the game and the franchise going forward. It’s about new players coming and the old players wanting to return. Overwatch was hailed as an amazing game and won many awards because people fell in love with the characters, the world, the lore, and the unique mechanics. The people they’re trying to attract have short term memory loss. They’re flavor of the month gamers, hopping from whatever’s hot to the next hot thing. Overwatch was kept alive by us, playing 6 years, 3+ years with no content, even while mistreated, disrespected, and ignored. We are the ones that were going to be around when the next season of Fortnite or whatever comes around and those people leave.
Yeah, it might get nothing done to complain, but the only way to make change is to ask for it. And enough people asking can get bad decisions reevaluated. Even if it doesn’t have any affect, at least I can say I tried to save the game I’ve dedicated 6+ years of my life and a stupid amount of money to.
Feel free to “OMG Doomer” me. You’re a child and your commentary contributes nothing.