Hot take. You deserve your rank

I do deserve my rank. My problem is that too often, I get players in my team or against me who do not deserve the rank they have. :stuck_out_tongue:


So adapting means playing alone, kek

I understand that there are games where youā€™ll go up against a smurf, or games that your team just doesnā€™t work well together so you lose. 90% of the time though you can be impactful with some changes, Iā€™ve experienced it myself. Having the mentality that thereā€™s nothing you can do doesnā€™t help you climb if thatā€™s your goal.


Itā€™s not even something related to mental. As a tank i:

  • ping objectives and picks
  • keep my ulti and call it to my dps for combo
  • play around my supports, avoiding dives from enemy dps. If healer dies itā€™s pretty doomed teamfight.
  • cheer my team and calm them down if theyā€™re flaming each other

Mechanically speaking iā€™ve no issues at all here in Silver, being an ex-plat (peak diamond) thereā€™s an evident difference (i found many ex plat like me here).

The time i was frustrated by ranked games are gone (former LoL player), i play with a positive mindset but still get pushed back who knows why.
Playing 1vs9 is wrong but relying on teammates tooā€¦


What I wish they would do is show us our acutal SR rank in our profile again, like in OW1, but keep it hidden from our team like it is rn in Ow2 in comp matches. Please do away with Gold 1,2,3,4, etc. and the 7/20 game progress bars. Just show us our SR number and have it go up or down after every game while still hiding our rank borders in game cause at the end of the day only you need to know your rank.

I mean while it would be nice to see if you had a masters in plat lobbies or plats in bronze lobbies that will just lead to more frustration and confirmation that the MM is indeed busted rn.

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Highway is 100% right, not much to say besides that. Visual rank is fake. SR is still the same as it was before, only difference Iā€™ve noticed is there is a possibility blizzard turned on performance sr in diamond + but there is no way to confirm.

I think this too but Iā€™d potentially add smurf detection being turned way up. The people that Iā€™ve been watching have gotten massive boosts to rank fast and before they know it, there are pros in their games.

Youā€™ve made that up to feel better about yourself as there is no-one diamond skill anywhere near top 500. How do you feel about lying to yourself? Or you just block introspection out?

Well, I play support, Lucio specifically, and I am diamond 2, I have gotten teammates ranging from high plat to masters, so it probably was just a bug or something that rarely happens.

Tank can be really easy to climb with man.

You get to dictate the playstyle of your team and the pace of fights. Additionally, if everyone on your team decides that this is a COD lobby and goes off to do their own thing, you can carry pretty hard on high-damage characters like Roadhog and Sigma.

Mechanics mean very little if you donā€™t have the game-sense to place yourself in situations where you can capitalize off of it. I understand teammates in lower ranks donā€™t often use microphones, join team-chat, or communicate well at all, but neither does the enemy team in most cases. And even if they did, lower players donā€™t have the game-knowledge or game-sense to effectively coordinate together anyway.

Itā€™s a different game in lower ranks but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s necessarily more difficult to climb out of. A change in playstyle and mindset is required even for high-level players. Going into the match with the pretense that you are not going to have a ā€œteamā€ that works together is important.


OP You are absolutely right, you are a below average player and matchmaking works just fine for you. However, for the above average players we are getting the same treatment as the gods of the game, incredibly stacked matches the difference being the gods can carry just about any game while we cannot. I had a mercy with 456 healing in one round, a soldier with 900 damage in one round, and while these are extreme examples, 90% of my matches I have the lowest stat player on my team and half of those matches usually the second lowest stat player as well. Diamond players are getting bent over by the current matchmaking. So, stop trying to group us in with your below average mindset on ranked.


Todayā€™s patch notes have confirmed that at the very least B5 ranking has been bugged this entire time:

  • Resolved an issue where some players could be stuck in Bronze 5 even after several rank updates



Hi there, you can absolutely rank up in solo queue, Iā€™ve gone from Silver to Diamond in tank, higher than Iā€™ve ever reached in any previous season of Overwatch. Itā€™s difficult, and youā€™ve got to consistently perform really well, but it is absolutely possible. I have an almost 60% winrate on Reinhardt in this season (though I do play other tanks and rarely Zarya).

If you are better than the rank you are in, you will eventually rank out of it, because you will eventually, over games, have an average winrate of above 50%, because you will more often than not be the difference and gain the win.

If your win rate is 50%, it just means you have to improve more. Iā€™m starting to slow down in my winrate, and it means that I really need to work on improving now to keep going higher and higher in rank.

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Hi there, fellow diamond here. If you are skilled as you believe, you will rank up over time. Those players will end up on the enemy team just as often as they do yours. Moreso considering thereā€™s 4 open slots on your team, and 5 on the enemies.

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I appreciate the misinformed assumptions you are using to alleviate yourself of responsibility for your own ranking. This is the ā€œcopiumā€ I was talking about.

The higher the ranks get, the LESS you are able to solo-carry, not more. Everyone plays far better which disallows many opportunities for a single player to carry a game.

Everyone has bad matches where a teammate is throwing or someone is boosted far higher than they should be, but that doesnā€™t mean that this is holding anyone back from the rank they deserve. There are no GMs in the Metal Ranks, and there are no Metal Ranks who can retail their rank on a boosted account. This notion is ridiculous and I would challenge you to explain how good players consistently create alternate accounts and retrieve Grandmaster not long after they start queueing ranked.

Iā€™m also unsure how you created the idea that I was a ā€œbelow average playerā€ and then used that premise as evidence counter to the argument I was making. It is not only an incorrect assumption, but the attempted logic being used to disprove a piece is absurdly baseless. You do not need to have any qualifications to look at objective data and form an opinion based on it. If a Grandmaster and a Bronze are arguing about the strength of a character, the Grandmaster is not immediately correct because they are Grandmaster but rather because they can provide evidence, examples, and/or clear reasoning to support their claim.

Please try to do the same.

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I am slowly climbing; the toxic matches consistently make me not want to continue playing, however. I love overwatch for balanced matches which simply donā€™t exist anymore.


I literally covered your example by explaining gods of the game, there is absolutely a skill threshold where you can carry just about any game. I guess you are talking about people who are hardstuck though, which doesnā€™t apply to me as I am slowly climbing. However, this toxic matchmaking algo is the most frustrating experience Iā€™ve come across in an esport, and the teammates Iā€™m getting are probably the hardstuck ones being put in matches they have no reason being in. Matchmaking needs a change PERIOD.


Almost every game I played in high top 500 lobbies was very balanced. I won 31 out of 22 games and would have won 20 of those losses had I played better, at least to the same level when I used to play this game seriously.
Get to top 500 if you want more balanced matches, people have less performance variability and more consistency the higher you go.

The lower you are, the higher the chance to get uneven games since people tilt because a steamroll on defence, or they are highly inconsistent and play 1 game bad 1 game good, rage quit, etc. If you are expecting high quality games in elo where nobody can move properly, aim or use their abilities, you need to play a single player game as this will never change for any multiplayer game.


ok BERRY :smiley: and now GTFO!

I mean thatā€™s literally not true on these forums, rank gets pulled instantly and thatā€™s pretty much the end of the conversation. Goes beyond these forums too and into the OW community.