Hot take. You deserve your rank

I got 2 accounts. Both Gold 1 in Comp.

Both accounts are in the diamond to master range in qp. Comp is a joke if you want to play at your true rank.

They keep players in lower ranks in comp for player retention (and twitch numbers) and it’s bad for try hards.

If they tightened the rank gap in qp. Along with the backfillers it would beat comp hands down but the ranks diffs are sometimes wild AF.

Nothing’s perfect. Qp is closer to it.

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Id have to find the video I saw again. It wasnt someone i typically watch, i believe they stream on twitch.

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Some people climb.

Some people get plat level games in silver, because that’s the only way the matchmaker can make even matches. I’d love for you to try taking my account to Plat. You’ll see totally different matchmaking, I guarantee it.

It’s because they tailor the matchmaking to each player. Your Silver isn’t the same as mine.

People’s minds can’t comprehend this, which is understandable. Because it’s straight up unethical, so they can’t even imagine it. But’s it’s there.


Anyone could take your account and climb.
This experiment has been tested multiple times and they’re pretty easy to find but people still think their accounts are cursed

Yes your account is hardstuck because your play patterns and habits have already been recorded and you have not shown a significant enough variation in your games to be promoted.

If someone else took your account, it would take about 10 games for the system to detect and record that players habits(through ambiguous stat collection) and will compare these new stats to the stats of people across all ranks.

It would take probably 2 or 3 days of playing 5-10 games for that account to be refreshed with the new player’s profile/anaytics

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Alright. I want to see it. Someone take my account and rank it up. Enjoy.

Btw, I just had a game we won in OT and boy was it an “even match”…

… because our other damage died 20 times. Our next closest was like 7.

So, that’s how they make an even match. By sandbagging us ridiculously hard.

Know what? Just put us in Plat and then the matches don’t have to be forced like that.

Go ahead, someone.

why would anyone need to that, when there are already videos of people doing that.

If someone takes ur account and ranks up will you admit that it’s just you that is personally hardstuck? will it make you want to go into custom games to practice techs on your heroes?
Your endgoal here doesn’t sound very interesting

No. Unless I plummet back out of Plat. Then… Plat will be the rank I deserve. But that won’t happen, because the only losses I have right now are, like i said, when our other DPS dies 20 times, or the tank is afk half the time.

They will force “even matches” for me in Plat. So that’s where I’ll stay. The rank I belong.

That’s why forcing even matches is not how any Comp game should be.

As it stands, people are climbing with 50% winrates.
Plat is literally the hardest rank to get out of, because after plat, you start playing with pros.
Even in plat, you’re already facing low diamonds and washed masters players.
If you can’t solo carry against plats, what are you going to do in against a lobby full of players that can solo carry against plats? Not 1 player that carried themselves out of plat but 5 players that solo-carried themselves out of plat because that’s what is waiting on the other side.

The forced 50% wr is offset by the performance based sr gains.
If you think your plat games are rigged, just go watch some streamers on any random day in diamond and low masters.
See how long it takes them to 1v1 someone.
Take a stopwatch or use the videos timestamps to calculate the exact amount of seconds it took.

Watch one of your vods and see how long it took you to 1v1 someone playing at a lower rank.

The system is unfair but it’s unfair to everyone.
There is not a single player that doesn’t get bronze teammates and unwinnable games.
It’s been like that for years. I hope it changes but as it stands it’s not changing this season and probably won’t change next season

Solo qued to GM on several accounts so idk man keep blaming the system.

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Something wonky with MMR I think the Smurf detection is cranked to 11 from the one they had in ow1 if you perform to well you’ll end up in masters or even GM lobbies as plat or diamond.

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it’s very disorienting
I think it’s really bad in masters and gm because there’s no pbsr gains to offset the bronze teammates you get
Losing a match in high rank is so punishing when you realise they’re being punished for not carrying plats

In summary.

MMR is a disaster, ruins the game, and should be turned off.

They never needed any of that BS. Just make games based on rank. That’s it.

Instead, they want to micromanage it to keep players logged in more, “feeling good” about losing only half their games. At the expense of FORCING it all, and literally making their matchmaker the most hated one in existence.


Of course they tailor matches to each player. How is it supposed to know to promote you or demote you? If the game is getting too hard or too fast, it’s the way the matchmaker tests you to see if you can play with higher ranked players. If you’re at a 50% win rate, then you’re at the rank you deserve because you’ve reached your skill rating. You are no longer able to perform at a skill level that impacts the games you’re in. You’re just playing as good as the rank you’re in, so you won’t climb if you don’t learn to adapt or improve.

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Just downloaded my data and it was clear as crystal.

Every “new” career high was approximately 20-30 points higher than the previous season. Meaning once I hit my previous career high… a switch gets turned on.

The real kicker… happened this season too with the mighty 7/20 rank/division and I didn’t even “see” my sr, but it still was 30 points away from my previous career high. And as always, after reaching it…. A massive loss streak follows. It couldn’t have been “nerves” if I didn’t even know I reached it in the middle of 7 wins.

Or… or you are improving very, very slowly.

Just a thought, you know.

Somehow my career highs are not 20-30 SR higher than previous career highs. Am I an exception? Are you?

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So adapting means playing a team game as a single, and if you don’t manage to win every single game 1vs9ing then you deserve your rank.

If some people had no issue securing again their previous OW1 rank i’m glad for them because they don’t need to expose an issue here, but this doesn’t mean others will experience the same.
For example, in my local community there are several people that played among plat and diamond in OW1 but stuck without a reason in silver (like me) in OW2.
Would you say they still deserve their rank? I don’t.

Idc about flexing or lie about my performance, but what i try to say is that like me many people are not having fun anymore because there’re only onesided games.
You win or you get stomped. No way to be impactful.


Its not about the improvement, its about the massive loss streak following.

I’ll Add… 10-30 is an exaggeration. Some times its hundreds, some times its 10. By how much over your career high I think depends on other factors as well… like if your career high is in masters, chances are you still get decent teammates. My career high is right at the border of plat… so guess what, it can EASILY find some new players.

no??? im losinf every damn game getting diffed each time bc the stupid matchmakers putting me against masters every single game. Let me out put me in atleast plat so i can play against people who shower every day and get the suggested daily vitamin dintake


That’s fine, This OP Just reenforces me never to come back to this game because of how clueless he is on what is really happening and makes me rethink on how many times I got screwed over by circumstances that were beyond my control.

Thanks for the reassurance to stay away from this game forever. Rest of you who got just as screwed as me with 1000 things that made me lose my game should follow suit because no matter how many times the game screws you with crap MM people like this will just keep blaming you.


yes, the game has changed, people must adapt to it.