Honestly up to *here*

At least it will be fair.

High risk high reward


How does that expand on the topic? lol.

I never said any of that. I said her pickrate has started to go down which mean people stopped playing her after the changes for all the same reasons I’m starting to play other heroes. But I don’t want to just abandon my hero.

Excuse me?
What didn’t you say exactly?

Forgot that one too, lol. OP is a little contradictory, aren’t they? Seems like you proved them wrong and now they’re trying to backtrack.

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Hey, I’d like to think im at least a pretty decent mercy (on the same platform as you, I might add), and id just like to say that she’s actually really good. If she feels clunky, you’re playing her incorrectly.

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You sound like someone so used to having things good that even the smallest, most trifle of inconveniences sends you into an apoplectic fit. You poor victim, you, how dare they not give you everything you want right now like a spoiled, gluttonous little prince.

#FirstWorldProblems :unamused:

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I’m no one and have never insinuated that I am.

I disagree with your opinion and pretty simple as that. I stated my side of my opinion and you did yours. You’re trying to take this somewhere else but asking me to feign emotion

That update will hit along with the Genji’s deflect update as well

are you kidding? Who are you?

Wow sounds like your opinion isnt entitled to anything but a view. Its like its their game and they have their own plans. Golly gee.

PVE was never going to stay, have you been here long?
Hanzo is on his way tonight, either 11:15ish AM or 4:00ish PM, PST.
Mercy is the best Support in the game at OWL level (till Brig) and is more than fine.

Truth, brought to you by Tim Hortons.

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Not to mention they literally gave us a date range for the event XD and not once have the events ever stuck around permanently.

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OP had a mega ree moment

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take er easy there carebear

Pro tip: Dont like Mercy? Play another hero, dont like that we dont have PvE? Play a PvE game!

I see that now.

Welcome to the Internet OP, we disagree with everything on principle.

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And who are you? Is your opinion the only true word spoken?

God forbid someone disagrees with you

You guys can stop replying now, I get it. My opinion doesn’t align with yours so I’m a horrible, spoiled, person who gets angry at everything that doesn’t go their way. Got it, moving on, thanks.

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