I understand that, but this is ridiculous. I open up Overwatch today and to my surprise, completely disregarding my previous thoughts, Uprising and Retribution have been removed from the game. I thought that with the whole menu change and style of the archives emblem in the arcade browser that we’d be allowed to keep them. I was proven wrong. I was also surprised, and very upset if I might add (as a new Hanzo main) that Hanzo’s rework has not gone live yet. And of course Mercy is still being ignored in her completely and totally clunky and disgusting state. I’m sllooooowwly losing my mind over here. What… ARE YOU DOING?! Removing beautiful game modes that everyone was enjoying? Keeping scatter in the game longer than it needs to be kept? Leaving one of your support heroes in ruins because your precious “pro players” believe she’s in a good spot (aka easy to kill and rezz is so counter-able it might as well be removed)?! U G H.
Edit : I realize I over reacted with my original post, so let me rephrase it while leaving the original up there ^ so it doesn’t make me seem like a coward .
Yes, I’m upset they removed Uprising and Retribution when it seemed like they weren’t going to. Yes I’m even more upset that Mercy’s rezz was nerfed a lot and that this Mercy has become less fun as a hero to play. Things have been hard in comp as I’m just in Gold and there’s an insane amount of toxicity there. I’m sick of being screamed at to play Mercy and to not play Mercy like every DPS and Tank main is my dad. They ask me why I’m not playing Mercy due to the amount of hours I have on her or they tell me that I’m trash at her and that she’s now useless after the nerfs. It’s confusing and aggravating. I’m going to miss PvE and I’m definitely going to continue to miss how fun Mercy used to be for me, but now I’ll keep in mind that I’m not the only Mercy main and that some believe she’s fine.
At least you’re facing the minor issues of Blizzard’s sadism. They do worse.
To be fair, Blizzard never said they’d even consider keeping Archives up.
Hasn’t been too long
Mercy’s balanced
I don’t even know where to start with you…
I honestly can’t wait for the new Hanzo.
I’m going to shove his new arrows down your throats until you all cry that you want scatter back.
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She’s one of the stronger supports actually…
Hey btw not to be rude but:
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They made it pretty clear from the beginning of the event that the new gamemodes weren’t going to be permanent.
what he said. plus i think mercy is fairly fun to play. and i have a ton of mercy main friends who dont have a problem
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This is where you lost me. This has ruined your post.
No, a lot of clear-minded people see that she’s fine.
This is a skill problem, not a character problem. If you don’t know when to rez or how to stay alive, that’s on you, although the surviving part is partially the teams but Mercy can fly to a teammate every 2 seconds so…
To be fair, they literally advertised it as ending April 30th…
Why exactly is it so horrible that I think Mercy is in a bad place? It’s not like I’m the only one who thinks so yet close to everyone that’s replied seems to have a direct issue with that part of my post. Honestly >_>
I caant wait for new hanzo
Now i dont have to worry about beeing one shotted out of nowhere
Yeeeeees. Same. skill required to kill <3
Mercy is in the best spot she’s ever been. The unfun argument is not an argument for gameplay balance.
So, let’s say they made your favorite character “balanced” but this made he/she/them boring and you no longer wanted to play them anymore. Be a little empathetic please.
Because she’s still the most used support overall with a reasonable winrate.
They never even made a slight implication that they were going to keep Archives up, if anything they’d probably only do it when there’s more than 2 stories because that would get old pretty quickly. Plus they rushed a lot of nerfs through which ended terribly but you’re crying they’re not doing the same to a complete hero rework?
Stop crying over Mercy and just get good with her bro
Not true. I’ve just checked the pick rates on all platforms, and while she’s still high, as a constant 60 hp heal is viable, Moira has now seen such an increase in pickrates that she now tops Mercy in quite a few ranks and quickplay in general. I’ve also seen many youtube videos and experienced in competitive for myself that people are getting toxic when you pick Mercy. I and many others have been told to pick a hero with a more useful ultimate, and not a trash hero. It was quite surprising actually.
I’m not going to pander to a lame overused argument.
Winning to me is fun regardless of perceived fun factor for x or y hero
I play tanks in comp, am good with them, and have fun playing them.