Honestly up to *here*

Sombra’s nerfs skipped the ptr. A rework, that I love dearly and that feels amazing, and some voicelines are taking way too long to come to live servers.

why would we want it back?

thank you for pointing that out

She’s the most used support in bronze
She’s the most used support in Silver.
She’s the most used support in Gold.
She’s the second most used support in platinum (Barely below Moira)
She’s the most used support in Diamond.
She’s the most used support in Masters
She sits right below Zen in GM

Source: https://www.overbuff.com/heroes


Tell that to us Ana mains x]

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Mercy is my favourite character and in all honesty, she’s doing pretty good. I understand how you feel but at the same time, her kit is the same and she’s only lost her ability to rez multiple people. She’s just not as crazy impactful aka able to control a team fight in the ways she used to.

Also, it’s meant to be like that so everyone has a fair chance to keep people dead. If you’re dying when Rezzing, you aren’t being aware of your surroundings aka a necessity for Mercy (especially now)
She’s a very good support her kit is practically the same. Just understand she’s not going to be changed for awhile and accept how she is.

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tbh i don’t really know what you mean by “disgusting state” for mercy. you have every right to find a hero unfun to play but by no means is that blizz’s fault or duty to make mercy more “fun.”

there are other heroes if you want to find one that fits your playstyle and suits you better. if you’re not having fun on a character (as a lot of people don’t have fun on every character) then maybe find someone else to play?

I can understand ditching things like Lucioball after an event, That’s the seasonal flavor for that event after all, and they really wouldn’t have anything to replace it with

But for this event, they could keep the gamemode, and just add a new map every year for their event flavor

I actually quite love Ana, and feel sympathy for her mains. And I just checked overbuff with your link, and it proved me right. thanks though.

They should really revert Mercy to 1.0. :
Everything about how she is right now is boring as hell. “Lemme fly around like a braindead pigeon for 15 seconds!! You go guys!! I don’t have to do anything or think during my ult anymore!!”


That’s exactly what I mean.



Mercy was literally the reason I started playing overwatch. She was the first hero I saw, it was the hero my friend showed me and explained to me to get me into the game. She was amazingly fun when I started in September, than with all the nerfs she’s just gotten stale for me and I hate that. She’s my favorite hero lore wise and formally gameplay wise.

I mean, i see where you’re coming from kind of? because older mercy versions were definitely fun, but i can firmly admit that they were very unbalanced. current mercy does leave a little something to be desired, but balance wise she’s in a good place. the trick now is staying alive and maximizing healing/boosting. i have the most fun when i’m flyin around rubber banding like crazy and avoiding danger.

but if she’s not entirely your thing anymore then i mean… flexing to other support/heroes is still a totally valid option.

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Try looking at “Last Month” or “Last Three Months” and you’ll see what I mean

That’s a completely subjective opinion. There are plenty of people who find her fun.

Who are you? Cause the way you’re talking it makes you sound like you think you’re above everyone else

I mean…you can still be one-shot out of nowhere, just now it’s not aimed at your feet :wink:

two* shotted. and that’s only if he head shots you. It takes four body shots to kill someone with storm arrows

I’m not just referencing Storm Bow, I’m talking about the reality of still being able to get headshot from “a random place” from Hanzo or Widowmaker. Those headshots kill over half the roster in one shot, fam.

She’s barely below her.
And even then, you said that Moira started being used more than Mercy.
So wouldn’t that mean that on a shorter time span, that this would be more visible?

Either way, being the second most used support (By a really small margin compared to the most used support) doesn’t mean being useless. It means that there’s competition. Competition is healthy.
As it stands, Mercy’s pickrate is actually going up.

I’m sorry, but i do not see what you mean.
If being the second most used support by a small margin means weak, underpowered or trash then i don’t think we have the same understanding of those words.