Honestly up to *here*

this is a megathread i can feel it

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Iā€™m the sardonic wiseguy listening to you ā€œlose your mindā€ over a video game and telling the Internet all about it.

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Your replies and trying to fight with everyone who disagrees with you is why the aforementioned adjectives fit.

Thereā€™s literally zero point in trying to have a discussion in this community. My words are being twisted up and Iā€™m apparently a giant a$$ hole for being upset about a hero change and a cool mode being removed from the game.

No, you can feel and express whatever you want.

Dont expect it to go unchallenged however, because this ā€˜communityā€™ is millions of people, and we disagree on everything.

Can you believe some people think Doomfist is OP??

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No I canā€™t, because heā€™s really not

Ohā€¦you just edited your main post to make everyone else look bad nowā€¦nice one.

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I know right? Poor guy.

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Ok could you just back tf up and leave me alone? I didnā€™t do anything and I canā€™t delete a post, so I edited it since literally NO ONE AGREES WITH IT

Bottom left, youā€™ll see under ā€˜bookmarkā€™ a tracking drop down, select Mute, and you can leave the thread and not see responses.

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In case you forgot, your original OP:

open up Overwatch today and to my surprise, completely disregarding my previous thoughts, Uprising and Retribution have been removed from the game. I thought that with the whole menu change and style of the archives emblem in the arcade browser that weā€™d be allowed to keep them. I was proven wrong. I was also surprised, and very upset if I might add (as a new Hanzo main) that Hanzoā€™s rework has not gone live yet. And of course Mercy is still being ignored in her completely and totally clunky and disgusting state. Iā€™m sllooooowwly losing my mind over here. Whatā€¦ ARE YOU DOING?! Removing beautiful game modes that everyone was enjoying?

Alright, now all youā€™re doing is harassing me, Iā€™m well aware of what I originally posted and I know I over reacted but could you give me a break.

It seriously is ok. Youā€™re going to be fine. We all get frustrated and annoyed sometimes, and just need a place to vent. But the internet is full of people who will always disagree with you, no matter how clear you try to make your message.

idSurge had a good suggestion about muting your post. It may help you out.

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Indeed, and on that note, Iā€™m muting this and out!

Have a good day folks.

Sounds fine.

My recommendation is to not ask people ā€œwho they areā€ when youā€™re in the same boat.

Have a good rest of the day

I agree with you Rose! I want the PTR changes to go live and wouldnā€™t mind if a PvE mode was made permanent since some people like it even though I donā€™t

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The thing about these PvE modes is that they get pretty boring fast. Doing the same thing over and over, even if itā€™s fun, tires out pretty quick. I love playing Skyrim for instance, but itā€™s been half a year since my last play through.

Iā€™ll definitely touch it again at some point, but having a long pause in-between sessions helps make the game feel special again. Itā€™s simply how our memory works. You remember the game, but you eventually forget all the little details. And at some point, it becomes fun to relive them again.

But why not just let Retribution and Uprising stay and have players decide for themselves when theyā€™re burned out and when they feel like playing?

Because itā€™s a multiplayer experience. If the events ran all year long, the queues would eventually dry up and youā€™d wait a long time to find a game. The queues were already growing significantly at the end of the event.

And whether you want to admit it or not, part of what made the event special was the fact that it was a time-limited event, which brought the Overwatch community together and made everyone play it intensively.

Itā€™s also a very common practiceā€”you donā€™t think about it, but a lot of stores, goods and events are only available at certain parts of the year. You have the typical example like Christmas events in December. You have the less known instances, like the circus actually only traveling for certain seasons.

And itā€™s not because those things arenā€™t awesome. Itā€™s that doing them all year long would simply wear them out. In the end, those things arenā€™t actually as awesome as we make them out to be. Itā€™s having them for a limited time and be something special that actually makes it fun to relive them each year.

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Thatā€™s your own fault for gettin upset. They never stated or hinted they would keep the modes.

Thats so ironic, blizzards opinions dont match up with yours so your crying and now your sad cus people are pointing you out.

No, but Iā€™m getting a little fed up with people twisting my words around to fit their argument