HLC and Paris removed from Quick Play

Thank you

Honestly thank you for doing this. Removing even more content that may have been liked by others just because your favorite streamers hate it and you refuse to play on those maps because leaving is so cool? If something, they should have been added back to comp, not removed from QP

You’ve only had to wait months to not play on these maps anymore.

I honestly hate Volskaya and Busan with all my might yet i haven’t left once in all these years. Why is it so cool for you to not even give a try to the match?


Are you choosing to ignore the posts with screenshots of 10+ people leaving on these maps?

Streamers very rarely play quick play. People only watch competitive (where the maps are already removed).

This is a good change for the vast majority of players. The minority can go play a custom game or something



Some players leave because da memes
Some because its worthless to play if the players reset

Whether we like it or not, we here are the vocal minority. Even if everyone here would have a concensus on something it still wouldn’t amount to anything.

Players have to learn to like things given to them instead of throwing a tamper tantrum and leaving like a 5 year old.


Both maps are terrible designed overall. Are completely wasted time especially playing DPS with waiting 10+ minutes. Going to say it’s worth the price at least for me.


Why don’t you just like

Become a streamer and convince Blizz to bring it back lol


I too laugh every time I willingly head back into a 10 minute queue.

Seriously though. It’s such a slap in the face queueing for 10 mins just to get paris/HLC. Or worse, using a priority pass and getting those maps.


I would thank God for giving me Paris or HLC instead of Volskaya, Busan or Gibraltar yet i don’t leave on either of them.



Honestly Blizzard treats streamers as Q&A testers because Activision are cheapskates which don’t want to hire testers lmao

Yeh, if 1% likes it and 99% dislikes it, then clearly we should listen to the 1%.

I’d believe if that was the case, then a lot of heroes would be deleted too.

Wtf? Yeah? People have a reasoning that it isn’t fun in a videogame. Not because “leaving is cool”. It’s because “most people honestly don’t enjoy playing on these maps and they aren’t fun”. What is your actual reasoning for liking these maps?

Are you insane?

Worth it. Should’ve happened waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay earlier but we know how Blizzard is with these things.

Do Volskaya and Busan also get permanent leavers of entire teams in games? Haven’t seen that once in all my time playing. Maybe it’s because… those maps aren’t terribly designed like the other two…?

Perhaps there really is a huge design flaw in both of HLC and Paris?..

Because of the map. Hello?


You love cyberstalking?

You love making stupid threads?

They are removed? Thank god for that… Paris first point was the worst point to attack ever (even old Eichenwalde was better…) and Lunar was just very snowbally. To easy to attack in my opinion.

Most people did not like these maps. Thats why they where removed.

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The route to Paris A point is literally the same as to King’s Row

Not really imo

Kings row A doesn’t have a choke with near unreachable high ground (with cover) right in front of it

Kings row’s high ground is farther back, and there is stuff to hide behind and ways to flank


Honestly I think they should’ve removed it from quick play before they removed it from comp. The big problem I see with 2cp maps in quick play is it’s exceptionally difficult learning how to play heroes on these maps.

Oh today’s going to be fun on the forums… :rofl:

It wasn’t ‘removed’ because a ‘few’ streamers hate it and a ‘few’ people leave it in qp… :wink:
It was ‘removed’ because nearly everyone hates it… :wink:

This is the only defense 2cp apologists have on the forums. Nah it couldn’t be because people actually dislike the mode…it’s “foR teH MEMES!1” :rofl:


Oh so they removed Paris because barely anyone was leaving it… nice take… :wink:

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That’s super cool and all, but the reality was that you could only get 1/10 matches to have people to hold first point. Match quality in those maps was HORRIBLE.

If this happens more often than not, it’s not “da streamurzzzzz” but rather the community making a decision and blizzard ignoring it for years.

So you’re claiming that you played, let’s say, 30 matches on Paris without leavers?

Yeah, no.

Have you seen any stats about the rate of leaving on those maps? Because i haven’t and neither you. Last time a dev told about this they’ve said that Paris leaver rate is average.