HLC and Paris are removed from QP!

True, cause people would have stopped playing the game :sunglasses:


Yes that’s why 2CP as a whole is being removed


Honestly surprised how hated these maps are. I get it’s frustrating for people when they’re waiting for a game to start and mobs of people are joining/leaving over and over… but just speaking for myself because in QP? I don’t care about the map, especially if I’ve just waited 10+ minutes for a game.


We have now lost more content than we have gained in the past 2 years.


Now travelling to Havanna

Cant believe the madmen actually did it, they tookt their sweet time, but they finally did it.

My onw worry tho, does this mean the Deathmatch version of Paris is gone as well? I think that one was fine.

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Oh my god it only took two years. This is the only time I support removing content from the game


I can almost guarantee that another map will eventually turn into the hated map that everyone leaves. It will happen in OW2 as well.


They are like negative content.

100% guaranteed. The only question is that which streamer will start the hate bandwagon next time


The statement applies especially to the entirety of 2CP. It’s us that is the problem, not the mode. 2CP is peak teamwork driven maps, and we as a player base want to be able to solo carry.

It’s a shame, because there are some great 2CP maps, and it’s a fun mode when the team is gelling, but the mob has spoken, so…

[edit] The biggest issue with Paris is 100% us. It’s a perfectly fine map so long as you don’t treat A choke like most of the others. You can’t just hang out on low ground peaking choke and slowly waddle through. Paris only started sucking when the masses started leaving it in droves.

HLC is terrible, no arguments there.


I should become a streamer so I can become this reality warper y’all speak of

Like imagine being able mind control the entire US. Damn xQc got it good.


This is the best update in like two years.


rest in pieces, Paris map

Shame, I really enjoyed them

Pretty much. People are easily influenced. It is not really even intentional.


What’s wrong with Horizon? apart from the annoying highground at the beginning?

rest in peace in colony , junkrat trap + mine in right side hide :frowning:

I don’t remember ever being such a hated map before Horizon was introduced.

That’s why OW2 as a whole is more focused on solo play.Often times whenever or not your team works together is out of your control.

So we are not only not getting any content before OW2, we are actually losing content :joy: