HLC and Paris removed from Quick Play

…And then after leaving Paris, the next map that pops is HLC. But hey, that’s only up to half an hour spent trying to get a game as a DPS, right? That’s surely a good state of affairs.

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And thats the reason for the bigger leave rates, not the maps individually

Now remove Anubis please anxious map unplayable (for me)

  • Plays once a month for 1 hour.

You enjoy other peoples misery? lol

The maps weren’t removed because they wanted to make a portion of the playerbase miserable, it was because these maps were terribly designed.

Make up your mind. Can you prove that more people leave Anubis or not?

Times (and playernumbers) change. :slight_smile:

I do the same as you. You’ve told you’ve seen more people leaving Paris and HLC. I’ve seen more people leaving Anubis. We all are different. Except im not attacking you as a person.

The devs have made the most effort to these two maps

  • Horizon has a playable space part with low gravity and reduced sound and was changed many times to fit the lore
  • Paris had an interactive singer, two playable pianos and the most liked attacker spawn ever.

And the currently liked maps? Kings Row has a… red bus. And neon lights.

Like it or not, they’ve put the most effort and resources to these two maps. If not about those who like or tolerate these two maps, think about the devs and designers who had to see how their maps were welcomed and they’ve had to see them being removed. Would you dance on the foundation of a burned down house? I wouldn’t

Yet those maps are not removed. Paris and HLC were both removed because they were disliked by the majority, not the minority.


But yet it wasn’t enough. Can remove things if the are not fixable. Not everything is fixable.

Shouldn’t have happened. Companies and people can make bad decisions.

Yeah? Coming from the game industry myself: take it as a learning experience to not repeat the same mistake. You shouldn’t care what the designers thought, how they felt or whatever. You are a customer. Is the product good? Nice. Is the product bad? Not nice. That should matter to you and not the feelings of the developers.

Was the house infested with parasites? Then I absolutely would.

But that stuff doesn’t matter

What matters is the balance of the map, how easy is it to get to high
Ground, how powerful it is, etc

While the low gravity in HLC is nice, it’s in a part of the map that there are rarely fights in

And the singer is Paris is only for the attacking team (to shoot at), and when the match starts people just forget about her, and the pianos is mainly used in skirmishes and custom games, and I hear they are in other maps already, so all they did was copy paste them

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Was there this much crying when paris and hlc were removed from comp?

Honestly that is lame and I mean it. It’s not even the fact that the maps are unfun (which I think are very fun) and something I disliked the first time when they removed certain maps from comp. Of course everyone going to be onboard with this because this game are full of a bunch of complainers.

This tells me, why even add the map in the game in the first place? If you’re going to remove it from comp, I’m like stupid… but ok I guess. Removing these map from QP basically says f you to anyone whom enjoy these maps, it also tells us that any other map could be removed. Why just stop at these two? Next will be a map people like. Say King’s Row… do you have any idea how many people would be upset about that? Blizzard thinks it is doing a good thing, but they’re not.

Btw this forum is a small population of people who play this game.

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If people in comp were willing to take the leaver penalty en masse just to not play kings row, then yes, they would probably remove that map.

Removing bad maps is only a good thing, it increases the chances of getting better maps.

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Removing from Comp? Its okay, thats supposed to be the ranked and results in a harsh penalty.

Removing from QP? A big no-no. Thats a casual mode and it barely has any penalty for leaving a map.

So QP players are second class citizens forced to play maps that are not good enough for comp? They deserve to be punished with garbage maps nobody wants to play?

What did QP players do to deserve that exactly?

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Like i said, they can leave without having a penalty. They have to leave like 5 times in a row to get a slap on the wrist. Leaving once is not that big of a problem. Let those who want to play to do so.

I hate more maps than you can imagine and i’ve never ever left any. Neither in comp, nor in QP and thats how i’ve grown to tolerate them.

You can play paris and hlc in arcade mode, knock yourself out.

I’ve not paid for OW to play no main game modes ever except when the higher ups try and bribe us for a week. Im sad to see that the game came out this way shrugs

Gonna play something else and laugh out loud when the players make another map or mode removed because their heroes aren’t meta there.

:rofl: :joy::eyes::sweat_smile: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

No one believes that load of rubbish.

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Leaver colony…good riddance. I actually don’t mind Paris though.

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Good… Overwatch seems playable again for fun if these maps removed… honestly this change comes like 2 years to late and honestly they should just remove all 2cp maps from QP.

RIP HLC/Paris. You were good maps but people just wanted to mash their face into a chokepoint instead of playing the map.

…and you believed that?! LOL! :rofl: :upside_down_face: