High mobility is not a good thing

Let’s all go play COD

Thanks for the input. I only play casually myself, though quite a bit of my friend group has play competitive sixes, so it’s interesting to hear.

I can definitely see how Scout would thrive in a meta without Engi nests or Snipers. From what I’ve been told about current (or at least recent) meta you’re pretty much guaranteed a Sniper on each team in the majority of maps and an Engineer on defense.

Everyone is playing GunZ The Duel idk what ur talking about
And also quake and also tf2 (or better yet global agenda)

great vocabulary, let me try again with better analogy

imagine games are like food,

if people same “this food could be better if XYZ”

and other food has the “XYZ”

why are the people still eating the food that doesn’t have XYZ and don’t eat the food which has XYZ?

yes when 2 videogames use same abbreviation

cuz there was no other games to play

Team Fortress 2 has 110 295 player - 24 hour peek

Quake 3 Arena has 40 player - 24 hour peek

in what world do you call 40 players playing compared to tens of thousands daily, and use the term “still enjoyed to this day” for both?

if 76 has a jetpack and wall slide he could have pretty much the same mobility


Call of Duty, basically arena shooter but instead you have map…

doesn’t ring a bell?

I wonder why

I wonder why

I wonder why

I wonder why, though many hate them when they become slightly stronger

basic movement, doesn’t prove anything, Pharah has burst movement to the air, does that make her OP? no, in fact sometimes she just gets shot from the sky instead…


that could be said for just about any character, which doesn’t ring a problem

I am able to gain few cents from CSGO to then buy currently discounted Titanfall 2, should I buy it?

These two are example on how to do good hyper mobility. You can still track the mobility in these games fairly easily. Titanfall has a lower TTK with higher mobility and Apex has a longer TTK with lower mobility. Heroes in OW not only have much higher mobility than Titanfall that is much easier to pull off but the TTK is also longer in OW and the mobility is only for a specific few, not the entire playerbase putting a significant advantage on those with it.

This was fine in OW1 where we had hard stuns to counter it. Those for the most part have gone and thus hyper mobility is always going to be an issue. Something Mercy players need to understand as to why her mobility is so busted in OW2 where it’s much better than it was in OW1 while having much less to counter it.

yep, cuz in BR surviving is main objective, running around big map, and looting surely raises the TTK as you don’t even focus on combat during that time…

ok but you only compare mobility and cc,

lot of characters that have less mobility can trade off with other things, like damage, utility, and on the other end, the high mobility characters often have downsides of low damage or having to be very close to have damage

Cause it’s super hard lol. Your average dude isn’t going to want to spend 1000h just to not get instagibbed as soon as he spawns by the vets.

and if OW gets hypermobile, wouldn’t that apply to OW aswell?

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Not necessarily. Autoaim/Aoe stuff is a thing and OW ttk is much, much higher.

Except they don’t, the high mobility heroes also have some of the best burst damage in the game while the low mobility heroes sometimes have none at all. Genji gets dash+right click+melee which is an insane damage combo. His ultimate is also high damage. Tracer has some of the best sustain damage in the game taking 2 mags to drop someone. Monkey gets right click+landing+melee combined with a high health pool. DVA gets rockets+boop+shotguns.

They DID in OW1. But if you remember they deleted all that utility. Mei lost freeze and got 2 sledgehammer nerfs on wall and got a sledgehammer nerf on Blizzard. Sombra lost extended hack and got damage then lost damage and chain hacking. Brig lost shield bash. Bastion lost sustain damage and gets to be a tank sized hitbox for most of the game.

This is the problem with OW2. They’ve fundamentally broken the design of OW1 where you either had high damage and good sustain, high damage and high mobility or high sustain and good utility.

Now we have high mobility with high damage or high mobility with high sustain. (Mercy, Genji, Tracer, Sojourn). While the heroes who had good utility god nothing in return so they have good survivability but no damage or utility resulting in 1 shot hyper burst damage metas 24/7 or dive.


yep, yet autoaim/aoe won’t save you if sojourn beams your head

yeah that’s why it’s called “ultimate” it’s kind of in the name…

not really my problem people don’t like dps characters

dps characters require much more aim therefore are less fun to play, think of that you consistantly need to deal damage to kill a guy, in game with healing

vs a character that can miss 50 times, but when he hits that combo once he gets a kill

damage sustain? isn’t that what tanks have? Tracer needs to be quite close to start dealing damage to you, unlike other immobile characters

Monkey can’t hurt you if you stand just 10meters away from him, his weapon doesn’t headshot either and as far as I remember his headshot hitbox wasn’t very small

oh no, Dva, the character that can only hurt you once she’s breathing down your neck

let’s not forget people usually start shooting others as soon as they see the character…

as for dva her burst is quite good and deadly at close range with her cannons, sounds op, if you forget that she deals nothing the further she is away from you,

and having no mobility while only dealing damage when you’re really close doesn’t sound very fun

still do, just not through cc, most characters that are problematic are also either new or reworked, do you see the same pattern as I do?

all of these characters except from bastion are a dumpster fire basically,

doesn’t really fix them giving them mobility either, nor gives the excuse to nerf other characters to their level, because why nerf everyone to the dumpster level when yo can just fix the dumbster level characters?

yep, there was a balance, not many people realised that…

yeah, Mei ice can be dodged, and close range she’s a weaker Moira/Symmetra

Sombra is Sombra

Reaper is like average, because he can teleport

Brig could be good if she had an actual ultimate


No very much not true this game is in-between apex and tf2, tf2 is insanly fast.

Okay do you mean faster or slower i can read it both way ow2 has slower times to kill then titan fall, that game has insane mobility and insane times to kill while apex has a a modest time to kill and above avrage mobility.

But it realy didnt counter it all that well in comparison to making tnaks and non moble heros lifes worse off.

I dont think its all that busted personly but i play alot of zen lucio and bap so tracking their movement come a bit easier do to playing faster faced games in the past.

Lucio is only character that matches TF2 mobility

mei gets outplayed by cass stun, yep

Not even he looks slow in comparison to tf2 recommend watching some stim or grapple kraber game play its insane

Well ya if the mei dont get her freeze off cas would fan her into the ground

Honestly, Titanfall 2 fell off the map so fast that I totally forgot about it.

Game developers realized children are the best playerbase to get money from. Kids are the least economically aware and not capable of high skill games.

It is hard to get a jaded adult to spend more than 60 dollars on a game that they will squeeze for all its got putting 500 hours into it to get very skilled, while a kid is willing to spend hundreds of someone elses money for something they’ll never use.

Ya when the devs let a hacker nuke the servers and never fix the problem that happens

I watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHDRMLzTsQ

or 2 easy headshots

hard to tell, many kids play/played Fortnite, a game where you need to use like 5 more keys for building, editing building, because if you didn’t someone would just win by building an Empire State building when you only built a coffe shop in same amount of time…

in a game where only win really is being last to survive…


When the game has a win rate of 1% and you immediately go again, it hooks the kids into getting that legendary victory royale.

Also before this kids were playing like cod on xbox360 and going like 0.125 kdr.

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I lnow about that its great but again players had to keep the game alive.

With the stunt ya same for mei and her freeze with easy head shots

Chech this out

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