High mobility is not a good thing

Mobility is fun if everyone has it at his disposal.

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Lol all good ya i get its a bit confusing but i did mean titan fall

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I would disagree i think ow2 is a perfect example you can have fun with or with out mobility but i do think it feels more fair if everyone what access to it

This thread makes me feel like I’m having a stroke.

Why were Quake and Unreal the dominant shooters in their time? After the Combat Evolved era, why did the industry rebound to movement shooters like Titanfall, Overwatch, Advanced Warfare, and Apex? Why are Quake III Arena and Team Fortress 2 still enjoyed to this day, despite being massively outdated? And why the f do I miss Tribes: Ascend so f-ing much?

Team Fortress 2 would like a word.


TF2 has been carefully designed to keep it in check.

Scout has 125 health, and turret does over that in less than a second.

Quake and Unread didn’t have a difference in mobility between heroes, so there wasn’t a difference in mobility.

Overwatch’s problem is they don’t have the same level of mitigation for the difference in mobility.

High mobility without the same level of checks is not a good thing.


Forget about Quake. Titanfall 2 had the most absurd high mobility I’ve ever seen lmao TITANFALL 2: Ridiculous Killing Spree 51-0 | 24 kills in 2 minutes - YouTube

The ‘mobility’ of OW or Quake is pathetic by comparison.

It’s because those games are incredibly difficult and most new players get insta deleted by veterans. Besides, quake was very popular at the time.

I personally don’t like how ow does mobility, it’s very easy mechanically for most heroes since it’s basically just press button to go. If movement in ow took more mechanical skill, I think it’d feel less bad because the other gamer is just better than you. How many times do you get rolled by a lucio and go “this is such bs”?

I think highly mechanically demanding movement is part of the reason movement in team fortress 2 felt fine to play against, despite having very few stuns and despite the fastest characters being significantly faster than any hero in OW. If a soldier hits a fast rollout and deletes you on rollout you just go “well that guy was just better than me”.

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TF2 flopped because it only has like 3 devs and the Valve focused on their more popular esport games like Dota and CSGO.

Plus Valve could never really decide what it wanted TF2 to be. One point it looked like they were gonna keep releasing MvM campaigns and focus on that, then they decided they wanted to add a ranked mode, it was all just a gigantic mess. Doesn’t stop it being consistently in the top 10 on Steam though.

They are talking about titan fall 2 not team fortress 2.

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Not team fortress 2 im talking anout titan fall 2

you mean a way better balanced and designed game

Base tf2 yeah, but i still have memories of old soda pop, danger shield and polycount sets. Though, I think the biggest thing was that team fortress 2 was a casual game first and foremost. And as such, you just kind of accept that things can get kind of silly… or at least i did for the 7-8 years I played it.


it hasn’t changed, the same jokes, the same crazyness, you could drop into a game now, and you would feel right at home.

It is timeless. utterly timeless.


I don’t know about way better balanced. Some classes still suffer from fundemental balancing issues and many weapons just straight up suck or are overpowered.

Because gen z cries when boomers destroy them with pure skill so they go back to overwatch where they can play Moira and Torb.

Because Quake and games like it are arena shooters. A group of games that has not been a popular type of MP for quite awhile now. Hero/class based shooters are what’s currently in and hasn’t been showing any signs of dropping interest.

Even when Arena shooters were popular games like Quake were still relatively niche given how hard it was to do all the cool things being showcased. Essentially a skill barrier. It was largely thanks to Gears of War and Halo that made Arena shooters explode in popularity. Given that both have been in the dumpster for quite awhile now it’s just further proof that the demand for Arena shooters isn’t there.

That being said I don’t understand your leap of logic. Tracer is a very popular character. Pharah is a popular character. Junk Rat is a popular character. Doom and Ball are fan favorites. All feature burst movement capabilities.

Armored Core: For Answer. People still play it to this day. The community plays it on Xbox, PS, PC through an emulator people painstakingly created and set up for connectivity for pvp…

From 2008… granted, it’s a third person game…

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Yup, and the daddy of asymmetric mobility. Even in sixes, the most balanced and competitive way to play the game, Sniper is the strongest class despite having no mobility and Scout is the second-weakest despite having the easiest and least predictable mobility.

Tribes: Ascend had asymmetric mobility and it’s the most damn fun thing I’ve ever played, whether I was going fast or slow. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is nail a a pathfinder going 160kph with a heavy spinfusor?

The idea that mobility is only fun when everybody has it doesn’t hold water.

Do you have an example besides Scout? As I noted above, in a competitive setting he’s practically useless. Not exactly an example of a healthy check.

Soldier and Demo are the strongest mobility classes in the game. They are checked by… Sniper, who is the strongest class in the game, and to some extent Pyro. So they are checked by good aim and a combination disruption/defense ability.

What is Overwatch missing that TF2 doesn’t have? (Besides community servers Q.Q) Launch TF2 had zero hard CC. I’m not sure if it even has any hard CC now outside of some taunts. Why would OW need excessive hard CC to check mobility characters? We have hitscan characters, we have shields, we turrets, we have reflects and boops and slows. We have really good sound design and easy to understand maps so you can proactively head off every single flanker.

The idea that mobility is only fun when it can be completely negated doesn’t hold water.

When overbuff comes back up, you should check out Genjis pick rate in low ranks.

Currently it is showing the same pick rates in all ranks, because it is broken, but once it stops being broken check it out and wonder how you ended up with a must pick DPS in low ranked play.

It isn’t that it needs to be complete negated, but there should be working answers in all ranks.

And currently it isn’t the case.

I played actual competitive TF2 in 2008, and the meta comp was 2 Soldiers(1 pocketed), 2 Scouts, 1 Medic and an extra that was dependent on the situation, but most commonly used was Demoman for chokes. I’m sure this meta stuck until this day.

Scout was and is VERY useful.

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