High mobility is not a good thing

If high mobility gameplay is truly fun, why is nobody playing Quake?

why aren’t there more Quake games with better graphics, content, etc.?


People play titan fall until the servers got nuked and the moved to apex which is also super moble


yes, domicci, Titanfall is one of the kind of games like Overwatch was

Apex is similar to what Overwatch 2 is compared to Titanfall,

except Apex isn’t a huge flop, but generally a success up untill it lost some of it’s Nitro boost around the season where the Storm Point map was added

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Tf2 was only a flop because of bad timing people still paly it to this day and apex is free so of course it doing better


don’t use free to play for justification of doing better or having playerbase

TF2 was a flop? or did it lose popularity, and was overshadowed by Overwatch? which was outstandingly better at things than TF2 since it had much more potential with engine, less particle limit, more skins etc.

OW could be same state as TF2 if GOATS never happened

I don’t think mobility has much to do with the success of a game.

However if you have high mobility game with no counterplay to it, then there is a huge problem.


Quake is fun, what are you talking about. People don’t play it because cartoony garbo Fortnite is the thing. The gameplay in Quake is undeniable. How dare you.


Quake has counterplay, it’s called everyone is walking fast and have same guns,

dream come true for OW players, because they’re the ones complaining about oneshots

clearly since their gun can’t allow them to do so, all guns having similar damage game would be perfect for them

never said it wasn’t fun:

refer to the 2nd sentence, out of 2 sentences in my post:

fast paced, sounds like lot of fun for OW players,

perhaps you should make a Quake clone with better graphics, skins, etc.

using some idea or bassline of another game doesn’t mean copy,

TF2 → OW
BR → different BR

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Ow1 would never have gotten 30mil if it wasn’t free to play

Tf2 floped do to release time and then lose players do to a group nuking the servers non stop making it unplayable and ea not fixing the problem


High mobility is fine, but the problem is Blizzard doesn’t seem to realize they have to balance things like mobility, hitboxes, damage, etc.

It feels like sometimes Blizzard only considers health and damage to be important for balance. So heroes can have high speed and high damage.


Ya and all the moble heros have huge hit boxes compared to moble

You literally imply right here that it isn’t fun. Is this not a rhetorical question? If it isn’t, then the answer is because there are other things besides sweaty high skill hard mechanics fast paced game play that are fun and most people can’t/don’t want to keep up with that.

Also, Bethesda botched the release horribly.

Also, Microsoft will own both OW and Quake soon. I look forward to splattering Tracer all over Instagib.


I don’t understand what you’re saying.

Mobile heros are balanced with having hit boxes usaly 2x or more the size of their model

For tanks sure. But not dps. The chatacters with the highest dps tend to have the most mobility and smallest hitboxes.


no… only nearly 10 milion bloody bought the game and play it,

they used their DALLA$ in their WALLET$, 10 milion people,

to buy Overwatch 1

Quoting Google:

How many players did overwatch 1 have at launch?
An open beta before release drew in nearly 10 million players. Overwatch received universal acclaim from critics, who praised the game for its accessibility, the diverse appeal of its hero characters, its cartoonish art style, and enjoyable gameplay.

oh you mean Titanfall? I thought you meant Team Fortress, lmao

right, that’s why Sojourn could oneshot snipe and have a powerful AR at the same time, and still has…

no, I’m asking why is nobody playing Quake, if mobility is fun…

“Why is nobody playing Quake?”
“That game has mobility, you guys like mobility.”
“So… why is nobody playing Quake?”

right, that’s why CS:GO wasn’t popular for years…

but they don’t, and they don’t in other games

they compensate high movement and damage with low health

which gets compensated by even more movement and damage, which then gets tuck in a loop of being buffed and nerfed

Not to model size look a genji tracer and exhos hit boxs they are huge

quite a stretch to call the hitboxes huge


In comparison to their modle it is

CSGO isn’t a mechanics heavy game. What are you even talking about at this point. CSGO is a game sense heavy game. And not fast paced. What…you’re just saying things to say them at this point. Why don’t you move the goal posts a bit more so you can totally fail at making your point.

The reason Quake isn’t popular is a) an aesthetics problem. It doesn’t fit the modern cartoon do a silly dance design, and b) a fighting game problem. Fighting games are incredibly fun, but nobody plays them because they’re hard.

It has nothing to do with fun, and everything to do with look and dedication. You’re just off base entirely.