High mobility is not a good thing

HAHAHAHAHAHA no. At least not to Overwatch. It was released at a bad time, because it was released at the same time of year as other, routine GIANTS(at the time) released, which were CoD and Battlefield.

Literally not even true for Titanfall 2. Are you thinking of “Team Fortress 2,” maybe? Because the person you’re replying to is talking about the former, and you appear to be talking about the latter.

no it doesn’t, tha’s how you lose players, because gettind destroyed over and over again isn’t fun

yeah but like in cod, you can kill a guy and someone spawns and kills you

or you spawn and kill someone else shooting someone else…

true, not 100% player’s responsibility though

also I knew before about Titanfall 2, through one of my friends, one

kind of hard to find a nonexistant game…

yes but mei gets flashbanged before she can freeze cass

high velocity + Kraber projectile speed + enemy movement calculation? my brain hurts

I was talking about Team fortress,

if a game gets released at random time, do the people really go seek out constantly new games?

or do players only seek out new games around times where big games get released?

high mobility is a counter to hit-scan and snipers. imagine if there was movement acceleration and no crouch spamming. imagine if ALL the heroes moved 50 percent slower. widowmaker and other hit-scans would dominate more than they do now.

maybe the speed passive of dps was better than the reload thing we got now. supports hated it but now they hate getting sniped since the heroes that benefited from the speed passive dealt with widow


They hate snipers FAR less than mobility. Because cover works against snipers.

We had a thread on which people preferred.


maybe its supports who should have the speed passive. have to balance it a bit if its too strong tho

Ya and thats what i would do and practice constantly with grenade speed boosts

Because kids are addicts


I see like nobody crough spam at low ranks, nobody

people don’t even realise they can, and I think it’s also good since most peple in low rank shoot generally at center which can get you headshotted when you place your head where your stomach is where they shoot…

idk what is this thing of people looking at problems one dimentionally in this team based 5v5 game…

supports stand back and heal others, they aren’t usually the ones who get widow sniped

honestly that video makes me want to play Apex, but also Titanfall

I’ll ask you, should I buy it? I am like few cents away from being able to buy discounted Titanfall 2, little bit of CSGO should do the trick…

yeah but you clearly don’t understand how addiction works

thats true lol then it would probably be better if they A/D strafe spammed. i have 1000 hours on widow and to this day i still have trouble anyone who A/D strafe spams and bonus if they know how to do it with crouch spamming

ad strafe if its consistant just aim for the side of where they will end up strafing and wait for them to walk in your crosshair

What do you think my apex main is. I bet you wont get it.

If you willing to learn to play with speed demons then i would recommend it

that depends, because in that video the guy talked about how it’s played through a server or something, so the game doesn’t just do it’s matchmaking through simple press play?

one of these:

Lol at least try i promise it will suprise you who i main

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one character is missing, from that list my friend, that’s the joke

No not pathfinder its fuze

wait I thought you liked mobility

Oh man a game where the players suffer and hate it, but still play regardless. Doesn’t help that their peers also pressure them to play it to fit in.

You clearly have 0 understanding of why TF|2 didn’t preform well

i do but i love having so many explosives bloodhound is number 2 and octane is number 3


The skill gap between a nrw plauer an even just average player (like myself) is massive and makes it hard for new players to learn considering they get matched against any other player regardless of skill

I remember the first time I played it took me an entire match to get up a while that now takes me 3 seconds to climb over

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