High mobility is not a good thing

Titanfall 2 was poorly marketed and released right next to CoD and Battlefield lol. It was essentially set up to fail.


if their hitbox was their model, you could Neo Matrix projectile heroes with Tracer

does that sound balanced to you?

who can match CoD at this point?

Exactly. If they had delayed it so it released a bit further away from these giants, it would’ve probably done way better. It was legitimately a masterpiece of a shooter.

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You kinda can to a degree with projectiles

And it was released when cod was at its peek

perhaps they wanted to relase it at the time period where poeple try out new games?

there’s this game called CoD Warzone, idk if you’ve heared this, but it’s free real estate

Yes it does but not because everyone else is walking fast. The weapons and maps are designed with high mobility in mind.

With that said, quake still has high skill floor which is makes it less accessible for new players.

yep, that’s why people play Kiriko and Gengu and Sojourn

instead of Junkrat, Mercy and Reaper,

because they are low skill floor

It is just way easier to hit things in OW and the TTK is much higher too.

higher TTK? with less barriers?

or do you mean the caracters? upclose Reaper sure is 0 damage confetti gun,

Rat doesn’t oneshot you with 2 granades, naw…

Nah. I simply don’t think they were thinking lol. They seriously thought they could steal customers from CoD XD

Higher TTK than most other pvp fps.

Even if you still feel like dying too fast, you can always pick tank and solve that problem.

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Neither was Titanfall from a top down perspective.
A sequel that actually improved upon its origin in most of its aspects unlike cough cough

The game itself failed to retain players due to it’s fast pace nature itself, players were quickly burnt out by the fast pace gameplay it provided, you get no downtime once you’re in a game not even when you die because you respawn immediately.

The only flop it was was financially, it didn’t make enough money to warrant maintaining with the quickly declining player base.

So barrier of entry isn’t a valid point for a games success?

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Yes and it did realy well too

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I mean if ur on a lookout for upcoming game, you can be on a lookout if there are other games that are being released aswell…

if compet was Open Queue

Yep, but OW isn’t fps game with everyone being able to buy AK, Deagle, AWP, Shotgun, etc. that oneshot either by themself or with certain condition

and no healing

10 milion wallets were emptied to buy Overwatch 1,

but sure, let’s look at f2p games on ebic

let’s play The Cycle: Frontier, Roller Champions, EVE online, Dauntless, Space Punks, Paladins, Warframe, Trackmania, SMITE

look how succesful these games are with 0 entry barrier because they are literally free to play…

While some might be, OW still probably earns what these games do just by releasing bunch of skins in their overpriced shop…

yep, games can have more than one peek

The correlation alone proves you have no clue about the impact the barrier of entry has.

ofc it has impact, but to what extent?

new game that isn’t free to play is a barrier, yet 10 milion bought Overwatch on release

Oh look. A delicious logical fallacy proposed by someone who thinks you can compare two different things outside a vacuum with no direct correlation between the two and intuit causation based on the imagined possible results.

But I already ate two much BS on the forums today. I guess I’ll have to pass on this one.

Your ignorance is personified by the exuberance of your own verbosity, so I thought I’d try my hand at it. So you didn’t feel alone.

Nearly every hero has a much larger hitbox than their character model would indicate, it isnt exclusive to mobile heroes.


Yes but by model to hit box the more mobel mor often the hit box is larger do to being mobel look at mercy shes got a large hit box to model ratio and mobility can also just be in a game and be fine personly i dint like cod for how slow it is same for counter strike

Wait. TF2 a flop? Am I taking crazy pills here >.>?

Edit: I understand it has fallen out of favor for a variety of reasons, but I’m pretty sure the game saw several years of success at least.

Last edit: You mean titanfall 2, don’t you? I kept reading this as Team Fortress 2 and was so confused lol

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