"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

No Mothing Around!

Anti nade, displacements (Can be booped or charged away from team or off the map) one shots, damage that outpaces it (damage boosted dragon strike famously)

Except the “Hide n Res” strategy sets your team up for failure most of the time.

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There is a difference between an ultimate that is used to SAVE your team and an ultimate that is used to reverse your teams mistakes AFTER the fact.
Theres no point continuing your lot get very defensive, just say okay, thanks for your opinion, good day sir.

Then explicit the difference, because I don’t see any.

You’re describing the exact same thing but insisting that they are different things. Each character is stopping engaging with the active fight in order to set up their ultimate. They are doing the exact. Same. Thing. You cannot simply say that one is doing it better than the other, or that one character is allowed to use taking time to set up an ult as a strat and another is not. That is unfair. That is a DOUBLE STANDARD. It’s plain as day, you really don’t see that?


Mass Res was supposed to give your team a second chance and also be a punishment for people who are throwing all the ults at once.

And honestly its only flaws were not having a cast time (counterable factor) and Line of Sight (no more res behind the walls).


There is no point into jumping into a graviton if the enemy ult combos away. Only Zen can prevent massive damage here with other chars you are forced to take cover. Maybe you can help your team with Ana throwing a nade and shooting, or Moira and Lucios ult but most likely your team is going to die if the enemy sets up a good combo.
Mercys mass-rez was another counter to those combos and required the Mercy to read the battlefield and survive the ult storm. No support or dps char is made to facetank all this dmg and even tanks can only block a certain amount before breaking ranks.

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Maybe I should say my opinion is based on the fact that I THINK res shouldn’t of existed in the first place?
Or does that OPINION automatically invalidate anything I would say? probably in your opinions, but is fine as-well.
We all have opinions :slight_smile:

Hide & rez was a scapegoat, y’all were lazy and didnt focus mercy and then just said she was hiding to pass all blame.


Ult stacking countered itself without mass rez. Ult economy is crucial and stacking too many puts you at a disadvantage. Someone even tried to tell me that you “can easily counter mass rez with high noon/self-destruct/etc” but then you’re necessitating MORE ult stacking. Why would you endorse ult stacking if it counters ult stacking? You’re using the thing mass rez counters to counter mass rez

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Had so many games in gold-> plat on an alt where enemy teams would over commit to fights (grav + blade + shatter +another DPS ult) and then a mercy would just fly over and rez, wasn’t hiding, they just weren’t dumb enough to be standing next to their rein when they knew either shatter or grav was coming.


Your not reversing anything with Resurrect, you are continuing something.
All the other support Ult’s (Zen’s and Lucio’s) do just the same. They extend the fight.
If Resurrect would revers the fight, you would just go back with everything, thats not the case.
All 3 are saving the teammates from death.
Non of them is reverting anything.

No one has something against opinions, but against not well thought out arguments.


You are free to have your opinion but people with a different one will start arguments with you. So as long as you can discuss and bring good arguments its all fine. Just dont expect others to have the same opinion if you dont make any sense to them.

We should just stop talking about Mercy. I want to see more fun topics and not mostly stuff about Mercy.

And you are looking for it in a Mercy thread? xd

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Noone if forcing you to read Mercy related threads.
We want to talk about Mercy because we want to voice our opinions, aren’t we allowed to ?

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For whatever reason people forget this all time time -.-

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Sorry but the Mercy threads will keep coming till the issue is solved. Looking at Blizzard and their moronic balance team that will take a while sorry for that.


I just see these threads and they say the same thing most of the time.

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