"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

This was probably posted in another thread (and if it was i’m terribly sorry to be redundant), but if it wasn’t, I would like to bring the attention to a video that eloquently touches on not only how “Hide and Rez” as a strategy was seen so negatively, but also on how other heroes who use their ults in the same way, are seen as completely fine by the community.

I haven’t really thought about Hide and Rez in this way or how many heroes actually do hide first before ulting, so it was a pretty big eye-opener for me, or in the very least, an interesting view on the double-standards we put on Mercy’s ult, vs other heroes.

Agree? Disagree? Feel free to post your thoughts. Credit goes to Aria Rose for making this video.


Great vid! I saw people posting it already but getting more people to see and discuss the topic is always good. :slight_smile:

Please keep it constructive and civil guys!


only this has this been posted earlier today, but also sent to the “404 not found” void lol


I believe it (and videos like it) has been in at least 5 other threads in the last week. Hide and rez “double standard” seems to be the Mercy Bandwagon topic ATM.

Whether they have been 404’d though, I don’t know.


I don’t see this as a double standard. The difference is that Mercy’s ult ONLY worked reactively and the argument was that she might not have needed to use it in the first place if she’d been in the fight and healing instead of hiding. Not healing the team almost guaranteed that they were going to die. Sneaking up with Reaper to pull off a big Blossom isn’t the same thing. He can do it proactively or reactively during a fight.


My apologies then, I saw a new vid about it and tried to be “that one who posted it first”. Foiled again…

it’s okay, at least seeing people talk about a video and about suggestions for mercy might help blizz have some ideas to fix her :smiley:


Do you mean like in this thread ?

never used that thread, looks too scary to get into

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I don’t fully follow the “double standard” deal. Most of those DPS heroes will flank into the enemy backline and give up frontline damage to deal even more damage as a surprise. Mercy would give up healing and hide in her own backline for an effect that isn’t comparable to simply healing more. There are far different stakes in these situations. Junkrat is certainly a little more comparable with how he hides in his own backline, but he’s still doing it to get massive damage after a period of no damage. He also has much stronger counterplay to his Tire. It only has 100 HP and can easily be sniped out of the air.

I think that having a 1-target Resurrect will always be preferred over multi-target as it discourages waiting for more people to die in order to get value. That being said, I’m not a fan of how busted Mercy is in her current state, but I definitely don’t want to go back to even a modified version of Old Rez.


Oh don’t worry it’s not.
It’s just a place where every thread that contains the word “Mercy” is redirected no matter what.
It’s also the place where everyone is told that any feedback is welcomed, yet everything has been ignored.
And let’s not forget that it keep on closing and opening, making the conversation easy to go on !


which is exactly why im afraid of getting into it :joy:

you;re acting like mercy doesn’t do it mid fight either


1.0 rez was balanced, period
it just needed some tweaks


You can’t just end your argument with “period” and not actually make an argument. If you’re going to debate me, at least actually back yourself up.


I experienced the reason they removed mass Rez first hand. Players would say in chat “Mercy you have your ult, go hide so you can use it.”

They did this often, and it sucked. As a tank I would have to basically let the enemy team kill me so the rez would be huge, and as the one playing Mercy I would get flamed if I refused to hide away from the push.

So while everyone has different experiences, mine was objectively poor. I’m glad they got rid of mass rez, especially the BS invulnerability that made it have no counterplay other than “do we have a DPS ult or grav that we didn’t need to use to get the wipe in the first place?”


flank, ult, kill enemy team is not the same as
hide, wait for team to die, res team.

might as well just compare hide and rez to genji and tracers play styles with this argument.

this doesnt jive. if it were balanced it wouldn’t need tweaks, period.

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Using mass-rez midfight to keep up the momentum was mostly the better option than hiding away.


Honestly I don’t think you can necessarily compare DPS ults to mass rez - in some ways. Like, it’s never going to be a hardline comparison. There are DPS who hide/flank to ult, but everyone will always fire back with “well DPS ults can be countered/took skill to pull off/wasn’t instant”.

My biggest gripe with the “hide and rez” narrative is the fact that “hiding” changed from “Mercy literally hiding in a corner for an extended period of time” to “Mercy is not standing out in the open in my direct line of fire so that means she’s hiding”.

Every support takes cover. Every hero takes cover occasionally in order to avoid damage. Is there a single hero who just stands and lets themselves be killed? Obviously not, taking cover to avoid damage is part of the game - that’s why shields exist. Ana, Zen, Lucio etc - if they duck behind a wall to avoid a sniper or a dps ult, that’s totally fine. But god forbid a Mercy do the same even with her beam giving away her exact location.

That’s the double standard that irks me. Hide and rez was a problem, but people started categorizing just plain defensive play as “hiding”. And that standard only applied to Mercy.

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Man, you’re really leaving space for other opinions aren’t you?

Shift + Q had 0 counterplay, though I agree that a full rework was unnecessary. Mass Rez needed LoS and the current cast time OR a massive increase in ult cost.