"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

I just like to see people talking about different things on the forums, sorry.

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I can see where a lot of the issues are now.

Mercy isn’t supposed to take cover unlike other supports, she’s expected to die with her team. Fine then. Make her rez something applied pre-death, and suddenly it would work just the same as a Sound Barrier with regards to mechanics.


Y’all truly out here expecting to be engaged with by the devs after insulting them relentlessly.

If the megathread wasn’t playing open close, maybe there won’t be that much thread Mercy on the front page, but it looks like devs don’t care anymore about the mega :man_shrugging:

Again… Ive LITERALLY made a solution to this. Instead of fighting about Mercy reverts and hide and res mechanics, we should all just lobby behind one idea to get this fixed once and for all

Selfpromoting your idea as a “LITERAL solution” isn’t very modest to say the least.


While a creative idea the devs have indicated (at least the way I interpreted it) that they don’t want Valkyrie do be played for rez. I’d prefer a single target beam if we have to have it though.

Don’t really think the gun needs any buffs though.

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People tell me mercy is a single target healer; this gives her an easy cleave
also i find buffing the gun heavily unnecessary

I came here and gave my opinion and feedback again and again. All we got was silencend in the megavoid never got an answer in there or any kind of status update to Mercy. I have seen people make big threads with tons of constructive feedback but still nothing.
There is nothing left but disappointment in this dev team and I have no regrets blaming them for their incompetence anymore. I also dont see any reason to be nice since it doesnt seem to matter anyway.
They will keep going with this terrible rework and you people will complain about Mercy players wanting to fix their hero. So no I dont expect them to engage anymore but i expect them to fix their crap and give us the engaging and fun rework they promised us from the start.

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Your frustration with the devs doesn’t warrant insults.

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You didnt even read my post… bye.

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Because the rest was irrelevant to the point i was making.

Well? You did so well enough to realize a fight was missing main healer. If Mass rez punished people for doing well, Mercy wouldve been a must pick yet in Diamond+ she was a troll pick with a lower pickrate than Mei.

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Same as Mercy.

Same as Mercy.

An ultimate to counter an ultimate. Hmm.

Im not trying to be modest. Im sick of Mercy being the only option for healer in the game. She needs to be change immediately.

The rework was a massive fail and it will continue to be as long as Res is not tied to the ultimate ability.

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I agree.

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This isn’t my point. I’m fully just stating that transcendence isn’t overpowered. I forgot it’s not very range flexible; if your team is spread or on different levels you’ll have a hard time.

Transcendence is supposed to counter tick damage ults like hanzo’s.

For which they need to not die.

No, there is no difference.


Lol, pretty sure he’s just triggered that people want Mass Resurrect back (3


It’s an emotional position that they are trying to justify by differentiating two things that are identical.

The position is not founded in reality.