"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

Transcendence? That has no counterplay either. While you may say its different because it takes skill to use effectively, thats not the point you made. Fact is, Transcendence has no counterplay other than to kill Zenyatta or wait for him to use it. And somehow the double standaard of its not fair that transcendence cant counter grav and dragons with mercy DB but it was also unfair for Mass Rez to counter it too.

It wasnt balanced. It was objectively the worse ultimate in the game in spite of its potential. Just like McCree’s ult, both sound good on paper, but are usually a death sentence. Mercy would have to sacrifice herself for her team to come back without a main healer and likely die all over again while used. Tempo rez to resurrect 1-2 people and keep momentum was always the best way to use it. If anything, this rework proves how much powerful a tempo rez was over mass rez as before the rework, Mercy was a troll pick in Diamond+ with Mei having a higher pickrate.

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Transcendence does have counters with it being one shots and anti-made but one shots will get annihilated by Blizz and Ana is basically nonexistent in competitive.

One shots would also counter Mass Rez. Both Trans and Rez had no cast time. And one ability being the only counter isnt really much of a counter. Transcendence and Mass Rez both were to wait for it to go off, or kill them before they use it.

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True. Always good to have a fellow shishter to help me with arguments :slight_smile:

I would say yes, you abandoned the team for the purpose of them dying so you can res.
Taking cover would imply you are peeking still contributing to the fight by taking cover for short periods of time to protect yourself, but ultimately still doing something.

That’s just my opinion though.
Not a DPS main btw

There was a tac-visor active and a Pharah shooting into the Grav - it was pointless to heal at that point. My healing would have only been feeding at that point. If that had happened now I probably would have suicided off the cliff to not feed myself.

Also, how do you feel about my fellow support Lucio that was not healing the team?


Trans still can be outdamaged and it takes time to heal. It also can’t really undo mistakes made by the team like rez does.

Mass rez just punishes the enemies for doing well.

He doesn’t have a no skill press q to win button with no counterplay other than “just click on her head lol 4head”
It is a bias, ill admit that.

Pretty sure Sound Barrier is just “press Q”, especially since this was before the global ult change that would make you lose the ult on stun.

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Sound barrier is a proactive ultimate that is used while in the fight to protect your team.
Res is a reactive ultimate that is used when you abandon your team (at least the hide n res method)
I don’t think you can compare them.

Only because he has a cast time, right?
That tells a lot…


So… if only Mass Res was with cast time, it would be skilled ultimate xd


But it was okay for him to not jump into the Grav to heal the team? Because the way I’m seeing it we were both trying to not needlessly die.


That’s false to say the least.

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There is a difference between a lucio (hiding) to not die and a Mercy (hiding) for the purpose of bringing everyone back.
You cant remotely compare the payoff.

So if I didn’t have rez and did the exact same thing to not feed…?

That would be fine as the hide n res concept only applies to a Mercy who hides to use res. Not one who hides to not feed.
Yes I know you won’t agree, i wont agree with you either. Just giving my opinion.

Completely agree with everything here, I’ve made all of these points to other people on these forums as well. Excellent video, please keep up the fight and I hope that one day we’ll get our old Mercy back.

I honestly hate all the reworking they’ve done since I started playing. Mercy was one of my first main characters and I loved playing her, now she’s a chore. I used to love Symmetra, now she’s CrappyTeleporter:The Character. At least I already hate Torbjorn.

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If a lucio is hiding to save the game it’s okay but not for Mercy?