"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

OMG so sorry hunny…

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Lol. No worries. I’m still half asleep right now, I probably could have worded it better.

“Double standard”

The difference between Dps “hiding” to use their ult- or as she more accurately put it herself later, flanking- is that they’re doing just that. Flanking. Hiding Mercy wasn’t “flanking” to use her ult.

Junkrat necessarily isn’t hiding to wait to ult. He’s taking cover to use his ult safely.

That leads to the participation concern.

Dps are waiting to kill things, to kill things with their ult.

Hiding mercy’s weren’t waiting to heal, to do more healing. They were waiting for people to die, so they could completely undo the death. There’s a subtle contextual difference between healing to keep people up- and bringing them back once they’ve gone down.

Zen doesn’t counter two ults in a dragon grav. He counters one- the dragon strike. Grav is still holding people in place. Sure the dragon strike won’t kill anyone- but grav is still doing its job locking everyone in place- which has many other advantages, allowing for repositioning, stalling points or preventing them from getting to the point (I love using grav to stop those last second contests during overtime) here’s like hanzo and widow can still delete people with headshots through trans, etc.

Junkrat ult has far more counter play than “just kill it” as a whole. Even if you don’t kill it the damage can be blocked by shields, ice walls, bubbles, well timed sound barriers. Mei can still ice block her self, Moira can fade, reaper can wraith, Sombra can translocate away, Pharah can boost out of its range, etc- other heroes can respond with their own ults, which also don’t have to revolve around killing the tire- doomfist can activate meteor strike, if dva gets de meched she can self destruct, Winston can primal rage, zen is completely invulnerable outside of falling to his death, etc. yes some heroes are going to have a harder time, Ana and the likes are strong examples here. But many heroes had more options than “kill it”.

Mercy wasn’t given invulnerability during res because she was dying before she could use it.

She was given invuln because she’d die AFTER she used it.

Key word here- DURING res. Not leading up to or before res. During.

Mercy would often swoop in, get a res- and die for it. The term used to describe it was that she’d martyr herself.

I could go on- but ya. Disagree with this video.

I personally do not miss res. I understand why those who do, do. I don’t agree- but I understand.


not to mention any dps is popping an ult to maaaaaaybe get a kill(s)…nothing is ever guaranteed as any one of them has counterplay…mercy was if successful literally undoing anything that was just done in past 10-15 seconds…greatest 3-5k ever…perfect teamplay…5 ults if a team was so inclined…the clutchiest healing effort ever…she basically erased everything

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Flanking is not hiding behind the enemy team for a set period of time and waiting to use your ult. Both are bad. If one needs to go, so does the other.

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Most of the time resses that we’re executed using the “Hide n Res” strategy flopped because of the easy counter that is, an enemy player preserving an ultimate for the Resurrect. Also, most people suggest cast times and what not if mass Resurrect were to return.

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doesnt even have to be hide n res btw…she couldve been killed first (as any good team would and should do)…all she had to do was run back to team in time…the existance of an “erase/undo all” button on its own is bad…that ult is where it belongs to be honest…in the trash can

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That ultimate was way better than the current, “erase all picks” ability Mercy has. Current Mercy belongs in the dumpster

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you mean possibly prevent people from dying? unheard of for a support…or you mean specifically the 1 person she can now res…yeah…comparable…same level…

It’s not exactly preventing if the ability requires a dead teammate to work. 1 Resurrect every 30 seconds vs mass Resurrect which can Resurrect 1-5 people and was earned. Sorry hunny but it is comparable and there is a clear victor.

Alright, I need to as this question for my own peace of mind, and I would prefer if non-Mercy players answer.

Do you consider this hiding? If you do, where do you draw the line between hiding and taking cover?

I need to understand the thinking. In case you wonder, from the moment I stop heal to rez there is a 4 second gap.

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No. That’s called common sense. :potato:’s like to think that hiding and taking cover are nuances of the same meaning. Reality check, no it’s not.

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over time yeah she can res the same number of people…but its not anywhere near the same level of screw anything youre doing level that mass res allowed…so no i dont think its comparable…

not to mention if total number of resses is really going to be the measuring stick…then you should probably love current mercy as that hasnt changed (heck she may be better at it)

more to your point…1 res potentially every 30 secs…you have to have dead teammates as you so elegantly pointed out…that earned res was up just about every min back in the day if not less…her res rate was not as different then as it is now…and as i mentioned…it was way worse when it did

Yeah, no. Current Mercy’s pickrate is skyrocketing whilst old Mercy’s pickrate was stagnant. Clearly current Mercy is way more OP and problematic that old Mercy. Also, let’s not forget that she’s been meta ever since her rework on September whilst old Mercy was F-tier for a great portion of her existence.

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doesnt mean she didnt have a mechanic that was terrible…its also unfair to point to mass res as the reason(?) she was f-tier alone…lots of things played into that…

I see your video, and raise you NEW PERSONAL RECORD At 96 Eliminations!! 2CP At Its Finest - YouTube

Nobody wants the type of 2 CP hell that mass rez enabled.

Sorry for the double-post. Responded to wrong post in the thread.

She has a even worse mechanic now. Also, mass ress is one of the main reasons why she was F-tier simply because it was too easy to counter and too hard to pull of successfully. Why do you think she had to get that invulnerability buff? She was dying way to much when trying to pull of a Resurrect.

i will take a single res any day of the week over the hysterically awful idea that was mass res…in whatever optimized way the mass res cult has envisioned for it…its just a terrible concept…hell i would be fine if they got rid of the current version…but ive seen and played with and against both versions…i loathed 1…and it isnt the current one

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There goes all the credibility in your response.

Same can be said vice versa. The concept of Resurrect on a static cool down is just terrible.

Cool. I loathe current resurrect and find old Resurrect much more fair and rewarding.

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If I had a dollar for every minute McCree or Reaper wasted in hope of securing play of the game, I could retire. It is absolutely absurd that people don’t see what an issue these players are.