"Hide and Rez" - The Double Standard

The problem wasn’t the hiding. The problem is that the old rez had no counter play. Every other ult has cast time or can be blocked/interrupted after the Q key was pressed.

Stop posting this awful video, I have seen it in at least 4 other threads within the past few days… the arguments she has have alreade been argued against before and after she made that video. There is nothing new here other than it being a video.


Both iterations of hiding are bad as in both iterations you are not participating in the match to help your team for a set period of time. Why are people bent on saying one is worse than the other? Hunny no, they are both bad and should both be discouraged in game a like Overwatch. If one gets to live and one gets to die, that’s called a double standard. Get over it. If one version of it has to get removed, all versions of it have to be removed.


I gona say it again
Only reason that they dont wona bring back old mercy is this: They dont wona show that their idea was worse than what was before, they are just to proud of “reworks” to even think about reverse anything they gona do. Invincible mercy with mass rez is great example of that, that was bad idea, what they do to fix it? Nothing, they just made her new ult so no one will complain about that…

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Thanks hunny for clarifying the 2 seen as how so many :potato: ‘s seem to think they are both nuances of the same meaning.

Cursed video is cursed. So long thread… Pour one out.


So if that video can get spammed, can i spam asking to remove Rez completely from the game?

Was it intentional :potato:?

Kinda sounds like he was reluctant to post it because he wasn’t sure it it was already posted on the forums.

I have seen that video in 4 or 5 thread already.

The point is, the OP wasn’t aware that it was already posted a couple of times…

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“We don’t like hide & rez”

After saying that puts rez on E and locks Mercy in place for 2 seconds while rezzing to enforce hide & rez gameplay.

Reminds me of pre-dive-meta: “We have too many shields”. After saying that adds a moving shield to Syms first rework.


The devs are garbage?

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Single rez in cover with cast time is different than instant cast mass rez after disengaging from the fight

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Both are bad so I don’t really see the difference. In both examples you stop healing your team for a set amount of time.

I agree to an extent, but the reduced range of solo rez means you are still in the midfight and the stopped healing is for less than two seconds. Hiding rez tended to go longer

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One encouraged players to actively leave the fight and let their teammates die, often opting to not do anything for long periods of time to actually hide.

The other encourages you to make use of cover for two seconds.

They are fairly different, though I think I liked mass rez more for the game. I think it needed more counter play and just remove the invulnerable frames. Not everyone went and hid back then, the issue was how the community encouraged it.

You do realize there’s a difference between needing cover during the Rez and taking cover just to not be in the fight at all while shenanigans are going on and coming out to undo everything right?


Longer or not, in both situations you chose to stop healing your team which should not be encouraged when playing a main healer which is why I hate this rework. They have to go to such bad extents to attempt to balance a permanently bloated kit.

This is just false. You’re under exaggerating if you think Reapers hide behind cover for 2 seconds to ult. Both are bad. Don’t try to convince me otherwise. One gets removed? The other has too as well.

I was addressing the old rez to the new one. Not reaper ult to rez, as I initially thought that’s what you were talking about there in your post I responded to. My mistake.

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