Hidden Update - Standard Loot Box rates are now directly published in the game

In one of the recent patches, there is a very small but important quality of life change. Now on the Loot Box purchase screen, there is a graph that will pop up when you click the :information_source: icon displayed just above the Loot Box purchasing options.

A few other reminders that card does not tell you.

  • Contents of a Loot Box are determined when you receive that Loot Box, NOT when it is opened.
  • The contents of a Loot Box are determined based on the items you have already unlocked in your collection that are available from that Loot Box and each rarity the item is. Only if you collect all possible items for a specific rarity that is available for that Loot Box will any items of that same rarity in a Loot Box could be duplicated.
  • You get 50 for all Rare Coin Drops, you get 150 for all Epic Coin Drops, and you get 500 for all Legendary Coin Drops. You get 5 for all Common Duplicated Items, you get 15 for all Rare Duplicated Items, you get 50 for all Epic Duplicated Items, and you get 200 for all Legendary Duplicated Items.
  • You cannot earn any items from a standard loot box or an event loot box that does not appear in that Loot Box even if you have collected all possible items from that Loot Box
  • You cannot earn any past promotional item or Overwatch League skins from Loot Boxes. Overwatch League skins can only be obtained with Overwatch League Tokens and are sold separately or earned from watching eligible Overwatch League Matches.
  • A seasonal Loot Box is guaranteed to have at least one item from that seasonal event.
  • Golden Loot Boxes will guarantee to have one Legendary ranked item but only contains items from the standard loot box distribution (no season events)
  • Legendary Loot Boxes will guarantee to have Legendary ranked item and the box will pool from all seasonal events. Anniversary Legendary Loot Boxes are the same but must have at least one item that appears in Anniversary seasonal event.



Ah this will definetly help out since you don’t have to go search for this information.

Definetly a nice touch, thanks for letting us know!

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Yep, sorry got too aggressive with the copy and paste.


I’m pretty sure it was there for quite a while, one of my friends showed me this about a month ago.

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Any update on the ExC? (aka bug fixes)

Is the Tourney Canceled?

Just asking if our favorite Support got any new info.

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Details here: Overwatch Retail Patch Notes - March 23, 2021


Hmm I think this was released a while ago, online of course. Due to some countries restrictions, I think it was Australia but it might of been china. But yeah being an in game feature is a nice change.

Though of all the loot box system Overwatch has always been one of the most generous to players. Too bad they have mostly moved away from loot boxes and focus far more on limited time events and exclusive OWL token skins…


Oh yeah, a lot of this is information we already knew, but we never did confirm if the drop rates were the same country to country. This now proves they are.

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I don’t believe this, especially when I open event lootboxes and it’s mostly base game dupes.

Then the time I get a legendary in an event lootbox… It’s pirate Torb.

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Jokes aside…

Currently hope Archive April is going to have more then this month.

it’s… provably true though?
If you get an event box, at least ONE item in it will have the event designation. It might be “old” or be a dupe if you’ve unlocked everything in that rarity (rarity is rolled first) but there’s always one thing from that events pool in every event box.

Pay close attention next time, you will see always at least one will be seasonal. Now remember, the drop rates do NOT adjust based on the current status of your collection. So say you collected all of the commons and rares for both standard and the seasonal event, but you are still missing Legendaries from the standard Loot Box collection, it is very possible (and likely) a legendary drop will be from the standard collection and your seasonal event is a duplicate item because it was drawn as one of the lower ranked items.


Far as I know it’s generally true, though it doesn’t have to be the rare or anything. Most commonly it’s a spray or player icon… Even if they are duplicates cause you have them all it still counts as “one seasonal”.

No, its true. You get at least one seasonal item. Probably a common. Didn’t say it won’t be a dupe as rarity percentages still count. So if you have all the common seasonal items, you probably will get a dup seasonal common item before the unique legendary item


This was likely added because 1. it’s required in China and also 2. new laws in the EU. It’s easier to just globally add this screen than just for a few regions.

This is a weird way to display drop rate, to be honest. I know there’s a pity timer so I suppose it can be hard to come up with more precise numbers.

It really hard to give a good number, it all depends on how to want to phrase it. I guess they are saying that common is 99% because there are boxes that could be all rare and above. I used to know the formula for that, its something like 1/(1/rare% + 1/epic% + 1/leg%), so some odd formula

I could swear I saw this screen when I first started playing, which was fairly recently.