Hidden Update - Standard Loot Box rates are now directly published in the game

Nice timing… This thing is in game 3 months already…


Most people have no reason to look at the purchase screen. I think that was the first time I clicked on it in over a year, so it was news to me.

That has been there since the launch of the game.

O, I saw that somewhere, my bad. It showed up in my twitter feed today for some reason.

All good, there are so many elusive things about Overwatch that even I learn something new every now and then.

Did you know you can shoot the Murloc in the spaceship on Hanamura and it will make Murloc grunts and battlecry noises?


Never knew that, I’ll definitely try it out next time I’m on hanamura.

2nd bullet confuses me.
I started getting a bunch of duplicates as soon as I hit the halfway point in my collection, but I have unobtained items in all tiers.

It’s pretty late where I am so maybe I just need to re-read later.

Nice. Now if they could directly publish the rigging algorithm in-game we could check-off that gambling component as well.

Wasn’t Legendary chance something like 12-14% before? Am i wrong?

The “best out of” odds are 1 out of 13.5 (which is stated in the fine text of the graphic), that might be what you are thinking of.

I used to track my drop rates a few years back and they always coincided pretty closely with the numbers (which we have known for a very long time now)…in fact I usually did better…

Eventually I stopped doing it (partly because of how reliable it was)…60-80 boxes during an event and I was basically sure I would have everything when it ended…nowadays it’s waaaay less (there used to be a lot more stuff for the events)…I’m guessing 40 boxes is probably more than enough to complete events nowadays

So, suppose I want to get the most out of Event boxes, I should buy the old items before I receive any boxes, that way I would theoretically have better odds to get the new stuff?

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Werent these published and the way loot is dropped when China introduced new gambling laws 2-3 years ago? Any kind of gambling needed to show how much chance of winning or success is possible in the system. Lootboxes are gambling.

Before that change it was possible to get duplicates before all objects within a group of rarity were unlocked. 50 legendaries to go, but stil getting a duplicate for that one skin i already have.

People should keep in mind that the random loot system is indeed random. Just because the odds say you should receive a legendary every 13 to 14 boxes, doesn’t mean you will.

I’ve had legendary droughts in the 25-30 box range, only to be follow up with a string of boxes each with a legendary.

What exactly does this mean.

I would say yes, but I’m not a dev.

Legendary Loot Box is a product that you can buy in the Blizzard Store

But what does a “ranked item” mean.

“Legendary-ranked” item.

As in, items can be Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary.

Oh! I’m stupid I was hoping it was a gold gun or something.