Hi guys i need help getting out of bronze

Hiya, thanks for responding but I originally directed these to the OP (LordZelron) but if you are also trying to learn rein here is my feedback/replies.

You are correct here with swing/firestrike/swing (under the assumption they are close). I originally asked this because a lot of rein players in lower ranks (even up to plat/low diamond) tend to immediately charge after shatter. I have seen players get a 4+ shatters and proceed to charge right after knocking up/away the other targets utterly under-utilizing the ultimate. Sometimes its okay to charge a high priority shattered target you know has an ult (zarya/zen/ana/etc) but I feel more players shatter->charge anyone for the kill.

I disagree with you here, I learned from experience that the best way is to walk up and deathball your way to point (with the exception of overtime about it hit and you need someone to touch) and this is why i think so.
Although it is a 6v5 if you charge onto point alone as the source of shield for your team, if no one is caught within the charge(and you arent killed mid-charge), the enemy backline could deal with you quickly while the enemy rein can hold the choke. Depending on the rank, I have seen a strong rein presence on the choke can keep an enemy shieldless team back. Whether its a free 5 person shatter or just smacking anyone who tries to walk up, having a enemy rein player up at the choke can do a lot of work and if your team doesn’t follow up(swarm in), by the time the charging rein is killed, the fight is turned back into a 5v5 losing out on the initial pick possibly even losing the push entirely.

I feel a smart winston (think before you jump) will always be valuable in ranked (he is my go-to tank if a rein shield isnt needed or an enemy widow/genji is doing work), especially with the amount of genjis/widows/hanzos and lone wolf dps out here Picking out targets that are alone in high ground. Ideally, comms are best for followup/coordination but I feel a person can get far from bronze off of winston game-sense and shield dancing if put in enough time to learn his mechanics. (Plus having Rein/Winston in your MT pool is very nice)

Play widow I climbed into silver with her pretty easily

i can finally respond yay

  1. smooth 70 but i havent messed with settings really i should get way more. my dpi is 800 and sens is 9
    2 i play with headphones no surround
  2. no
  3. uh depends on situation i mostly start swinging it
    5 sometimes but i dont fully understand it you mean standing still with shield because no i do walk (if needed) with shield up sometimes
    6 more then i would like to admit im trying to improve in that but sometimes i dont think and just keep rushing in to get to the point
    7 yeah some
    8 walk up to the point if my team actually follows me other ways i guess i would charge
    9 no
    10 i mean im open to it i find winston more fun to play with then zarya hammond or roadhogg im just not good at winston i die a lot

Good to know you are playing at 60+ fps but how comfortable are you at keeping track of your opponents? Do you lose track of enemies sometimes from swinging? If so, I would suggest trying to lowering sens slowly towards 6.5-7 or until you are comfortable tracking mobile/slippery enemies such as tracers/lucio/genjis. I am aware some players like xQc play at crazy high sensitivity settings but they also have strong game sense and situational awareness to back up the settings.

My apologies my wording could have been off on this one as i realized surround sound can apply to other things, are you able to distinguish the direction in which footsteps/audio voicelines/ultimates are being used from? If not, I would consider investing in a decent gaming heaset. Being able to hear things like a junkrat stepping around up high behind you can be quality information to get the jump on them first.

Assuming this is towards rock-paper-scissor matchups, Rein can pretty much do nothing against an airborne-pharah but his shield can help your team relieve a lot of pressure when they are shooting at her. Against characters who perched up high ground, you either push them off by going there with your team(if possible) or have a mobile tank/dps contest them or destroy their front line and do the objective. (I am seeing this from an attack perspective but situation varies with maps)

Going against something like a mei or reaper against a rein can be tricky, as it will involve a bit of swing(cancel)->shield or shield hopping to reduce incoming damage. Aside from pharah, you can go against ever other character in the roster but some may require on the spot thinking (like did they use ability x? if so I am safe to swing freely/shatter) etc.

There are other things i want to mention but i’ll do them bit by bit for now.

yeah thats something i can improve in il try lowering my sens.

my headphone are stereo so yeah i can hear things like ults and footsteps but i dont have the game sense to alway react to it

okay thanks for the explaining it to me il make use of it.

okay ty :slight_smile:

A couple of rein tips before jumping back into things:
Rein can cancel his swings into any of his abilities. (So halfswings into shield or halfswings into firestrike are pospsible for defensive/offensive tactics, try to get comfortable doing these in training then quickplay)

Reins firestrike is key to build ult charge and secure kills on running targets. (A firestrike can deal 100 damage to armorless targets and can potentially go through 6 enemy units. A great way to build up ult charge is hitting multiple enemies with firestrike, getting shatter early on can give you a huge advantage in team fights. Note that this also applies to the enemy rein, so try to avoid the firestrikes if you see them coming. In addition, if you can predict the enemies running pattern, you can use firestrike to secure a kill (theres a little windup time giving you some time to aim)

Reins shatter can go under the payload, and hit anyone standing behind it (assuming there is no shield). There are still people unaware of this so use this to your advantage. If you know there are 2-3 people behind the payload, a shatter in front of the payload will still give you enough time to walk up and get a swing or two into a firestrike.

Speaking of shatter->firestrike, an easy way to line up firestrikes on multiple shattered targets is to crouch before shooting the firestrike. By crouching, you lower the height of where you fire, allowing the firestrike to travel more horizontally then diagonally downwards if you were to firestrike standing.

So there are overly aggressive Reinhardts and there are overly passive Reinhardts. My question being are you making space by walking up (we’ll use 2cp or koth attacking point as an example) in a 6v6 or sitting back at the choke holding up shield until something happens? A big issue that happens in lower ranks is the dreaded “poke and choke” which is normally caused by the MT not engaging/initiating because they are waiting for a pick from the dps. This results in having stayed around the choke for 1+ minutes of nothing productive happening. This is where holding W in these situations and possibly aiming for a short distance pin can tilt fights more into your favor.

Now from overly passive to overly aggressive, a suicidal rein tends to do more harm then good. Sure if you land a pin on one of their dps, its good but if you cant get come back from that pin alive, your team just lost their MT for mitigating damage and its open fire for the enemy team. Now imagine if you pinned nobody and the enemy just punishes you. Your team can potentially fall apart if the enemy team chooses to take the 6v5. Its good to try to be aware of not doing it repeatedly (especially when you have no zarya bubble). This also can be used in your favor when an enemy rein does this.

Not sure if OP is still reading these but:
Shield management is important as Reinhardt. Try to never let your shield fully break, when your shield gets low let your team know (if you want to do comms) and take cover behind a corner or behind the payload.
The importance of Reins shield is that it can block/nullify several ults (Bastion, Dva, Doomfist( his shield can block the splash as long as you are away from the dead red center), Junkrat, Mcree, Pharah, Reaper, Rein, Roadhog, Soldier, Tracer, and somewhat Zarya( holding up your shield in the grav can prevent a bit of incoming damage).

A way to move with shield up and without the slowdown of it is to practice doing the following (move in a direction -> jump -> hold shield during jump -> drop shield before landing -> repeat the 1st step). This tech imo is very important as it can back up faster without exposing yourself too much, can extend your life long enough for healers to top you off (when dps try to walk up and past your shield this makes it harder for them to land a shot.

So the importance of audio cues, this can also relate to #2, if you are able to distinguish a mcree/soldier ulting and the direction its coming from, you can turn to the necessary direction to block their ult before any damage is done. Being able to react & locate audio cues can be big. (And it doesn’t just apply for Reinhardt, it can help your gameplay overall)

I would try to not make charging to point a habit unless (your team is already fighting on point and you are coming back from spawn, there are 5-10 seconds left/overtime and no one is on point, your team has a lucio that can rush in with you). A part of my reason why i dont like charging in can be found on one of my earlier posts, but it may be fine to do up to gold but long distance charges will get you punished in higher ranks.

  1. This is good, I personally find music during comp distracting, especially when it comes to audio cues and footsteps. It can make telling where enemy locations are pretty difficult.

  2. A lot of winston is knowing who to jump, when to jump (think before you jump), making the jump in one go and dancing around your bubble (If the enemy is outside your bubble you zap from inside, if they come in you step out and repeat until they are low enough for you to chase/kill). You always want to jump on supports/ squishy/uncontested dps. Jumping on tanks is fine if you have no other targets to jump on or if the tank is low enough to finish. (Also always have an escape route in mind when you jump in)