Heroes' Birthdays & Ages Are Now Official

You know, in the OW universe everyone pretty much has a pixar/disney princess/prince face, but in the OW beauty terms, I think Cassidy is ugly because that one voiceline he has where he baffles about himself being not ugly, and that other interaction with D.Va and Ashe where Kiriko says eww to Cassidy being cute.




I’m pretty sure it’s Dva who says eww, and considering she thinks Bob is cute; a fat, bald, metal robot, I’m gonna put her taste (regarding physical beauty, not saying fat, bald, metal men can’t be loveable) into question.

But as a straight woman with eyes that sort of work well still, I’m using them to judge McCree solely for his looks, and they like what they see. He’s got an okay personality too, equal parts tease, funny, witty, brave, quiet, mysterious… sigh :heart_eyes:

She is baby! A big horsey baby! One that Hanzo may or may not want to ride into battle. :horse_racing:

They got the Toriyama I forgor treatment

I genuinely hate that Kiriko is so young compared to the Shimada Brothers. Like-- did they forget how she looks in their own art where they’re together in comparison??? I’m… Gurl, at least make her 26… 27, maybe. It’d make more sense if they ‘grew up together’. e_e

I also don’t like how they made Pharah older when Mercy was a late teens or older in a picture with the gang when Pharah was a child. Ain’t no way there’s only a 2 year difference between them when she was literally a child. Stop makin’ it weird, Blizzard… Just make her in her late 20s… It’s okay.


was looking for a hero i share birthday with… there is non

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First thing I did was see if I share a birthday with any.
I don’t even share a month lol

wait illari is 18? no way does she look younger than kiriko or dva… hmm :man_shrugging:

also orisa’s age kind of doesnt make sense. if all the heroes ages were added by 2 since seems like 2 years have passed… shouldnt orisa be 3?


Why do these birthdays feel so random? Also no August birthdays even though in real life August has the most birhdays :thinking:

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this grown man got a bowl cut for a child.



In the animated short when Kiriko is five those children around her that we were told were hanzo and genji were in their mid twenties?

Orisa is one which means the five year time jump between Overwatch one and two has been retconned to a year?

But then why has DVa ages five years to 21?

None of this makes any freaking sense. And the thing that enrages me is that I’m not even surprised anymore.


Two years between 1 and 2.

Everyone aged 2 years except Ball, Orisa, and Zen. Ball stayed 14, Orisa stayed 1, and Zen aged 13 years.

She was 19 in OW1, no way they would’ve had a human minor in the game.

Yep, this is super weird. They look like there is a max 5 year difference between her and Genji and 10 year between her and Hanzo in the pictures, so to tell us there’s actually a 16 and 19 year difference makes no sense.

Definitely feels like they just don’t really care to change or explain anything so I guess idk, :open_hands: magic :open_hands:

whos McCree? and wheres Cassidy?? weird to not include him

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I actually do share a birthday with one but I’ll never say which. :laughing:

Wait… illari is only 18

Someone get that kid therapy, immediately

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Lol sorry… McCree = Cassidy.

Old habits names die hard.

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I have the same birthday as sym

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They should never have done this. It wasn’t going to work out well for them.

Orisa has the same birthday as me wild. But she should be 3 based on all the other heros ages

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Likes, dislikes… favorite o–nvm. This is the Internet.

I would like to know their hobbies though. And maybe their height.

Where Genji got his walnut armor and how Ram and Zen gained sentience.

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