Heroes' Birthdays & Ages Are Now Official

Ooooo this is super interesting :popcorn:

And now I’m realizing that Ram is Zen’s little brother


how the hell kiriko is 21 years old? makes no sense

I thought genji was like 25

Even 24 doesn’t really work. In the training images, Kiriko looks about 4yo, which would make Genji 15 and Hanzo 18, but they don’t really look much older than 9 and 12 respectively.


Last we measured, eight long inches from the base down to the tip
And he’s here to do some business with that big iron on his hip
Big iron on his hiiiip :notes:


As a female who thinks Cree is the best lookin’ guy in OW, I too wanted to address MoonBurst’s comment… but last time I ventured in that direction for a discussion, someone got real mad that I said young Ana was hotter than Pharah is now and I was suspended for it. :sob: I stand by my opinion though. :smirk:


Don’t worry Trilly, I can relate to being punished for voicing how hot characters are :frowning:

Why do you think I haven’t made a post about Mercy’s feet on her Lifeguard skin?!


a lot of ages doesnt fell right, kirko 21, sojourn 47, junker queen 31, illari 18, pff, nobody think well about this. and something that always have bothered me, is the future with super soldiers, super medicine, life expectancy going up, and then soldier and ana with 50-60 they are already considered old and done, in the future 60 should be the new 40, in real life people with 50 look better than people at 30, ana should look like pharah mother

These 2 fit their heroes imo. Kiriko being 21 fits too, although she acts much younger and should technically be much older.

They might look and feel younger for longer, but it still doesn’t change that it’s been 40 years of the same stuff, fighting battles over and over, it gets tiring, I’m sure they’d like to retire and finally get to relax and have real time off having fun and just having a life that isn’t just work, work, work. Build relationships, settle down etc, while the younger generation takes up the action. There’s a reason Soldier is always grumpy and Ana is always sighing and saying she wishes she was on vacation/in Hawaii etc.


2051 isn’t a leapyear but 2052 is, so either blizzards wrong or my math is (referring to junkrat)


sojourn should be closer to soldier and anna, her full hair is gray, at 47? pfff is the future, no the middle ages, even today 47 is still considered not old

kiriko should be closer to 30, his age doesnt fit her story, she was training with hanzo and genji, is 37, hanzo is 40, hanzo could be his dad, so in her origin story she was what, 3 and already training with hanzo at 22?

soldier is a super soldier, he can survive a shotgun shoot at point black from reaper at 58 but he acts, looks and feels like he is 80, they should loo younger to emphatize is the future, and its so much fun how mercy at 40 people think she sohuld have grey hair and look older but doesnt because her medicine makes her look youngeer when in real life there are woman at 50 that looks like 30

Reaper is older than torb :skull:

Also, why tf do I have to share a birthday with the lamest character in the game… f***in honse


I have no idea what year OW takes place in tbh.


Nah, they could totally be 15 and 18 there, at least in my opinion. Especially when given valid leeway for artistic liberties.

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It was supposed to be 2077 originally, I think. Maybe they changed it since Cyberpunk kinda stole that year, idk. :joy: But I figure OW2 is still 2079 - 2080?

Heh, this is fitting. Bet Moira uses this joke every time someone tries to wish her a Happy Birthday. “Error 4/04, birthday not found.” :stuck_out_tongue: (I have a friend with this birthday and I make this joke every year on her behalf 'cause she doesn’t want to age anymore. lolol)

Idk, maybe. Hanzo looks substantially shorter than both adults, particularly Kiriko’s mom in the images I’m thinking of which for an 18yo male seems unlikely:



Don’t males pretty much reach peak height at around 18? If we go by the “unofficial” height charts, Hanzo is 5’8" meaning Kiriko’s momma is taller than that, which would also be unusual for a Japanese woman.

Idk, regardless, I think they effed up making her so young or making the Shimadas so old.

V in Numbani, or Tracer in Night City?

I want Tracer in Night City. She would be an absolute cyberpsycho.

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birthday wise im between illari and sombra (im dec. 26) and age wise im close to doomfist and sojourn… they are 47 while im 48

sojourn and doomfist look good for being that old tho lol… no way am i fit as either of them especially doom who looks like he could be the no.1 star in nfl football heh

also i know overwatch is all pixar animated but moira looks way younger than 50. same with roadhog if i had to be honest. even tho fat he looks like he could pass as late thirties

i still dont know what roadhog looks like w/o his mask… :man_shrugging:

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9 months planned in advance as Brig is the youngest

Uncle Iroh: “Years of practice”

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My birthday is a mystery :00

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