Way to ruin a perfectly good story by introducing a plot hole with Kiriko being 21
Actually, most animals on the lunar colony were genetically modified .
ewww hog and torb bday is to close to mine but tracer is suppsoe to be 26 where id u get 28 from
Don’t forget D.Va is also microwave-safe.
I share mine with Doomfist and I’m totally NOT cool with that.
She was 26 during OW1, OW2 takes place 2 years later, ergo she be 28 now. Everyone except Orisa and Ball are 2 years older than they were during OW1. And Zenyatta aged 13 years somehow in that time.
Kiriko is not 21 they’re not serious
She acts 16, she looks 20s, her lore states she should be 30ish… much like her swift step, she’s all over the place.
Well, what do ya know… It’s even in his name…
Illari is 18?! I thought she was like 40. So much for the Illanzo ship.
I am just going to pretend Bastion was manufactured in August so that someone shares my B-day month. Ain’t nobody cares about August.
Seeing dooms birthday reminded me he use to be a baby once…
Awwww they grow into international terrorists so fast.
When Akande Ogundimu was born, the only one who cried was the doctor. Li’l Akande slapped him.
Tbf it’s hot as hell and I don’t like that.
Never would’ve guessed some of these. But it’s smart Blizzard makes all their (human) characters over 18.
The real question I have is does Tracer wear a birthday suit???
Mine is in August. And funny enough my stepmother shares the exact same birthday as me.
It would never happen in Overwatch, but Winston dying of old age would be a great plot point. He’s the one bringing everyone together. He’s the idealist. He’s the one worried that he won’t make a difference.
Him dying, not heroically on the battlefield, but of old age, still hoping that he made the world a better place, would be a good scene.
I don’t really wanna know how big McCree’s Magnum is…
I share a birthday with my main! (Hammond)
I see that they aged up the cast by two years since their first “official” ages were announced. Minus the retconned ages. I guess that’s how much time has passed in lore since launch 2016
This is so dumb because they had actually previously fixed it. She was supposed to be 24 or so which would have fit.
Junkrat and Torbjörn’s pages dissapeared from website
wow blizzard really has a vendetta against the folks born in august lol all them heroes and they couldn’t spare ONE!