Hero pools is a brave and holistic change

Are you a one trick? Is this why you feel so strongly about it? I think its super healthy. Maybe the character you play don’t have any hard counters/multiple hard counter (my favorite character is Tracer). Character pools opens up more viability for me to use her effectively if say, there isn’t a mccree, junkrat, moira, mei, hanzo, widow, ashe, torb, symettra, etc.

This is a cool change. And it’s more likely to get me into competitive, even though 70% of my time is spent on one hero - it’s more likely to change up how Overwatch is played, and that’s a great thing.

I think we can go further though… and have a flex queue system instead of role queue.

I mean, the game already has some of the functions to make it happen - but essentially, allow players to decide on their role in a match before pre match - the game will enforce minimum numbers (1-2-1), players that pick first get their choice of pick, and the rest will need to adhere to the dynamically changing and available hero choices.

It’s similar to how a person picking one character will deny the use of that character to the other person in the role - instead, picking 4 DPS will force a support/tank choice from the last 2 players.

here’s my idea to lessen the impact of smurfs, the philosophy used here is “smurfs have the right and privilege to play in ranks lower than they actually are.” Players are allowed to shed SR with the click of a button. “The better you are at overwatch, the less smurfs you will see.”

you cannot protect lower ranks effectively in a free to play model, so embrace it for what it really is.

Aka, What’s the likelyhood Mercy is gonna get Mass Rez, or something to make her less boring?

Honestly at this point I am hoping they just do away with mercy, and the other one stars difficult cap. I got it reeee help new players! But it’s been 3+ years now do we truly need entry level heroes. Most everyone I know when we first started just picked characters cuz they liked them and were fun not cuz it was easy.

I think the hope is that Overwatch can get better about pulling in new players.

Also easy aim heroes are always highly desirable for console players.

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I am a console player it’s not. I like characters cuz they’ve fun not the easiness. And I play Rein. Hold sheild. Play mind games. Push forward/ wait for overcommit. Punish/shatter. Reset play more mind games.

Pharah-only week? Shimada week? Gimme dem 2016 brawl throwbacks.

I’m excited for all the changes, new additions, and the new season of OWL… but could you please touch on if the rest of the OWL Grey Skins will ever be made available?

We only got 10 in 2018, none last year, and with the move to YouTube I’m expecting none again this year. Yet, one skin has been made per available hero. That’s 31 total so far. If we minus the 10 released… that equals 21 skins some of OWL’s fans are still waiting to get.

Three OWL teams had their colors reworked and replaced. So, 31x3 skins could be removed from the game and another 93 added to the in-game store, but we can’t make the 31 Grey OWL Skins available, at the least, the remaining 21 Skins?

Just look back at the old forums, 1000’s of threads begging people to learn multiple heroes so when they get hard countered it’s not just a loss. Not just me, or a small amount of people.

Again read above and go check the old forums, before a ton of people left because people were going int o a team based competitive mode to 1 trick. You can just see for yourself, the 1 tricks stayed, so the people who played many heroes and were getting stiffed left.

Remember it’s only in competitive, the mode people are supposed to choose to go in, to be the best asset to the team they can be, if people are going into a competitive environment, with only 1 thing of value, when most people have several things of value, who do you think the weak link is?

and it’s not like they can’t learn other heroes, it’s been years, they just don’t, it is a them problem they keep forcing others to deal with.

I personally am glad it’s only comp so that people who just wanna chill and heck around still have somewhere to play.

222 is the only thing keeping most of us tanks around, it dwindled this bad because they didn’t do this sooner, that among stupid other choices like putting CC on everything…

You realize that the fewer people who play, say tank or healer will just lower queue times for those roles right? Only way it could raise them is if there just wasn’t enough to make a match, which lets be fair OW isn’t that ded of a game.

If this was for all modes I would agree, but it’s only in comp. You don’t always get to just do what you want in a comp environment.

Thats kinda my point, while hero wise i enjoyed the game before everyone needed 47892792 forms of CC, each of this additions improved the game.

Some people don’t like 222 for instance, but it’s a large part of why there are as many tanks left as there is. Without 222 None of the tanks from the 3 play groups i frequent would be here, none, as tanks anyway.

Cause I sure as heck wanna get back into comp, but just not in a comp mindset, which isn’t fair to the others. and 222 is the only reason i will consider it, kinda thing.

They have been strongly suggesting for years they don’t support 1 tricking, that they don’t consider 1 tricks in their decisions because thats not how they intended the game to be played, but also don’t want them reported.

So of course they are arnt.

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Can we hope for more reworks in the future?

I think 1 week is too little. it ususally takes 1 week for high level players to settle on meta. so with 1 week or less people will be in constant confusion state. and this change will affect mostly GM+ players, because at lower ranks meta wasn’t stale at all, because people don’t care or couldn’t execute optimal way to play, so at lower ranks people play random hereos anyway.

I am hoping for more Universal mechanics out side of health packages and melee.
Like a universal defense/guard moves that do no damage
For example.
TANKS- Reflect (works like a perfect guard that knocks the opponent back to neutral(resets both players cooldowns and knocks back)
DPS- Grab ( Pushes an opponent slightly stuns cuz stumbling animation)
SUPPORT- Spot dodge (temp Invulnerable frames)
Then have a counter play wheel
Grab- doesn’t affect tanks -> Reflect- doesn’t affect supports -> Spot Dodge doesn’t affect DPS.

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OW2 Idea for 1-3-2 comp; maybe make a game mode where tanks can select from the PvE abilities for a loadout, make them sort of like the PvP raid boss they were meant to be? But keep 2-2-2 as a separate game mode for the more FPSish elements?

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I know Orisa/Sigma is meta ; but I want to request no Hog for season 21.

I feel like most comps will feel better without him. XD

Thanks Jeff! For the most effectiveness, get some feedback from the people on the experimental card in game. Say if a person plays the experimental card for say, over 2h, pop up a window and ask them to rate each of the changes, simply rating them 1-5.

And do something about the throwers and leavers. They’re certainly the biggest thing bothering our competitive experience. Maybe test connection before people connect or warn them about playing on WiFi rather than Ethernet cable and stuff, maybe pause games for a minute or two if someone disconnects… But certainly increase the punishment for disconnecting to a minimum of 24 hour ban. Also, with the replay improvements add an evaluation system for players to evaluate reports like the “Overwatch” system in CSGO.

And a comment box
Just put a ban warning for leaving ahole posts

No. But it’s presumptuous of you to assume only one-tricks would be annoyed or affected by this. The amount of characters I enjoy playing is less than the amount of heroes in the game. As far as we know it’s RNG which heroes are selected, so the five characters I enjoy could all be rotated out. That would not be enjoyable.

Furthermore, I’m allowed to see fault in something even if it doesn’t affect me personally.

I don’t, for all the reasons I listed. If none of them compell you to see differently, well we won’t agree.

Logic would dictate if there are enough one-tricks in the game to be a concern / talking point, then there are enough potential players to be turned off by this change and thus would result in more people leaving / longer queue times. Which is a bad thing.

I agree here.

I’ll agree to disagree. Hammond is the only Tank I play and I don’t do it competitively, so I don’t know personally what it’s like for Tanks in comp.

What? You’re saying if less people play tank / healer then the queue time will be lowered?

Which is fine on paper, but the reality is a lot of people do what they want. This doesn’t just hurt those who play random choices.

Which honestly doesn’t make much sense. If they’re so anti-one trick then it should be a reportable offense. But it isn’t, which suggests it’s something that is allowed. Something can not be both okay and not okay at the same time.

It’s fine if the devs don’t personally like it or didn’t envision it to be a problem when they made the game - but the fact is a lot of people do it.

Quick comment: man the dev a rocking in 2020. Great work!

Even as a person who flexes, I still have my comfort zones that will vary depending on map, team composition, and sometimes counter-picking. Since I queue for all roles I often land tank or support, and depending on the map/composition I will have a VERY strong preference for a particular hero. I might prefer a certain hero on defense 99% of the time but they’re out of the pool and now I feel like a fish out of water. I can switch, but I’m at a disadvantage because this forced alternative choice just isn’t as good a pick for me or for this point.

I can already imagine a situation where I can’t pick a strong defensive option for a particular map, but the enemy team CAN pick a strong offensive option. There are not enough tanks and ESPECIALLY not enough supports to limit my choice.

Lucky for me the change isn’t coming to QP or arcade. I don’t actually play much competitive, I’ve been brushing up on my tanking and waiting for a new support. Now I likely won’t bother at all, and if I do it’ll only be because heroes that I literally never play and never WILL play are out of that week’s pool. Ultimately, I think if it suits players who tend strongly toward constant competitive play then it’ll be fine. I am okay to stay in QP and arcade because comp tends to irritate me anyway.

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