Hero pools is a brave and holistic change


thats such a weird cutoff. why in the middle of diamond? makes more sense to implement it between new ranks

I like that it’s one week because it would feel really bad not being able to play x hero for a whole season.

Finally i managed to make it down here…
Quick question
Is it possible to use the experimental card to test new heroes…?
I mean…the new hero wont be much but a dummy/simple asset with few movment animations so we dun know who is the new hero
Just give that test dummy some test abilites…throw the dummy in the experimental card and let the community go nuts with this experimental hero

I have two questions about the “experimental card”…

1: what’s the likelihood of really big hero reworks being tried out?

I (and just about every other Ex-Mercy main) would love try out a Mercy rework with resurrect moved back to her ultimate…

2: Is the card art for the upcoming experimental mode going to be Moira doing science and holding up bubbling flasks and beakers?

Please say it’s going to be Moira with bubbly science flasks and beakers!!

I dont think enough people appreciate the work your doing on this game yea hero pools are a controversial change and it’s best to test them out before jumping to conclusions. Its great that you are trying to improve the game and taking risks such as hero pools. Just got to say overwatch is in my top 5 favourite games and thank you

In my opinion Hero Pools is a good addition to the ranked play experience, but not for the organized competitive play like OWL and lower tiers. I’m not gonna outright deny that it can be good before I’ve even seen it in action, but that’s how I feel about it right now.

I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think I will be. New hero pools every week give pro players way too little time to prepare anything, but if the pool stays the same for a month or so then I think viewers would dislike it. I think the best solution is to ignore hero pools for organized team play.

I am comfortable playing most of the cast except maybe 3 heroes and I am against this change.

This touches some very sensitive areas about why I enjoy overwatch in the first place. The ability to choose what hero to get good at, to practice, to grind. To choose one that suits my playstyle. Even when things are going bad, there are comfort picks to fall back on. This change would seemingly arbitrarily deny me that choice.

I don’t like this change for OWL either, as OWL teams will have much less time to practice due to the crazy travel schedule and are under enough stress without having to adapt on the fly for next weeks matches. This is going to increase their stress tenfold.

I just don’t see positives outweighing the negatives at all.

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Honestly I am hoping this will bring up the subject of out play vs. Out pick finally. Making one character counter another character has always felt like the real reason meta felt so oppressive. Even if you switch mid match you still give a huge advantage to your opponent (ult disadvantage) . Plus on tank if you start a match and guess wrong on counter play you get crushing pressure to play out your mind to counter a character pick.

Can we please get new borders soon? I know not many have reached level 3001, but it is getting boring not seeing an progress of my border. I started to consider buying a second account just to see border progress again. I’m afraid that by time a new border gets added, I will already be 3601. (level 3332 right now), then it is 2 years before the next border gets added.

Enjoy your tea, you’ve earned it. Love the concept of Hero Pools, but maybe make it shift every 3-4 hours, so it’s long enough for people to get settled into a groove of matches with hero restrictions but not long enough that those who aren’t so flexible would have to wait out playing their “main” on competitive. Also, I know that Role Queue is a thing now but I’d love to see this Hero Pool system on the old Competitive Queue with no roles.

Agreed I would love to see how this works on the old system.
Also maybe try different styles of comp like a forced Team tournament. Ex.
You get a tournament ponit every 2 consecutive games you win. The first match is always random on account players but the second game will auto lock to your same teammates to earn your comp point.
This could help people party up more and the difficulty should go up across the board

Isn’t that what so many of us have been asking for since launch?

This is just a double win.

Crap, well still better than watching that Pharah try to play against that McCree, Widow, Ana, while they blame a healer for not going Mercy to pocket them.

(Even though I know this is a really old example)

Okay, Im back on track and listening in agreement.

What? how did before lead into this?

So then nothing would change?

We did just fine at launch with 3 less in each category and will be just fine with 1 less in each, it’s not like taking away 1 tank is gonna make us go 'ohmygod I have 1 less tank too choose from, it’s 2016 all over again."

Honestly, I think these rollouts are a deliberate troll for the people demanding hero bans and deliberate screwing with the meta. Like, these ideas seem terrible, it gives these whiners what they want, and now they have to eat it.

I think this dev update was incredibly sarcastic, given the content.

Jeff… you’ll probably never read this.

But I and my entire group of friends which at one point was like 10 people playing this regularly have hated your balance philosophy. It is obvious that you and the dev team feel that bad players should be allowed to compete with good players. this is the only game where ‘cheese’ is stronger than skill. And that has been a core of your design since the mercy rework.

But this is the first change thats really given my group hope that you want us to play your game.

Meh the Dev response was fine
Shoot it kinda harkens back to when Devs used to be able to ream you for making dumb comments

You asked for people to not play? Or if you’re referring to them playing a different hero - people say this is what they want, the removal of one-tricking, but when people play something new they get attacked…you can’t have it both ways.

I mean if it’s a matter of someone playing a hero they have fun on and are decent at even if they’re being countered vs. someone playing a hero they’ve never played before or are even bad at and not having fun…I choose the former.

The dwindling player base along with 2-2-2 is causing high queue times. If you piss off one-tricks and they don’t play, the queue time is going to be even worse.

Except a decent amount of people wouldn’t be able to play the heroes they wanted to play. So only a negative change, IMO.

The game at launch is drastically different than the game today. At launch you could also run multiple of the same hero, for example. And you could run any team composition you wanted besides 2-2-2.

But the fact that this is a change they’re considering despite the fact that a decent amount of people don’t flex / prefer to one-trick + Tanks and Support are already not being played as much…just shows that they don’t understand the real problems and how to solve them.

This really only effects serious OW gamers. Most people who play just end up in QP.

Take a 1 week break from the game. It’s not that hard and I promise you the game will still be there when you come back. Who knows, you may even get some other hero pool where Genji’s hardest counters are not in the pool and you can score some EZ wins.

I just wanted to be post 404