Hero pools is a brave and holistic change

Oh yeah I’ll have lots of fun when I can’t swap to Reaper to counter the enemy Roadhog.

I don’t think hero pools are necessary.

You get the same thing by just doing larger buffs and nerfs to heroes more often which you already want to do.

At least if your hero gets nerfed hard you can still play then if you really want to. Then you can just revert the nerf after a week or 2

Trying to use “logic” that is clearly not logic, to try and make a better case for yourself, just shows you don’t really have much. You really don’t need to fake things like this, your point is already valid, it’s just a matter of what group the devs decide to work for.

DPS/tank/healer leaving = shorter DPS/tank/healer queue times respectively, as there are less people in line to wait behind.

Tanks leaving the game, is really the only way to increase queue times in other roles as there are plenty more healers and DPS.

If tanks leaving is a bad thing, why would blizzard choose the tricks over the ones that wanna play many thing when there is way more of them?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to lose the few and break up the monotony for the rest?

It’s been a rough road… I healed the first 2 years, then tanked the rest till I decided to stop comp until the dev got their direction back, I didn’t want to hate the game.

A lot of the time the rest of the team is looking at us, we couldn’t play other roles without people out right throwing, getting stun locked for months on end, you and 1 healer trying to combat an actual enemy frontline (it happened more than anyone would like to admit), losing 20% of your protection to face buffed damage, god I could go on…

It’s a hard life man, and a lot of us just wanna do other things. even in our role, sometimes we wanna dive or even bunker or brawl and often times are the hardest hit by “meta”.

Give 1 whole season to tanking only as whats needed as a tank and you will get an idea…

I agree, but I also see it as why we have had to get 222 and now this, because the devs give us so much slack to just work it out ourselves and we can’t…

It is possible, like Jeff has been outright, suggesting, strongly what i said previous.

But they want us to figure it out ourselves so they don’t have to make changes like this, many of us just give, many of us just take, few of us give and take, it makes it hard to believe we can work it out.

Kinda personal question, but I’ll ask anyway, how many times did you see someone give up what they wanted to do in a comp game for the team and how many times have you given up your preferred thing to do what the team needed even if out of your role?

(PS: go trim your toe nails in public and you will see how something is and isn’t okay at the same time. It’s not illegal, but you gonna get some looks.)

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your game crashes and you have the audacity to give me a rank drop for 300 places on tank. since you millenials fired the old top whole blizzards production has become junk. bring back the old top and clean up your games instead of incorrect balance changes or role queu, you created more toxicity with this than before, the numbers proof it, so please no more excuses and take responsibillity. this game is 5 years old and you still can’t present a clean verion where the game is actual fun to play. i know you fired the old top because of these types of discussion, you can fool the masses but not me.

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you can use <> with random letters inside the brackets to hide them.

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Jeff, what does that have to do with not implementing it?? You said in the dev update that season 21 starts beginning of March. By this logic the card would be ready before the start of the season…

This aint smash bros

I like the idea of player chosen hero bans. This just smells like the Blizzard obsession with controlling everything they can.

what about pushing the pool idea even further?
you divide each Role into 2 halves: a half of most played heroes and a half of least played heores. ( so we have 6 Halves for 6 players)

i guess that this way, no one will be upset because “Blizzard banned his hero”, because there is no actual ban. it is your own teammate who bans certain heroes for you (simply by chosing the hero he wants to play).

First off, thanks for all the communication and time you put in here.

Then after reading this thread so far and seeing some input from the players I am interested, have you thought about putting something like “nostalgic” type of game mode into the arcade, which rotates every week where you can play a different, older patch, thus enabling players feeling nostalgic? I am sure some players would enjoy having old Mercy ult back for a week. :smiley:

Goodness, Jeff is on a roll!

Anyways I wanted to ask some questions regarding the dev update.

  • You mentioned changes for career profiles, possibility of purchasable player icons in the future?
  • In regards to balancing, you stated that there would be possible reverts, will some of these reverts be certain changes to heroes like reworks? (E.g. for example, a certain angelic hero beginning with an “M”)
  • Also you mentioned QoL changes, will some of these changes be things like the ability to change ability colours (player point of view), these would be cool to replicate the OWL colours.

Anyways, can’t wait to see what you have in store for us Jeff.

Well, if you believe your community to be stupid, it would be natural to control them. For their own good, of course.

How is that not logical? Lol. I’m not faking anything. You said it yourself people complained about one tricks a lot. The devs have specifically spoken about one tricks. If there weren’t enough of them to be a problem, it wouldn’t be spoken about.

I disagree with this sentiment.

We don’t have the numbers, it’s all speculation.

IMO, it’s not the players can’t. It’s that the devs cannot balance properly / do not like the choices players are making. It’s like if your parent wants you to go to the specific school they want + get the degree you want. Well, that’s fine…but the child has a mind of their own. The same roughly applies here.

IMO, it doesn’t matter what Blizzard wanted or intended for the players to do. The players took matters into their own hand. Development should be fashioned around the game as it is, not how the developers originally envisioned it to be.

I started out as a pure support main. I now do multiple DPS + one tank. I’ve swapped accordingly in matches - which is why I don’t like 2-2-2 because I no longer have that freedom to swap as I’d like.

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I honestly prefer Blizzard to control what heroes we play instead of the community, and for one reason: Hero Bias.

The community is heavily biased towards certain heroes, and those heroes will be banned for a ridiculously long time, regardless of them being changed to be balanced just because of personal distaste.

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Developers have their own bias towards certain heroes. It’s just inherent human flaw - being biased towards something.

Imagine you’re gonna push your team as a tank on attack, but rein is disabled.
So you switch to Ball, but the enemy team is using Mei and McCree.
So you switch to Dva, but now you’re feeding like crazy.
So you switch to Orisa, but she’s just a big hitbox with paper-shield so you’re already dead.
So you switch to Roadhog, but you’re still insta frozen-stuned-killed.
So you switch to Winston, but your team doesn’t want to play dive and you jump to die.
So you switch to Sigma, but he’s melted by enemy Zarya with 100% charged cannon.
So you then decide to try out Zarya, but you can’t because you remember she’s used by the other tank of your team and s/he’s literally doing nothing the whole time.


Could you show me some videos or links about it?
I don’t really pay much attention to those sort of things so a refresher will be nice.

About developers being human beings, with all respective flaws?

Enforcing strictly your own way of playing game is, basically, being biased against any other ways of playing game. Especially, if you take measures for no one to use those ways, by accident or on purpose.

Smaller pool than only Orisa Sigma? If anything I am MORE willing to play tank now that I can play Winston, Rein and Dva again. There are many different types of players in OW and as we’ve seen for the past few YEARS, more choice =/= good.

Strictly speaking for competitive matches, more choice does not mean better choices to pick from. OW is a complex game played on complex, moving maps. Often the community learn what is the optimal pick where most players can learn how to play within a single comp (double shield, goats, dive). The more your team of strangers understand how to play a meta comp, then it reduces a ton of gameplay/teamwork friction. When this ends up being goats or orisa then I am just not as interested personally.

Objectively speaking, without a community perceived meta guiding picks we can generally all agree that Rein isn’t always going to be the best for all maps, Winston will also be “bad” on some maps, yea you can choose the bad hero or the meta hero, but that doesnt always == fun.

Now that I KNOW I wont be forced onto a hero that is banned I feel better queuing into that role so during those weeks where Orisa is banned and depending on the map pool next season, you may see more players queuing for tank bc they love dive or rein

But why do you care when you haven’t played this game in months???