Hero Concept Lab

Everything makes sense :slight_smile: some really interesting & useful ideas here!

The only one I’m unsure on is Leap of Faith, unsure how she’d be causing knockback with just her body; how about a pole vault type move that damages/knocks back in front of you then propels you up & over? Keeps the baton in use aswell then :slight_smile:

I’d also say her Ultimate doesn’t need the movement speed reduction to balance, it could even get a speed boost as the barriers are attached to her model; she’d have to move to get into place to shield her team. :slight_smile:
I made a concept for D.Mon with a very similar ult actually :smiley:

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First I must say, I read this and though it was a hero concept for a Labrador. Overwatch doggo would be fun but, I love the idea of centralizing all of this.

I’ll have to post my old hero concept here when I can find and refine it.

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See that is exactly why I wanted feedback, that pole vault idea was right under my nose lol Thanks!
Yeah I think a speedboost sounds better too.

Wow I really like your concept for DMON. The Shield idea is really cool (That’s something I would’ve loved for Sym lol) What kind of shaped did you have in mind for changing the shape?

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Haha no worries go with it if you like it!
I like that you were trying to be balanced :slight_smile: but yeah for it to be useful she should get a boost just like Brigitte’s ult gets.

Thanks :slight_smile: I’ve done an idea for Sym somewhere actually…

As for D.Mon, I didn’t have much idea on changing the shape beyond making it wider or taller really; & I can’t see it being made longer or deeper, or the shape changing entirely.
The example we have from Shooting Star is big enough to shield most of her & therefore must be pretty big, but it could use being more suited to team protection at times.
But, as she can lay down extra shields to cover extra angles (in my example at least) there’s likely no need in doing anything further to it.
But I’d like to be able to differentiate it from Rein’s shield a bit more. :slight_smile:

I’ve also got a Lynx 17 idea a few posts above if that interests you or you have any feedback? :smiley:

Interesting, personally I like the Darts best. The spray reminds me of moira lol But yeah leech life is really cool too, That’s a unique way to heal.
Her hacks could undo Sombra hack too? Resetting cooldowns would be awesome, I’ve been wanting a support that can do it.

Oh and I prefer False Encryption. Imagine 6 clones using the dance emote right in the middle of a team fight making it extremely confusing for the enemy lol
Will the clones act as barriers?


The darts were becoming my favourite too xD I’m loving reload mechanics atm ha!

You could give Lynx’d friendly hack a cleanse yeah :slight_smile: unsure if it’d be fair/balanced but they’re def more of a utility support so that could be what’s needed to make them viable xD.

Nice, yeah it’d look funnier, don’t know which would be more effective ha :smiley:
I didn’t think of that…they could, like an equal HP barrier to their original…like a HP sink.
Yeah maybe they could :slight_smile: in my head they at least prevent it hitting anyone else as they get hit…so I spose yeah it does work! That does make it more powerful then I spose :smiley:

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Yeah I guess deleting Sombra wouldn’t be very nice since her pickrates are pretty low as is lol

Oh hey I forgot to mention earlier but how’s Charity’s passive? Keep/change/ delete? I don’t want it too OP

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Haha yeah that is very true, I don’t want to hurt my best-girl ha!

Hmm maybe it could give a CC resistance so you use it ahead of time?
Holy Satan, something like a substitution jutsu that allows someone to escape a single CC? xD
That could link in with the decoy clone ability. Maybe to balance it you have to use up a charge of decoy?

That might be too similar to Charity’s passive tbh, which I really like btw!
I don’t think it’s OP at all, very original & character-relevant way to mitigate CC :smiley:
I wouldn’t know anything really about cooldown times etc. but 10 seconds seems pretty reasonable to me !

Okay awesome lol, and you can totally rip it off if you ever feel like it

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Name: Hanabi

Real Name: Hanabi Chisai

Height: 4" 3

Age: 19

Nationality: Japanese

Occupation: Agent

Base of Operations: Talon

Affiliation: Talon

  • Who They Have Sided With In The Past, Present, and Possibly Future

  • In the past, they have been sided with an engineering company with her father.

  • in the current time, she works for Talon, as they pay a heavy price for her technology capabilities

  • in the future, she will follow whoever pays her the most.

Role: Damage

Total Health: 200-250

  • 200 of Health
  • 50 of Shields (with her passive active)
  • 0 of Armor

Movement Speed: 5.5 meters/sec

Ammo capacity: 30

1st Spawn Quote: I’m not getting paid enough for this.

Difficulty: ✮✮


the year is 2054, the Omnic war had ended 3 years ago when Hanabi was born.
Hanabi was practically born into the engineering field, some say she might have even been born with a wrench in her hand (which would have been painful for her mother) and quickly became a prodigy in the future of technology advancement.

Hanabi worked with her father as part of an engineering company that developed quality of life devices, so objects that would make day to day life easier for everyone, their company was one of the leading factors after the Omnic crisis, as the world was still being restored, and people were still nervous that another crisis could break out, this staple continued up until Hanabi was 11 years old,
Over the course of the next 7 years however, the company began to develop more military based constructions, such as armor and weaponry.

This was because of a rival company that had began making superior technology, using only hard light, The Vishkar corporation.

Hanabi didn’t hate the fact that they had began constructing military equipment, but it was her fathers entire career, and her future on the line, and a company like Vishkar seemed suspicious, as they had appear from nowhere, with incredibly large funding.
Unfortunately Hanabi’s nervousness was true, Vishkar had overtaken them by a landslide, and her company was force to close after just 1 more year, with her father and mother having to move away to find more work.

Hanabi was lost, at 19 years old with no job, and enough moral sense to never join Vishkar, she packed up her things for one last time, but as she did, she noticed a small letter in her locker, an invitation, from a “Mr. Akinjide Adeyemi, the 2nd Doomfist”

Abilities: Passive: Barrierwatch

Hanabi is capable of seeing the HP of all barriers, this includes Reinhardt, Orisa, Winston, Brigitte and Symmetra ultimate.

she cannot however see the HP for Zarya’s bubble, as that disappears too fast to be useful.

Ability 1: Sonar mine

Hanabi places down a small sonar mine that, once triggered, emits a pulse that allows Hanabi and her team to see enemies in that location.
The mine can be destroyed if seen beforehand, Hanabi will be noted if it is destroyed aswell, but her team will not.

The mine does 0 damage, it is an ability that allows Hanabi and her team to control another part of the map, while being elsewhere.

Hanabi can only place down 1 mine at a time, as having 2 or more would allow her to control too much of the map before a team fight.

The mine takes 1.5 seconds to deploy and activate.

The mine has a trigger radius of 4 meters.

The mine takes 11 seconds to finish its cooldown.

Ability 2: Shield covert

Hanabi activates this ability and after dealing a certain amount of damage, Hanabi will begin to covert some of her health into shield, up to a maximum of 50.

she can then press the interact key to pass this shield onto an ally for 8 seconds, or keep it on herself for 10 seconds.

this shield cannot be stack on multiple targets, only one ally can have shield covert at a time.

the health that she loses when she passes it on will not regenerate, and will have to be healed back.

if Hanabi is under 50 HP, the passive will not activate.

the cooldown for this, if Hanabi is above 50 HP, is 12 seconds

Ultimate ability: Bluefire

Hanabi sets up her targeting system before letting loose a barrage of gunfire
when she is ready, Hanabi lets out a barrage of bullets, causing huge damage to anyone caught in it’s range.

The bullets are treated as hitscan, so the player needs to only have their crosshair on the target to hit.
The bullets do have damage falloff, the damage will begin to fall off after 7 meters of travel.

the bullet travels at 6.0 (meters/sec), making it faster than almost any character in the game, and 1.1 (meters/sec) slower than a speed boosting lucio, which is the fastest possible speed in game.

this gives it enough time to be useful, but allows the enemy to move if they see it coming.

Hanabi can turn while this is use, but slowly, just so she can’t snap to targets quickly.
However, the bullets fired during Bluefire barrage will not be taken out of her current ammo count, think of it as 2 different ammo storages.

the ultimate take 1550 ultimate charge to fully charge from 0.

Primary fire:

Hanabi has a “Bluefire” rifle, which she made herself while working with her father, it was heavily inspired by the same weapons used by Overwatch’s Jack Morrison.

the gun, unlike her ultimate, is treated as a rapid fire hitscan.

the gun has a bullet clip of 30.

The gun’s damage is 9-18

the rate of fire is 9 bullets a second.

the damage falloff is 30-50 meters.

the max spread angle is 2.3 degrees.

the reload time is 1.6 seconds.

the gun is best fired in short bursts, maybe 4-7 bullets before stopping and firing the same amount, to get around the spread, unless you are in close range.


Hanabi functions in a similar way to Soldier 76, but has more team based abilities and requires her team to be half aware of her presence.

Her sonar mine function in the same way as a mixture of Sonic arrow and Junkrat’s trap, being able to detected anyone who sets it off or destroys it.

Her shield covert allows her to help characters like Zenyatta or Tracer survive longer in a team fight, or maybe just save her in a close situation.

her ultimate is like most damage dealing ultimates, it requires set up and timing, but if done right, can cause a team wipe.

Strong against:

Soldier 76

Hammond (wrecking ball)



Hanabi cannot survive if she is focus fired, the best way to target her is to keep pumping damage into her until you trigger her shield covert, then focus fire her so she can’t gain any benefit from it.

another way to beat her is to attack someone near her, then when she uses Shield covert on the enemy you are attacking, switch to her, as she is now 50 HP down and has not means of healing herself.

Weak Against:





Combining the sonar mine with Junkrat’s concussion mine means that you are able to lock off 2 potential routes from the enemy, just so long as the Junkrat is working with you.

The best synergies you can ask for is with anything that affects an AoE over time, so characters like Zarya and Mei, who are capable of halting the enemies movements, are best used with Hanabi.

As for synergy,most that can restrict and put the enemy team at an disadvantage works best, these ultimates would be:


all of these ults work very well with his ultimate and can give Hanabi more breathing room for her ultimate.


Overwatch in general has been getting a large amount of tanks and and supports lately, as well as a lot of “half classes” that fill 2 roles.

it’s been a long time since we got a “pure” damage hero in the game, and that is who Hanabi would connect with, those who enjoy playing a “pure, no nonsense” DPS

Victory Poses:

Hanabi has his gun lowered and staring forward

Hanabi has her gun raised to the sky



Hanabi lowers her gun and looks around,before returning to normal


Hanabi pulls out a “totally not a gameboy”, sits down and begins playing it.
(pressing any key will cancel this emote)

Highlight Intros


The Default Highlight Intro of all characters.

Got your back:

Similar to Ana’s “under fire” highlight intro, Hanabi jumps into the frame, does a role and turn towards the camera readying her gun.


Hanabi goes where the money is, but not out of greed.

Hanabi’s future was cut short by Vishkar, and after her parent having to move away to find more work, she was inclined to do the same.

she has no love for Talon, or Overwatch, she looks after No.1, and in her mind, that’s her and her family.

that being said, she’s not “evil”, she’s a young girl who had her future planned out, and had it taken away by a shadowy organization

Not greedy or evil, just desperate to keep her families heads above water.

Voice Lines

While waiting in spawn:

I’m not getting paid to stand around.

there must be some new tech around here.

When respawning:

sigh well, that was annoying

Rebooting systems, all clear

Upon being character swapped and spawning in:

Time to do someone else job then.

Let’s not slack off this time.

(For commenting on the map or environment)

Assault maps:

Horizon Lunar Colony:

Space?, well, stranger things have happened.

Temple of Anubis:

Anubis, the god program…how Interesting.

Volskaya Industries:

Respect the fallen.

Escort maps:


not my ideal location for a mission, but what can i do?


Oh great, a hovel of mindless degenerates with nothing but scrap and junk.

Watchpoint: Gibraltar:

This was one of Overwatch’s old bases?, may as well look around.

Hybrid maps:


(if Reinhardt is on the team)
You fought a great fight here, my deepest respect to you Reinhardt.

These streets, they’re paved with blood and glory, my respect to the fallen.
(if Reinhardt is not on the team)


I could get Sombra to download these for free, why am i here?

King’s Row:

The English are living on a time bomb, and their government is too scared to help.


This new Doomfist has already surpassed his teacher, impressive.
(if on Attack)

Humans and Omnic living together, mass hysteria, this city will fall soon.
(if on Defense)

Control maps:

Talon is still working in this area, i wonder how the project is coming along.

Lijiang Tower:

It’s nice to be home for once.


Programming is just that, a robot could never achieve enlightenment unless it was given to them.

I didn’t expect it to be so warm here, “disgruntled sigh”, this heat makes my skin itch.




Hanabi saying to: Built by a 9 year old huh, okay, that’s impressive.

Orisa replying to: i will pass your feedback on to Efi, i’m sure she will be pleased.

Orisa saying to: Your technology is very sophisticated, it has a very nice design to it

Hanabi replying too: i’ve been an engineer since i was a kid, but thank you anyway.


Hanabi saying to: what are you hoping to do with that gun, tickle them to death?

Winston replying to: i can’t see you doing much more with your tech.

Winston saying to: Talon is evil, why is someone so young with them?

Hanabi replying too: i go where the money is, nothing more.


Hanabi saying to: i could build you a better gun in my sleep

Zarya replying to: only to have it blow up in my face, correct?

Zarya saying to: a child like you doesn’t belong in a soldiers war

Hanabi replying to: well, glad i’ve got you here then.



Hanabi saying to: perform badly, and i’m scraping you, robot.

Bastion replying to: “Bwee boop boop” (threat detected, risk level: low)

Bastion saying to: “Boo boop bwoo boo” (Talon affiliation detected, proceed with caution)

Hanabi replying too: you know this suit has a translator right?


Hanabi saying to: What needs doing boss?

Doomfist replying to: Follow my lead, and we’ll be fine.

Doomfist saying to: This gauntlet you built me has worked wonders Hanabi

Hanabi replying to: you wouldn’t accept anything but the best sir.


Hanabi saying to: What is it like being half machine?

Genji replying to: i was lost for a long time, now i am at peace with who i am.

Genji saying to: Your weapons have caused mass chaos, how do you live with yourself?

Hanabi replying to: it gets easier over time, it’s better if you don’t think about it.


Hanabi saying to: Where did you hide your treasure madman, what your price?

Junkrat replying to: Treasure, w-what d’ya mean, treasure?

Junkrat saying to: Wanna swap guns, just for a bit?

Hanabi replying to: You couldn’t handle it friend.


Hanabi saying to: What needs doing boss?

Reaper replying to: Stick to the mission, don’t wander off, let’s go.

Reaper saying to: I told you to stay on the ship Hanabi!

Hanabi replying to: Can’t let you have all the fun Reapy boy.


Hanabi saying to: Your company put my family out of work!

Symmetra replying to: Vishkar was made to help the world, not one little girl’s family

Symmetra saying to: You technology is so simple compared to Vishkar

Hanabi replying to: Stuff it, and tell someone who cares.


Hanabi saying to: Simple, yet effective, the best kind of engineer.

Torbjörn replying to: We have the same mindset, good.

Torbjörn saying to: You’re very mature for your age little lass

Hanabi replying to: i had a great inspiration to work off of.


Hanabi saying to: How is your weapon holding up Lacroix?

Replying to: It hasn’t failed me yet.

Widowmaker saying to: I need an upgrade, care to help?

Hanabi replying to: Hit me up when we’re back at base.



Hanabi saying to: Repairing the same armour over and over again doesn’t make you an engineer

Brigitte replying to: Creating a replica of someones weapon doesn’t make you a hero.

Brigitte saying to: What is with your twisted love with Jack Morrison?

Hanabi replying to: that man was a true hero, we’re all just shadows following.


Hanabi was born in the year 2054, 3 years after the 1st Omnic was had ended

During this time, the work was still very nervous at the idea that another crisis would break out, so engineering companies were crucial to the rebuilding of society, luckily for Hanabi’s family, they had just given birth to a prodigy.

Hanabi was able to take apart and rebuilt several devices before she even spoke her first words, and at the age of 8, she was already working with her father in quality of life engineering.

over time, the world began to regain peace, but then the companies ideals changed, and the company she worked for began to make more military based technology.

This didn’t worry Hanabi in the least, it was new technology that she had never made before, and she made it well, almost perfectly, it was at the age of only 11 years old she made her staple weapon, the “bluefire” rifle, which there is no other replica of in the world.

However, this joy was short lived, as a new company was beginning to make waves in the engineering world.

The Vishkar cooperation.

Vishkar practically shut down almost small time companies with there hardlight technology, and Hanabi began to fear for her future.

Engineering was all she knew, to have it robbed would lose all since of self.

Unfortunately, Hanabi’s worst fear came true, after living with this fear for 7 years, her company was finally forced to close.

Her mother and father were forced overseas to work, but not without leaving a single message to Hanabi.

“Look after No.1, you matter more than anyone”

And with a single message, Hanabi packed up her tools, and left for one last time.

Before a letter feel out of her bag, a formal invitation, from a “Mr. Akinjide Adeyemi”

Hanabi knew this name, and knew just what it meant

“the 2nd Doomfist needed her assistance”

Hanabi let out a little smile and said to herself

“look after No.1”

Hanabi’s original design was inspired by 2 of Hammond (wrecking ball) pieces of concept art.

Hanabi Chisai Translates to “Small firework” which represents her small stature but lively personality and fiery drive.

Handbag’s favorite food is lotus seed dumplings.

Hanabi’s favorite color is Azure.

Originally, the plan was to have Hanabi and Mei in a “long distance” relationship, but as she had to become younger to fit into Overwatch’s timeline of events and as she became more Talon related, the idea was given up.

Hanabi is one of the last few people to have a fully functioning “game boy” in the current Overwatch year, which Sombra has tried to steal on several occasions (Hanabi would let her have it if she just asked)

Hanabi was Invited to Talon by the current Doomfist’s mentor, the 2nd Doomfist, Akinjide Adeyemi.

Hanabi’s favorite song is “Wild thing” by Jaxson gamble.

Hanabi’s parents are both alive and well, but their locations are unknown and they are both unaware of Hanabi’s current work.


Sorry that wasn’t my intention xD


Dang I really need to flesh out my hero now lol.
Nice job, I like supportive DPS, the shield ability is cool!

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Name: Thrak’tor
Role: Hybrid Tank/Support
Height: 6’5
Health: 350
Armor: 150

Thrak’tor has a reverse resource meter that will starts empty and will slowly recharge over time. Damage done and damage taken/absorbed will also fill this meter.

Weapons: Dual-Axes
Primary Attack:
A quick succession of swings using his axes, Thrak’tor deals damage in a small cone in front of him to damage those that dare move towards him.
Range: Extended-Melee (6 meters - Tight frontal cone)
Rate of fire: 3 swings 1 second
Damage: 25 damage per swing - 75 per second
Multiple Targets - No Headshot

A single, large, strike of both axes starting from the outside and swinging inward in from both sides. This attack damages in a wide frontal cone to all enemies with more damage done in the center.
Range: Extended-Melee (10 meters)
Cooldown: 6 seconds
80 to 100 degrees = 90 damage
60 to 80 degrees = 45 damage
40 to 60 degrees = 20 damage
Multiple Targets - No Headshot

Thick Hide:
While thick hide is active Thrak’tor’s armor will glow purple. During this time, Thrak’tor will absorb 30% of damage taken and convert it into his resource meter.
Duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Bear’s Warmth:
Thrak’tor releases a large PBAoE from himself that heals all targets within range. The amount healed is increased the larger his resource meter is filled. Resource meter is reduced to 0.
Radius: 10 meters
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Heal: 100(empty )- 200hp(full) (to each ally within range)

(Optional - too much)
”Natural” Agility:
Thrak’tor gains an omnidirectional speed boost of 50% during duration.
Duration: Tied to resource meter.

Protector of the Pack:
Thrak’tor literally turns into a large spirit bear (via nanotechnology/armor). While in this form, his character model size grows, increasing the size of his character model and hitbox as well as the range of his primary and alternate fire (10 and 15 meters respectively). All damage taken in this form is reduced by 50% and the cooldown of Bear’s Warmth is reduced to 5 seconds.
Duration: 8 seconds
During duration: Primary attack becomes slash. Secondary attack becomes cleave.
(Attacks are the same, just uses the animation of a bear swiping its paw instead of axes)

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For all you crazy people who want MEKA to be a thing xD

You had me at Hybrid Tank/Support lol

I like the idea of a tank that can heal others, and the resource meter idea is cool.

Thank you! It was an idea I had some time ago and even have a full backstory for the character. With the current game though, I think another tank would be awesome.

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I did some art if you’re interested.

Gēn-Ling Zhou - 250 HP (200 HP/ 50 Shields)

Primary Fire: Vine Whip

  • Uses her Living Root to strike enemies with a whip-like vine.
    -30 Damage
    -2 swings per second
    -6 Meters long

  • Shift: Rooted Steps
    -While activated, Gēn can jump up to 4 times and walk on rapidly growing roots below her, creating steps and bridges over the course of 7 seconds.
    -Can be destroyed. Entire structure has 700 HP.
    -Cooldown: 12 seconds

  • E: Entangle
    -Creates an area below herself that lasts for 10 seconds
    -When stepped on, roots will cover the enemies, making them unable to move and use abilities.
    -Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Ultimate: Cocoon
    -Creates a Hardened Leaf Cocoon around herself for 10 seconds.
    -During Cocoon, Gēn can attack with two giant vines and a poisoning gas that does 10 damage per second for 5 seconds.
    -Vines do a total of 40 damage per swing each. Each vine can only swing once per .5 seconds.
    -Gēn is unable to move while in her Cocoon.
    -Cocoon has 1000 HP

  • Passive: Hallucination
    -Gēn can see random enemies through walls each 30 seconds for 10 seconds because of her psychotic hallucinations


Now do we need a WoW character brought to hots brought to OW?

Not necessarily…but I love his concept and think a similar character would be great in the game. The character’s abilities would mimic Rehgar’s but they would be any person in this universe. Like a Junker, Talon, or even an omnic.

Ghost Wolf (Shift)
Instead of using a mount, Rehgar transforms into a Ghost Wolf with 20% increased Movement Speed. Basic Attacks in Ghost Wolf form cause him to lunge at his target and deal 75% bonus damage. Dealing damage, using Abilities, and channeling cancels Ghost Wolf form.

Chain Heal (E)
Heal an ally with a wave of healing for Health. The wave then bounces 2 times to nearby allies within range, restoring Health to them.

Lightning Shield (could be turned into a electric projectile gun with right click for the below effect)
Imbue an ally with lightning dealing damage a second to nearby enemies. Lasts 5 seconds.

Bloodlust (Q)
Grant nearby allied Heroes 40% Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed and causes them to heal for 30% of the Basic Attack damage to their primary target. Lasts for 8 seconds.

Other Ability (This one might suit the game better or worse.
Earthbind Totem
Create a totem that slows nearby enemies by 35%. The totem has Health and lasts for 8 seconds.

Athena: 150HP, 25 HP/ 125 Shields

  • Primary Fire: Data Stream
    DPS: 45 (90 DPS to barriers, 30 to targets behind barriers. -15 DPS per bounce)
    100 Ammo, 10 Ammo per second
    Range: Infinite, but with falloff. Falloff begins at 25
    Beam shot from Athena’s eye, can go through barriers, dealing extra damage to the barrier, but less to the people behind it. Bounces off walls, also dealing less after each bounce.
  • Shift: Data Transfer
    Cooldown: 8 seconds if head gets destroyed.
    Cast Time: 2 seconds to put down a body
    Athena’s head comes off, flying similarly to spectator mode. The head can be controlled, but only has 75 HP (1 HP / 74 Shields). If the head dies, the ability goes on cooldown and she can’t switch for a few seconds. The head’s HP does not recharge unless it is on Athena’s body. Explodes on death, causes a 50 damage explosion. Can be affected by buffs and debuffs
    Athena sets up multiple bodies around the map and can go to each one.
    3 Bodies allowed on the map (1 including the one Athena is currently controlling)
    Each body has Athena’s HP, But with 25 hp and 150 shields. (converts to regular HP ratio when transfered)
  • E: Protection
    Cooldown: 15, starting on use
    Grants invincibility for 5 seconds to Athena and an ally (if selected).
    If an ally is selected and breaks Line of Sight the invincibility goes away after .75 seconds and does not come back but it stays for Athena.
  • Ultimate: Overwatch
    Athena’s head leaves her current body to go out of the map, but the 3 bodies combine to a total of 300 HP. If the body is killed, Overwatch ends.
    Goes into spectator mode
    Duration: 12 seconds
    Can choose 3 members on both teams
    One teammate gets 200 burst healing, one teammate gets a 30% speed increase, one teammate gets invincibility for 5 seconds, but can be CC’d
    One enemy loses 30% max hp, one enemy gets a 30% speed reduction, one enemy takes 100 damage.
    Very long ultimate charge rate