(2year old necro) Hero concept lab - hero concepts here!

There hasnt been any of these in a long time, So i thought id start one up,

Post any of your hero concepts here and other people can go review them and read them

Dunno, just wanted to do a small change of pace, lately ive been doing mostly balance posts, so i wanted to throw in something to have fun with, reading hero concepts is fun

Try to put them in a spoiler tag to make it easier to see…ill post mine later after i review them

For those who dont know, this is the code for a spoiler tag

This text will be hidden

That, Equals to this


This text will be hidden


I have about 4 fan made heroes




But if i had to pick one, it would be my oldest one (the hero that i fear may have inspired Brigitte)

Name: Project Nikko

Real Name: Elina Victoria

Height: 5"0

Age: 22 years old


Occupation: Wandering vigilante

Base of Operations: Unknown

Affiliation; Unknown

  • Who They Have Sided With In The Past, Present, and Possibly Future

-In the past,she was sided with overwatch, Blackwatch specifically

-Currently,she is sided with no one.

-If it scenario arises,she could be “influenced” to join anyone.


Total Health:300

  • 200 of Health
  • 50 of Armor

Movement Speed: Default movement speed

Ammo capacity: 150
1 each primary shot
20 each secondary shot

1st Spawn Quote: The mission is all that matters.

Difficulty: ✮✮


Originally hired by the original Overwatch team,she was trained, placed and served on the Blackwatch strike team.

After the Falling out of Gabriel and Jack, she was unable to get involved,as she was just a low level recruit,but when Reaper attacked the Overwatch HQ,her strike team was told to not get involved.

Unfortunately,her team was killed in action,and she was left to fend off Reaper on her own,which resulted in her being shot through the stomach and left for dead in a burning HQ

Presumed dead by the remaining survivors,she was in fact found and saved in secret by an unknown individual,who was able to rebuild her using advanced robotics.

Now,completely unknown to her predecessors,she continues to help try to fix the world by herself,while also trying to find the one who saved her life.
But with every hope, there comes danger,as she has begun to catch the eyes of old friends and their new allies.


Passive: Wall jump

Nikko can jump at a wall and boost off of it,this can be done in quick succession to climb walls to places not normally reached
Nikko can also stick to walls for 2 seconds before falling off.

Ability 1:Rico-shield

Nikko throws her shield 10 meters in front of her.
if she gets a killing blow,the shield will ricochet off and hits the nearest target within 10 meters,before returning to Nikko
-Once the shield has returned to Nikko, it will take 9 seconds to recharge fully.

Ability 2: Flash wave

Pretty simple, it allows Nikko to use her jet powered boots to travel forward.
The cooldown for Flash wave is 8 seconds.

-She can only travel on the ground,unlike a character like genji, who can use it to get into the air, she can jump off a ledge and still use it in the air that way.
-She takes 25% less damage while travelling.

Ultimate: Atom Cannon

Nikko fires a large charge laser straight forward.This beam can be moved slightly left and right. It is also slightly translucent to allies, so their view isn’t taken up by a large,bright beam.

-She cannot move during this.

It can be used both in the air and on the ground.


-Voice line for when ability 1 activates:
You’ve got no chance of hitting me!
Just try it!

-Voice line for when the ability 2 activates:
Jet boost!
Ehh,im flying

-Voice line for when the ultimate activates:
Systems at max,fire!

  • Voice line if the ability defeats someone:

It’s about time someone put you down.
I’m double what you were.
You’re a fool for hanging onto the past.

See ya boss.
You’re dismissed.
Revenge for what you did.

The ghost watches.
I got some news for your daughter

And that,is the final stream.
Fans ain’t gonna save you now.

sigh English.
Could you go back…to not existing?

All that armour,and no brains.
Use a gun next time.

  • Voice line if the ability is interrupted:

Ability 1:
My shields out!

Ability 2:
This is unblockable,so no voice lines are needed

what a waste of energy

-Voice line if the ability achieves an in-game award:
5 card award:
well, i try my best.

10 card award:
wow,i didn’t think i’d get this far.

On fire:
I am on fire!

Main Attack:Alpha shot

Fires a basic energy shot,dealing 10-14 damage each shot.
the speed of each shot is fully automatic with spread after a while,similar to 76

Alternate Attack:Dragon shot

Fires a short range blast dealing up to 3-6 damage with each “pellet”
with the shot having about 20 pellets in each shot
the falloff range is 13-17 meters
She can only use this once every 3 seconds


Nikko works best when fighting tanks and shields,breaking them down quickly,and being on the front lines,carrying her team forward,like a leader.
She also works well in 1v1s,as she can fire powerful shots and use her shield for cover.

Strong against;

  • Reinhardt
  • Symmetra
  • Winston
  • Torbjorn
  • Bastion
  • Sombra
  • Orisa
  • Soldier 76
  • Zarya
  • D.va
  • Zenyatta


Nikko is squishy,like most attack heroes, meaning that if her team isn’t backing her up, she isn’t going to last in a firefight.
if she is stuck fighting multiple enemies,she will quickly be overtaken.

Weak Against;

  • Bastion
  • Mei
  • Genji
  • Winston
  • Widowmaker
  • Pharah
  • Roadhog


due to her large damage output,she work well with heroes who can halt the enemy.
meaning teammates like Mei and Zarya work really well.
she can also pincer attack with Hanzo’s ult, but that needs to be lined up well.
By using her passive with Widowmakers ult, a lot of the battlefield is viewable in the allies favour.


Nikko would play well with those players who like to be on the front lines, pushing through the enemy and leading the team to victory, so a carrying player would find her most fun.

Victory Poses:

Default; heroic:
Standing straight, with her arms folded, looking forward.

Pose 1; Stand and deliver:
nikko stands with her arm cannon in the air, like a fist bump into the sky.

Pose 2;Not worth my time:
Nikko stands with her back to the camera,looking over her left shoulder.

Pose 3;Chilling:
Nikko is relaxing on her shield,with her arms behind her head, and her eyes are closed.


Default; Heroic:
Nikko puts her hand on her hip, and looks around before going back to normal.

Pose 1;The dance:
Nikko does a wave like dance,finishing with a bow, before returning to normal.

Pose 2;The past is gone:
Nikko brings out a small hologram of Jack morrison, then crushes it,before returning to normal.

Pose 3;Relaxing:
Nikko sits down on the spot,like most sitting emotes,pressing any button cancels it.

Highlight Intros:

Highlight 1, Heroic:
Nikko lets a little bit of energy out of her arm cannon,before looking at the camera.

Highlight 2;Power up
Similar to Sombra’s “pulse”, Nikko charges up, before letting it all out in a large area.

Highlight 2; Atom cannon:
Nikko jumps into the air,then begins to charge her atom cannon before firing it at the camera.

Highlight 4;What’s his power level?:
Nikko tinkers with her scanner, before it explodes in her face,leaving her coughing



I noticed how most people said that Overwatch heroes were missing limbs, so i wanted add to the list, seeing as the only one really missing limbs are Junkrat, Torbjorn, Genji and Mcree.

How they would stand out in game is pretty simple, you see a medium sized red enemy firing at you,it should stand out pretty well.


Rare 1: Yellowstone
Basic to the default skin,with just a simple colour change.

Rare 2: Toronto Snow
Basic to the default skin,with just a simple colour change.

Rare 3: Pretty in pink
Basic to the default skin,with just a simple colour change.

Rare 4: the grass is…
Basic to the default skin,with just a simple colour change.


Epic 1: Hacked
Now under the control of Sombra,Nikko follows her orders without question.

Epic 2: Flower power
Touch the flowers, get your face blown off.


Legendary 1: Barkeep blaster
If you start a barfight, Nikko will end it.

Legendary 2: Talon
Sombra didn’t need to hack her,she went to talon willingly.

Legendary 3: Star guardian
Defender of the galaxy,protector of justice, Star guardian Nikko is here!


Before she was caught in the explosion of the Swiss HQ,she was incredibly kind,but once her team put on a mission, she would complete it without question, she cared for everyone in her team.

After she was rebuilt,her emotions shifted into a more self-centered,insulting and impatient attitude, but she has no memory of the Time at Overwatch,and the people she worked with are just a blur in her mind.

Even she is unsure what would happen if she met her mentors,and for that matter,she avoids any attempt to join with Overwatch or Talon, even going so far as to install a virus to block out the Overwatch recall signal.

Voice Lines:

  • “Pew,pew pew pew,pew"
  • “History has it’s eyes on you”
  • “Hey now”
  • “I just wanted a normal life”
  • “Even in darkness, we can see the light”
  • “I learned that from a dead guy,cool right?”
  • “Now now, play nice”
  • “I’ll take your opinion into my memory banks”
  • “I gonna go bowling after this…”

  • “logging on” (While waiting in spawn)
  • “no, i don’t want to update” (While waiting in spawn)
  • “error 404, death not found” (When respawning)
  • “i already died once, not a fan” (When respawning)
  • “And here we go” (Upon being character swapped and spawning in)
  • “Oh,time to do someone else’s job” (Upon being character swapped and spawning in)
  • “Just complete the mission” (For commenting on the map or environment)
  • “This would have been a great place to retire to,what a shame” (For commenting on the map or environment)



  1. Your Character - “Another, since when?.”

Genji - “You speak as if you are like me.”

  1. Genji - “I sense…that you are not human."

Your Character - “Heh,seems we are on the same level.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Genji)

Genji - “a shame, you seemed so much like me."

  1. Genji - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “wish i got to know you more.”


  1. Your Character - “Oh,are we in the wild west now.”

Mcree - “How the hell are you alive?”

  1. Mcree - “Does Morrison know about you?”

Your Character - “Who’s that,someone i know?.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Mcree)

Mcree - “i’ve killed a lot…but that one hurt.”

  1. Mcree - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “moving on.”


  1. Your Character - “Oh this should be good.”

Reaper - “What the hell…”

  1. Reaper - “You were a great addition to Blackwatch…”

Your Character - “That part of my life is finished,no thanks to you.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Reaper)

Reaper - “There’s a second time for everything.”

  1. Reaper - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “I’ve been waiting a long time for that.”

Soldier 76;

  1. Your Character - “What the hell do you want.”

Soldier 76 - “you don’t remember?.”

  1. Soldier 76 - “Im sorry.”

Your Character - “For what,what have you done?”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Soldier 76)

Soldier 76 - “The old linger,and the young die.”

  1. Soldier 76 - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “Have you ever stepped on a battlefield before?”


  1. Your Character - “I’d like to hack you one day.”

Sombra - “i don’t know what that means, but im liking the tone.”

  1. Sombra - “You’re looking at me funny.”

Your Character - “Am i…can i do it more?”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Sombra)

Sombra - “That will stop you staring.”

  1. Sombra- (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “Im not joining you,stop trying”


  1. Your Character - “ugh,English.”

Tracer - “i can see why jack left you.”

  1. Tracer - “could you go back to dying?”

Your Character - “Tried it once,not a fan

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Tracer)

Tracer - “I’d help you, but you ain’t worth it.”

  1. Tracer - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “And when you fall back into time,stay there.”


  1. Your Character - “Turrets huh,can fight on your own?

Torbjorn - “You want to try your luck,rust bucket?"

  1. Torbjorn - “Filthy Omnic"

Your Character - “How’s the weather down there”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Torbjorn)

Torbjorn - “dirty robot scum.”

  1. Torbjorn - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “Ametuer”


  1. Your Character - “i thought i’d seen it all.”

Widowmaker - “it’s the blue isn’t it?.”

  1. Widowmaker - “you lack emotion.”

Your Character - “do i?.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Widowmaker)

Widowmaker - “and scrap all over the floor.”

  1. Widowmaker - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “What a waste of time.”


  1. Your Character - “Oh look, it’s my granddad.”

Reinhardt - “im not your grandfather!.”

  1. Reinhardt - “Why is everyone i know coming back from the dead!?.”

Your Character - “Can’t let the old on the battlefield now,you might bust a hip”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Reinhardt)

Reinhardt - “Sit down child!.”

  1. Reinhardt - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “Told you you’d bust a hip.”


  1. Your Character - “What’s with that look?”

Ana - “So,you are alive.”

  1. Ana - “Remember the Strike team you were on.”

Your Character - “I remember being left for dead.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Ana)

Ana - “Im sorry…”

  1. Ana - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “Sorry old lady…”


  1. Your Character - “Hey look, the bruja.”

Mercy - “Foolish child,thinking she’s a soldier.”

  1. Mercy - “you should have died.”

Your Character - “like Gabriel right…oh wait.”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Mercy)

Mercy - “it’s not like you had a pulse to begin with.”

  1. Mercy - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “no more bringing people back,got it?”


  1. Your Character - “you’re the worst kind of evil.”

Symmetra - “and you’re the worst kind of good.”

  1. Symmetra - “you never cared about people did you?.”

Your Character - “you tear down homes and lives for profit, and im the uncaring one?”

  1. Your Character - (Is defeated by Symmetra)

Symmetra - “Back to business.”

  1. Symmetra - (Is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “if i killed you, then im doing my job right.”


  1. Your Character - " Aren’t you suppose to be in prison?"

Doomfist - “the world needed me back,as will you”

  1. Doomfist - “you should consider joining us,both of our parties would benefit”

Your Character - “i’ve got stuff i need to do first,I’ll keep you in mind”

  1. Your Character - (is defeated by Doomfist)

Doomfist - “You are the last ashes of Overwatch”

  1. Doomfist - (is defeated by Your Character)

Your Character - “All that time in prison,and for what?”


The birth

Nikko never knew her mother,being strictly brought up in her fathers care, of course,that means that she was around for the creation of overwatch,and the omnic crisis.
Growing up studying In fitness and Martial arts,she petitioned and was accepted into Blackwatch,she joined the ranks to learn from the best.

When she came to the age,she was brought under the wing of the Strike team,and became Private Victoria,one of many Blackwatch rookies

Over her time Doing missions and Learning about overwatch,she rarely kept in touch with her father,not even knowing he had been killed by an Omnic riot several years earlier.

once she received the news,she didn’t cry,nor did she get angry,Blackwatch had brought her up to not cry,instead she used that motivation in her work,as she now has more motivation to help overwatch bring peace

Gabriel found out about this,and decided to approach her about it,not as a commander,but as a friend.

Kings row uprising

This was suppose to be Nikko’s first legit mission, a real mission, but, due to the fear that was swelling in Jack, she was replaced with Tracer nearing the end of planning.
This made her internally become jealous of tracer,seeing as she was praised greatly by the whole team when they returned, but she also respected her for doing a great job

Gabriel called out jack on this,saying that Nikko is old enough to look after herself,and that her strike team could have done the job faster.it was here that the original founders believed the divide began between blackwatch and Overwatch.

Overwatch’s end:

Nikko was caught in the crossfire,she didn’t know who to side with:

The commander Jack Morrison,who had brought her into overwatch, but never took her seriously enough to let her go on a mission on her own.

Or Gabriel,who didn’t view her as a soldier, but more of a child, that needed to be brought up properly,and was more of a father figure to her,as he was one of the few who knew about her real father’s death.

Nikko never got the chance to decide,Overwatch was attacked and blown up,And Nikko’s team was one of the first strike teams to face off against Reaper, the team never stood a chance,Reaper tore them all apart,with only Nikko standing at the end.

Reaper didn’t shoot her,instead,he stole her weapon and hugged her,before shooting her directly in the stomach,and leaving her to burn.

Nikko, somehow,did survive.incredibly badly injured,she was completely rebuilt as a human based Omnic.

Now she travels the world, with no place to call home,she seeks to find the man who saved her, and ask him why?

But,it seems that old eyes are upon her,as she seems to be catching the attention of several groups…


Huzzah. Always love supporting these❤️

Support - Arete

New Support Concept: Arete - #3 by Crazyshark1-2319

Here’s my concept for a singing support hero!

Done with the edits, I’d grab a coffee, this is very long indeed. Hopefully worth reading though.

For the record this lore requires minor retcons to existing heroes’ lore, mostly Dva.

Apro Linna, A flex off-tank;

Back story/Lore skip if this is not your thing, it’s very long.

A Finish hero who was a teenager during the Omnic Crisis. His father worked with the Crusaders but both his parents were killed early in the crisis and he was evacuated from Finland to Russia. In Russia he proved to be a prodigy mech engineer thanks to his father’s training. As a result of this he was selected by a Korean colonel Song who was gathering people from the mech producing nations (Germany, Russia and Korea) to work together in a global mech task force.

This team tried to produce the best mech humanity could make but struggled as it proved so complicated it was prone to system crashes and was near impossible to pilot. This was resolved when the Russians provided advanced assistant pilot software that stabilised the machines, but unknown to the task force this software was derived from Omnic’s.

The task force then had great successes against the Omnics and were pushing them back, they became heroes. This ended suddenly when the pilot software went rogue and turned on the human pilots. Only Apro managed to disable his assistant pilot and he then had to fight off his friends mechs while civilians were evacuated and ultimately had to kill his former mentor Colonel Song to shut down his command mech and end the threat. He alone survived this event but lost both legs in the process.

Russia escaped any blame for what happened, and the taskforce was branded a failure. Apro was however offered a position in Overwatch after the crisis but rejected it and instead dedicated his life to shutting down all mech development fearing past mistakes. However with the fall of Overwatch and Russia restarting their mech programme Apro has returned. Korea was struggling to hold off their Omnic threat with their drone programme so brought Apro on to lead Mecha and rebuild their mech programme, based around very advanced machines that can only be piloted by very skilled individuals. One of these pilots is pro gamer Hana Song (Dva) who is granddaughter to the original head of the global mech taskforce and Apro’s mentor.



He is in a mech that looks like a cross between Rein and Dva but also unique. It is dark grey with green details and lighting and looks old, battered and loosely humanoid. The core is a bulbous torso that acts as the cockpit. On top of it is a sheet of black glass with a bright green line across that moves when he speaks. There are 2 bright power cores on the back and under them a line of vents around the entire ‘torso’. The arms are long and bulbous with the shoulders being short support beams that connect them to the torso. The left one looks oversized and thick, the right hold a large bore rifle, with bayonet and cables linking it to the power core. Under the torso is a triangle of tank treads as the legs. They are connected to the torso with support beams to a ‘belt’ around the torso that allows it to rotate above these ‘legs’ This whole lower assembly has the appearance of being crudely welded on.

His appearance (rather than the mech) is an old guy with well-kept shoulder length white hair. He has sad grey eyes, wears a clearly old but well pressed military uniform. He also sits in a wheel chair as his legs have been amputated at the thigh.


He is a bit grumpy and sad but also very witty and very sarcastic. When compared to the other pensioner heroes he is softer and less aggressive, most like Ana. He generally has the attitudes of a man who has been systematically broken down, but still holds onto the last bit of hope he has left. He is caring but doesn’t much like people seeing that fact and acts very secluded. His main interactions are with Dva who respects him but is also trying to prove herself and is a bit too arrogant for his tastes. Some of the other non-aligned people like Lucio like him too. Basically all the Talon and Overwatch people do not like him except Rein, who has a jokey rivalry with him, then Ana and McCree, who like his approach and methods in a post-Overwatch world.

Abilities/game play Obviously this can all be tweaked for balance.

His health is at 175 with 225 of armour.

Primary fire, Blast Canon: A medium range, speed and damage projectile than can be charged for extra damage, this charge damage will pass through targets to those behind, like Sym’s old alt fire. It would do 45 dmg and an additional 50 at full charge, which takes 1.5 seconds. The charged dmg does not count for critical hits (so full charge headshot is 140dmg).

Alt fire, Turbo: This is a speed boost ability on a resource meter. It ups his move speed by 80% when used and emptying the resource from full will take 4 seconds, 10 to fully recharge. If this is used at the same time as his L-shift he moves at 66% normal speed.

L-shift, Mantlet: This is a metal unbreakable barrier, effectively a wall neither team can shoot through or dmg. It covers his entire character but not much beyond (like Brig only he is bigger than her). He cannot however move when using it, not even rotate, except with Turbo. He also cannot shoot. He can melee out from this position for double melee dmg plus a knockback. If the use key (same one for Sym teleport) is pressed while this metal barrier is down he detaches from the barrier and can move without it. The barrier does have a small view port where his arm was that can be shot through. He cannot use the barrier until he reattaches (stand near it and press the use key). If he dies with the barrier detached then it disappears upon respawn.

E ability, Capture net: What looks like an energy net grows around him. It will take 1.5 seconds to reach full size (about 2/3 of a Winston bubble) and then 1.5 seconds to shrink back down. Any enemy dmg that passes through this field is reduced by 50%. A small AoE dmg burst is then released around him doing a max of 75 dmg (more dmg absorbed, higher the dmg output). 12 second cooldown.

Ultimate, Reboot: He turns on the old AI software. This reduces turbo recharge rate, resets capture net, makes all shots fully charged instantly and gives a 50% dmg reduction to him. Rather than a timer it can be deactivated whenever, however he takes dmg the entire time it is active. This starts at 10 dmg a second but ramps up an additional 10 dmg a second every second (If my maths is right that means he will be killed in 9 seconds if he takes no external dmg or heals). Ana’s ult does not lower this dmg and makes his total dmg reduction 75%.

Starting Cosmetics

Legendary Skins:

The original mech from the Crisis with a shiny brand-new look, legs rather than tracks as the biggest difference. One should be normal the other with menacing Omnic crisis detailing.

Steam punk skins, the tracks are replaced with a ball (like the Dwemer sentry in Skyrim), the gun looks steam powered as does the barrier extensions and the various nodes and attachment/support beams are now all pistons and vents for the steam. 2 Recolours of this, one brass and red the other bright steel and black.


Salute- opens the mech, showing Apro in his chair, he then salutes and the mech then closes.

Dance- The mech does the macarena rotating round over the tracks which don’t move.

Rev- The tracks start spinning really fast with smoke coming off and the body of the mech lowers down as if to charge, then pulls up in a burst of smoke as he returns to normal.

Jam- Opens up the barrier only a bang sounds and it gets stuck halfway, starts to shake it around then precedes to smack it with the rifle till it pops back in with another bang.

R&R (the version of sit)- A beam extends out of the back of the Mech. The mech then tilts back onto it, then all the lights flicker off as the arms move behind the ‘head’ and classic z’s appear.

Highlight Intros:

Technical issues- A Omnic sound comes on and the lights and tails turn red, then a loud and clear gunshot and the mech wobbles, flickers then returns to normal, camera then zooms in on the ‘head’ and proceeds to shrug apologetically.

Engage- The mech charges forward at the camera with the barrier down then bayonets it and raises it above itself ‘looking’ up.

In for Repairs. Apro looks grumpy and is in his wheelchair, slowly moving forward with boosters pushing it along. The camera pulls back to show him pulling a shopping trolley filled the two halves of a clearly destroyed mech.


He is closest to Dva as this flex tank moving around the fight to whenever he is needed. Unlike her however he has no vertical mobility so is not a dive tank. He would however be very strong defensively due to having great range and accuracy for a tank and the abilities and speed needed to peel for his back line. He has power up close but not really the health or defensive options to last long against focus fire. He can cover advances with the barrier very well but is super slow when doing it and can be flanked. His ult allows him to turn into a mega break though machine, like a Nano Rein without the Nano and if coordinated with healers can last a while. Without healers though it is less effective and lasts very little, making it a weak but usable delay ult for defence.

Any questions, well done for reading this far, this was insanely long.

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i think you did something wrong there :joy:

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here is my concept: Eti

Real Name: Eti Hwannav, age 70
Occupation: Game Show Host
Base of Operations: Numbani
Affiliation: Game shows

“It’s time to solve the puzzle.”

Eti is a game show host from Numbani who uses her skills with game shows to help those in jeopardy.

The wheel of fortune turned her way when she got the opportunity to make a game show for herself. She called it “Luckiest Circle”, and it involved word puzzles being solved by spinning a wheel.

With a grant from Vishkar, Eti started the game show with a hard-light wheel and puzzleboard. She decided to use the technology to make helpful prizes for the winner and assist Orisa with protecting Numbani.

The popularity of her game show resulted in Numbani attracting the attention of many benefactors who helped Eti give to those less fortunate than her without the help of her game show.

Role: Support

Eti converts her hard-light technology into props from a game show, and she also uses it to rebuild the bodies of her fellow “contestants”.

Health: 250

Primary Fire: Solver Revolver - Healing

Healing per use: 60 HP
Clip: 6
Reload: 1.5s
Radius: 5m
Knockback: 8m

This hardlight gun has the ability to rebuild the bodies of others.

Secondary Fire: Solver Revolver - Damage

Damage: 50
Clip: 6
Reload: 1.5s
Radius: 5m
Knockback: 8m

Using the power of R, S, T, L, N, and E, she can attack others.

E ability: Puzzleboard Wall

Builds a wall similarly to Mei, but it has 350 HP and allies and their items can phase through it.
Cooldown: 10s

Shift ability: Light Burst

Eti releases a 10m radius AoE heal for 1 second that gives 100 HP to allies who get into the area and also heals her by 50 HP.
Cooldown: 6s

Ultimate: Solve The Puzzle

Time: 8s

Eti spins around, firing endless shots that have properties of both the healing and damaging shots. They have doubled range. Eti also gains 80 health and can move laterally.

Ana: Nice game show! I hope I get on it someday, I’ve been watching for a while.
Eti: I hope you do too.

Moira: I don’t like your game show.
Eti: I don’t like your practices!

Orisa: Thank you for helping Numbani.
Eti: You’re wheelcome!

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I have some ideas I’d like to share for main and off tanks and supports. I’ve tried to make them “lore friendly” just for the fun of it, but I do believe we need the following abilities in-game:

Antonio (Off Tank)

Stats: 300 health, 300 armor

Affiliation: Talon

Playstyle: Antonio is a heavy hitting absorption tank. Using his black hole ability redirects attacks towards him, so it can be risky to use it. Requires a lot of coordination with healers. His ult is for survival. Can be considered as an off tank.

Look and Feel: There’s an awesome concept art by @Nexzerker on twitter. Please check it out because it’s incredible. I’d keep most of that design, but will remove the blade and will keep the gun in the arm and not over the shoulder. Additionally I’d make him a full robot/cyborg. The idea is that he actually died by the hand of Reyes during the Retribution event, but his conciousness was uploaded to a robot/cyborg.


LMB - Chaingun / Talon Heavy Chaingun. After a 0.5-second rev-up time, fires 20 hitscan shots per second in a moderate spread. Each shot deals 2-4 damage. While revved up or shooting, Antonio moves 20% slower. Holds 100 rounds. 2-second reload. (This very good weapon concept has been directly imported for the idea developed by forum user Gaze. This idea is entirely his).

RMB - Black Hole / Antonio raises his left hand and for 3 seconds, he redirects towards himself enemy ranged attacks (projectile or hitscan) on a 20-meter cylindrical range in front of him with 60% damage reduction. Attacks, even on him will not be critical. Antonio cannot attack but can move. 6 second cooldown after using the ability.

E - Supernova / While Black Hole is on cooldown Antonio can release 30% of the damage redirected towards him by the last use of Black Hole in an explosion around Antonio in an 8 meter radius. If Supernova is not activated during the Black Hole cooldown window, Antonio will lose that charge and will have to wait until the next use of Black Hole.

Shift - Biotic Enhancer / Antonio presses a button in the chest of his suit and it emits a wave of biotic enhancing energy / Antonio and allies around him in a 6 meter radius take 40% increased healing from allied sources for 5 seconds (doesn’t apply to healthpacks). / cooldown 10 seconds

Ult - Barricade / Antonio creates a Damage Immune zone for himself that lasts 6s. Antonio must remain in the zone to receive the Immunity. Can be booped out. Cannot use Black Hole or Biotic Enhancer while inside the Damage Immune zone.

D.Mon (Main Tank)

Stats: 200 health, 200 armor

Affiliation: MEKA squad

Playstyle: D.Mon is a brawler tank. Can act as a main tank for the team with her barrier.

Look and Feel: You have all seen the art for D.Mon and Beast. Nothing more to add except that her shield should be larger that what we saw on the art. Upon dying D.Mon works like Hammond, not like D.Va. There will be no baby D.Mon running around.


LMB - Brawl / Melee attacks like Malganis from HotS or Attikus from Battleborn. Works similarly to Reinhard’s melee attack. Max range 5 meters. Damage 80 per hit. Each swing can only damage one target. 1 swing per 0.5 seconds.

RMB - MEKA Shield / Just as Rein or Brigitte D.Mon can raise a shield barrier. Sizewise, shield is half the width of Rein’s barrier and as tall as Brigitte’s. Health 1000. Regenerates at the same rate as Brigittes. Heals D.Mon for 20% of damage absorbed. 10% speed reduction while having shield active. Activates 3rd person view.

E - Power Tow / Skill shot. D.Mon dettaches Beast’s left fist, which will remain attached to the arm with a power cable. The fist will be thrown at a target the same way Brigitte’s whip shot or Roadhog’s hook do. Max range, 20 meters. If the shot lands D.Mon will use her boosters and a towing mechanism to propel herself to the targets position. Think of it as a reverse hook. This ability does no damage to the target, but it will stay in place until D.Mon arrives to the location. 8 second cooldown.

Shift - Thunder Clap / Similar to WoWs warrior ability with the same name. Slam both fists on the ground and blast nearby enemies in a 5 meter radius for 100 damage and slow them by 25% for 2 seconds.

Ult - Release the Beast / Transformation Ult. D.Mon lowers the metal plate over Beast’s head to fully cover the pilot’s cabin. Best gains 600 armor and becomes Unstoppable (anti CC) Increases movement and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 8 seconds.

Mama Hong (Main Tank)

Stats: 200 health, 200 shields

Affiliation: Herself (I guess)

Playstyle: Mama Hong could be considered the Junkrat of tanks. Basically a deadly heavy hitter. Her barrier could help her be considered as a main tank.

Look and Feel: You already know the concept art. I’d give her the overall look and body type of Topaz from Thor Ragnarok maintaining the face and head from the concept art.


LMB - Sticky Bomb Launcher / Mama Hong shoots sticky bombs from a grenade launcher. Fire rate 0.5 seconds. Each bomb will detonate after 3.2 seconds of attaching itself to an enemy hero or a surface. Ammo 6. Reload time 1.5 seconds. Explosion does 60 damage and 40 splash damage.

RMB - Detonate Sticky Bombs / Detonate all active sticky bombs. (detonate all for burst damage).

E - Shield Drain / Throws a deployable that drains 100 shields (affects barriers and personal shields) per second in an area. Can be destroyed by enemies. 1 second to deploy. Lasts for 3 seconds.8 second cooldown

Shift - Bubble Barrier / Mama Hong raises her left arm over her head, and out of her gauntlet she can project a bubble barrier roughly half the radius of Winton’s Barrier Projector. Mama Hong can move with the barrier, but cannot shoot while barrier is active. Activates 3rd person view. 500 health, lasts for 5 seconds. Cooldown 6 seconds after barrier deactivates or is destroyed.

Ult - Massacre / Throws a Grav Bomb to a targeted location (Q swaps weapon for Ult interface and left click releases the bomb (like the old way of deploying Torb’s turret). Upon landing the bomb will create a gravity field that starts expanding from the center up until 8 meter radius over 3 seconds. After 3 second all enemies caught in the gravity field will be pulled towards the bomb, that will detonate doing damage similar to Junk’s rip tire.

Junkerqueen (Dps/Tank Hybrid)

Role: Damage/Tank hybrid

Sub Role: Frontliner / Offtank (Ult)

Occupation: Queen of Junkertown

Base of Operations: Junkertown, Australia

Affiliation: The Junkers

Playstyle: Like several forum posters, I’d also like to see the Queen as a flamethrower. The challenge is that imagining the Queen as a flamethrower, as several of you have done, limits a little bit the fantasy of the character. In a way her mechanics will feel very similar to the Pyro from TF2, every other character with a flamethrower in any videogame, and even our own Mei. The actual flamethrower is the spear besides her throne, connected to a canister on her back (again, very similar to Mei). I have chosen not to use the axe that appears in the poster. As a defense/tank hybrid, her Ult summons the Queen’s battle mech. Doesn’t have “tanking” abilities, but a gains a lot of HP, reduced damage intake, and increased healing. That, plus the larger form, makes her a bit of an offtank.

Look and Feel: You have all seen the picture of the Queen. Regarding the Battle Mech, it either is the "King" mech, or it looks kind of the powerlifter Ripley uses in Alien (with cannons instead of pliers). All in all, TankGirl comes to mind.


Hero Form: 250 HP

LMB - Flamethrower Spear / 80 dps frontal cone / 2 meter width, 10 meter range / 5 second afterburn. 10 dps / does not consume ammo. Overheats after 6 seconds. 1 second downtime / Melee uses spear as a melee weapon (thrust forward).

Passive - Cauterize / Fatal damage brings the Queen to 35% health. Effect triggers automatically / Not on an actual cooldown, but effect can not happen more than once every 20 seconds

E - Petrol Flask / Throws a canister of oil that breaks on impact. Can be thrown on the ground or at enemies. 5 meter radius / By itself it does nothing. In order to to damage, it needs to be ignited with flamethrower / Oil burns for 8 seconds. Enemies affected with ignited oil will burn for 8 seconds at 20 hp per second. Lasts for 4 seconds if not ignited / 10 second cooldown / Enemies affected with ignited oil are not affected with afterburn. (To clarify, if an enemy is hit with the flask, and gets ignited, it will burn for 8 seconds. If the enemy walks into a burning oil patch that had been already burning for 6 seconds, hero will still have burn effect on itself for 8 seconds).

Ultimate - Junkertown’s Gladiator / Summons the Queen’s Battle Mech for 20 seconds / New set of abilities / Falls apart when it reaches 0HP or when Ult time expires / 30% damage reduction and 50% increased healing.

Battle Mech Form: 450 HP

LMB - Twin Fireball Cannons / Shoots fireballs that explode on contact / 8 rounds per second (4 from each cannon) 20 damage per round on direct hit. 10 splash / linear projectiles / Infinite ammo

E - Petrol Flask / 2 charges. Gets ignited with fireballs.

Shift - Intervene / Run at high speed towards a teammate / The idea is to position the Queen’s Mech next to it’s teammate so it can take damage directed towards ally. Since it might not be very practical in terms of actual bodyblocking, the target of intervene receives a 20HP shield for 2 seconds. 4 second cooldown

Lynx 17 (Secondary Support)

Stats: 100 health, 100 shields

Affiliation: None

Playstyle: Lynx 17 would have a small healing component, but his main role would be to disrupt enemy teams and comps. Kind of a support version of Sombra. Unlike Sombra, Lynx 17’s disruption power dont seek to affect enemies abilities, but mess with their heads.

Look and Feel: You already know “them” from the comic with Zarya and Sombra.

LMB - Taser Gun / Basically a pea shooter with an electric theme. Linear projectile, 20 damage per second (10 on impact, and 10 over the next 1.5 seconds), 5 rounds per second, Ammo
30 Reload time 1.5 seconds.

RMB - Confoundment / Similar to Sombra’s Hack, but still lets the enemy use weapons and abilities. Reticle and cooldowns get removed from user display. Effect lasts for 5 seconds with a 10 second cooldown

E - Disruption Field / An enemy hero is targeted similarly as with Discord Orb. Enemy will be affected with some kind of energy pulse that after a 3 second delay deals 100 damage to allies within 5 meter radius of them (but won’t damage the initial affected enemy) . Enemies caught by the blast will similarly “detonate” after another 3 seconds. This secondary blasts do not apply the effect again. This ability is intended to break up clustered enemy teams and disrupt them without the use of CC.

Shift - Iris Link / You can link 3 allies. gives 20 health per second to each ally. On top of that. the linked teammates will live longer by distributing 50% of the damage they take across other Iris Linked teammates.

Ult - Us and Them / Lynx-17 sprouts 4 clones next to the 4 teammates that are the furthest away from him (if a teammate is dead, they sprout next to the corpse) They are an AI controlled minion that will behave randomly following your teammates and shooting at enemies. These clones don’t do damage. The purpose of this ability is to generate confusion amongst enemies. Of course a smart enemy will be able to spot the which is the real one, but hey, confusion is always welcome.

Sanjay Korpal (Secondary Support)

Stats: 200 health

Subrole: Healer / Builder

Occupation: Vishkar’s Head Negotiatior / Talon’s Inner Council Member

Playstyle: Sanjay is a Builder, just as Symmetra and Torbjorn build equipment that help their teammates in battle. Sanjay can Build Hardlight structures (bridges, ramps or walls), just like we saw in Symmetra’s Comic. Sanjay can also build a Health Station at a strategic location that teammates can use to heal up. Keeping up with Vishkar’s light theme, his main weapon is a laser gun and his ult works as a “deluminator” switching the lights out and reducing enemy’s field of vision.

Look and feel: I´m pretty sure you’ve seen the guy in the comics. h ttps://overwatch.gamepedia.com/Sanjay_Korpal


LMB - Laser Gun / Sanjay uses a Laser gun that fires in pulses that behave like linear projectiles / Laser gun should be connected to some kind of backpack or chestpiece / 100 HP per shot / 1 shot per second / no reload

E - Hardlight Construct / Sanjay can create a hardlight structure (always in rectangular shape). It can be use to create walls, bridges or ramps / max lenght 20 mts. / Structures should be used to allow your teammates new ways to navigate around the map, or temporary close off your enemies / constructs are collision enabled, but are immune to damage. Damage will go through them (they will not act as a barrier or shield) / Constructs last for 8 seconds / 12 second cooldown.

Shift - Health Station / Sanjay deploys a Health Station on the battlefield. Station looks like an airport body scanner it’s diameter is larger than a Healthpack station (should be large enough for the Tanks to get in) / Health station upgrades with time, each 30 seconds / Lvl 1 Health Station heals 100 HP per second / Lvl 2 Health Station heals 200 HP per second / Lvl 3 Health Station heals 400 HP per second / Only one teammate can use the health station at a time / Health Station has 400 HP and can be destroyed. Health stations should be deployed in strategic locations. If popped during a fight, at least will be able to heal for a few seconds until it gets destroyed.

Ultimate - Deluminator / A more advanced use of Vishkar’s technology allows Sanjay to turn out the lights for the enemies all around the map, reducing their field of vision to a 5 meter radius for 6 seconds (general areas of the map appear darker, but enemies, allies or buildable objects cannot be seen).

Overlord (Main Support)

Hero: Overlord

Stats: 100 health 100 shields

Affiliation: MEKA squad

Playstyle: Overlord is a support hero with a passive playstyle. He uses his mech Mastermind to fly around the battlefield and help his allies with his support drones. There’s no pilot Overlord. If the MEKA dies, he dies, just like Wrecking Ball. I know the mech has hands and arms, but they will only be used for melee strikes (giving them other abilities didn’t fit well with my concept). Overlord can have air control from the battlefield. If the wishes to engage and do damage, he will need to get close to the enemy.

Look and Feel: You have all seen the art for Overlord and Mastermind.


LMB - Fusion Gun / I still have to figure out the numbers for the main weapon; nevertheless the idea is to have a short range cannon that works just like D.Va’s (the one that’s already on the Mech’s model), but instead of having two cannons it only has one. This way, it will do roughly half the amount of D.Va’s damage. This gun doesn’t need to reload, but does overheat and will need to stop firing for 1.5 seconds after firing continuously for 8 seconds.

Passive - Hover / Overlord’s passive allows him to hover and fly on the battlefield all the time, in the same way Mercy can move while having Valkyrie active. 6m/s omnidirectional flight.

E - Resiliency Drone / Anti CC drone. Max range 30 meters. Overlord casts an anti cc drone over the shoulder of a targeted ally. For 5 seconds, the ally is immune to crowd control abilities. Doesn’t require to maintain line of sight. After the effect, the drone disappears (returns to Mastermind) Only one ally can receive the drone’s benefit at a time. 8 second cooldown. Targeted ability just like Zenyatta’s orb of harmony.

Shift - Life Support Drone / Overlord casts a drone over the shoulder of a targeted ally. So long as Overlord maintains line of sight, the drone slowly restores health to his ally on a rate of 20 health per second. Max range 30 meters to cast the drones. 3 drones can be active at the same time. You can choose to heal 3 allies at the same time, or stack your 3 drones on one same ally. If only one drone is on the ally it heals at a rate of 20hps, 2 drones on the same ally do a total of 35 hps, and 3 drones on the same ally do a total of 45 hps (20+15+10). Drones are immune to damage. Losing line of sight returns the drones to Overlord. There is a 1 second delay between the deployment of each drone. Targeted ability just like Zenyatta’s orb of harmony.

Ult - Defibrillator Drone / Cast a larger drone to protect an ally from Death. Lasts for 5 seconds. If the ally takes fatal damage while the drone is active, it will be healed for max health. If this effect triggers, the drone disappears. Think of this ability as a preemptive rez.

Echo (Secondary Support)

Hero: Echo

Role: Support

Sub Role: Secondary Healer

Affiliation: Overwatch

Playstyle: As several of you have mentiones, I’d also like to see Echo as the new support healer in the game. Her primary healing mechanic would be a shield plus a heal over time effect. For her primary weapon I’ll go the simpler route and would bring back Symmetra’s old alt fire that went through barriers. I have no idea why they changed it. I personally don’t like the wings so those would just be decoration. My concept doesn’t fly or hover.

Look and Feel: By now most of you should have seen her in the Reunion Cinematic


LMB - Neutron Projector / Forget about the silly name for this ability. I’m just bringing back Symmetra’s old alt fire that could go through barriers. We need that back!

E - Reboot / Upon dying Echo enters a dormant state and shuts down. While the respawn timer is going on, Reboot can be activated so Echo can respawn at the spot where she “died” (when the respawn timer ends). If the ability is not used before respawn timer runs out, Echo will respawn at her team’s spawnroom. Effect cannot occur more than once in 45 seconds.

Shift - Plasma Shield / Applies 150 Hp shields to allied hero. Shield lasts for 3 seconds / Applies heal over time effect. 50 health per second for 4 seconds - very similar to Tassadar’s ability in HotS /3 second cooldown. Only healing ability

Passive - Cortex Booster / Upon taking damage, Echo gets 10% movement speed for 2 seconds. Cannot happen more than once every 10 seconds

Ultimate - Neutron Radiation / Echo, generates negative energy around herself that denies all healing on enemies in a 20 meter radius. Lasts for 8 seconds. Echo is not invulnerable and can use her LMB weapon. Upon activation, all allies, in the area of effect of the ability will including herself will receive a Plasma Shield. While the effect lasts she can’t use her regular Plasma Shield ability. This is my take on another defensive ult. It’s basically a Reverse Zenyatta Ult meets Ana’s Anti Heal. Echo can be killed or cc’d out of the ability to stop it’s effects. Unlike Ana’s ability it’s not a skillshot and requires the Echo to stay alive to continue the effect.

Would love to get some feedback!

You kind of missed a bunch of stuff

  • the different heros health pools
  • Barriers health


Nice topic OP :sunglasses:.

I have some ideas for heroes, and once I like different things, some of my ideas are: a meelee sniper, a squish tank (large HP, but small model), a second brony hero and a furry hero, but I never wrote then or something like this, they only “exist” in my head; I will (try) write then and post here later… :grin:.

I was more interested in the abilities. But I’ll take the note. Will edit soon. Got any feedback on the abilities?

I’ve finished with the edits, mine is a very long one so be warned

i have an even longer one no worries XD

I just checked again, and all I was missing was the heroes health pools. Barriers did have health pools.

Please read more carefully :slight_smile:

Hard to believe, my friend.

I thought there werent any… maybe i missed them

No worries my friend. Thanks for making the thread. Lots of cool ideas in here :slight_smile:

i should post mine too huh.

Well, A lot of these are Still Work in progress, So, yeah, some even have videos showing how it would feel like in game, Only 2 Tho

also sorry for not giving them proper names, i just am really bad at naming stuff

The athena one is the longest

Jetpack Cat (DPS)

Jetpack cat hero (DPS)


50 HP

0 Armor

100 Shields

Damage Hero

General description:

Jetpack cat is unique when it comes to movement, you do not need to press WASD to move, In fact, Jetpack cat is always moving, its jet is always active and it will move wherever your looking at all times, if you look up, you will go up, if you look down, you will go down, if you turn left, you will turn, etc Just like d.va during her boosters works

Forwards key increases thrust, by holding the forwards key you will increase your speed for as long as you hold the key

The backwards key reduces thrust, you can use it to go slower if you wished so,

The left and right key are pitch and raw, You can use them to do air manuvers to dodge attacks

Primary Fire:

Jetpack cat´s jetpack has dual energy cannons in front with a similar firerate to bastion in recon mode,

The damage they do is arround 10 per shot, they shoot in brusts of two, from the two mouths of the cannons,

it has infinite ammo (this is due to the fact that its really hard to aim it since your constantly moving arround)


Holding spacebar while playing jetpack cat will get him to hover in place and stop moving for as long as you hold the key, this is incredibly dangerous due to your low HP, but this helps with accuracy as your able to aim easier while your hovering

Ability 1: Bombardment

Jetpack cat will drop a payload of 6 bombs after you press the key, Each one of this bombs is dropped every 0.3 seconds after you press the key, each bomb does 120 damage if it hits with arround 40 damage of splash Cooldown of 6 seconds

Ability 2: Swipe

Jetpack cat will jump off its jetpack, leaving it hovering in the air, and leap directly where your looking at, if it were to come in contact with an enemy, jetpack cat will grab onto them and repetedly swipe them in the face, causing a knockdown and 50 damage in impact, and other 150 over the course of 1 - 2 seconds (similar to how the assassin works, this does leave it vulnerable as it can be killed during the attack) after it is done, it will jump in the air back to where its jetpack is

Ultimate: Dive bomb

Jetpack cat will jump off its jetpack, while enabling the self destruct secuence, and the jetpack will on its own fly in a straight line and explode in contact with the nearest surface, If it hits something it would do arround 500 damage in a direct hit once the jetpack exploded, jetpack cat will get another one,

note: While jetpack cat is without its jetpack, it is immune to damage and it cant be controlled, you would only see from its POV whenever you landed after you dropped, the jetpack is still destroyeable and has 100 shields when jetpack cat is not on it, therefore adding counterplay to the ability

Button Masher (DPS SUPPORT)

Button masher hero (DPS/SUPPORT HYBRID)

200 Hp (100 shields 100 HP)

Primary fire: Pulsing reactor,

Every time you click the mouse you gun will emit a pulse in a 45 degree angle (5m range) in front of you that would do 20 damage, Infinite ammo, it does low damage but the thing is, The faster you click, The more pulses you shoot, So essentially this character gets better the faster you can click the mouse (this goes through barriers)

Passive: Clicking assist:

Every time you kill someone your character automatically emits a single healing pulse and damage pulse every 0.5 seconds,

The more people you kill the more clicking assists you get (resets on death)

Secondary fire: Heal pulse

You emit a pulse arround you healing everyone nearby in a range of 6 meters, every pulse heals 15 hp, Just as the primary fire, The faster you click the more healing you can do (note: Balanced this number arround my Avg clicking speed per second, that beeing 6,50, equating at arround 97,5 healing per second, my max was almost 10, equating to 150 healing per second if your clicking with all your might

Ability 1: Kinetic Energy Shield

The hero will generate a shield that starts at 100 hp, The ability has a cast time of 4 seconds in which you have to repetedly click in order to bring up the shields health, each click increases the shield total hp by 20, (620 total shield hp at my average clicking speed of 6.5) After the 4 seconds of cast time, the shield is fully done (and it goes on cooldown for 10 seconds) and it appears all arround the clicking hero, it goes all arround its front and sides, leaving exposed the back,

Ultimate: Unnamed

The character would slowly raise in the air for 1 second (cast time) once this is done it will stay in and the effect will activate for 10 seconds, putting their pulsing reactor at full power, Similar to the primary fire, every time you click it would emit 360 degree pulses in an area of 8 meters arround where this character is floating, every time you click you deal 30 damage to your enemies and heal your team members by 40 hp and heal yourself by the same value, ultimate lasts for 10 seconds, hero takes 50% reduced damage during ultimate

Displacer (Support)

Displacer (Support)

200 HP

Primary fire: Dart gun:

25 ammo, 5 damage each, Rate of fire similar to soldiers 76 gun, 1 second to reload, Projectile that requires leading to properly hit

Ability 1: Displace:

Upon pressing E you pick a target for the displacement

(enemies and allies alike, Works on both might make this only work on allies ) Once the target is picked, You look at the direction where they want them to be, and press primary fire to teleport them there, pressing secondary fire cancels the displacement (its mechnically similar to reapers teleport, it needs a valid location for it to be activated, cant drop people off cliffs) The character that is selected to be displaced will have a blue aura sorrounding them and a proper visual warning for both allies and enemies. 6 second cooldown,

Ability 2: Teleport:

Similar to displace, Pressing this ability opens up,similar to the displace or reaper teleport, a small reticle where they can select where to teleport to wherever they want, 6 seconds cooldown

Ultimate: Time Freeze

The hero freezes everyone in the game both allies and enemies (the timer does NOT count down during this freeze period, nor do ability durations expire) exept for itself. The hero is unable to use his primary fire or melee, Both his abilities now have cero cooldown, This ability lasts for 15 seconds, During this ability the hero can displace everyone in both teams to however they please, Can be used to stall a point, or to setup a flank on the enemy team, or other crazy strats

Summoner (Defense)

The Summoner (DEFENSE)

150 HP

Primary fire: Bomb Launcher

Launches mechanical bombs that float, homing in on the nearest target, They deal 120 damage each, and they have 50 hp once shot they will stay in the spot until they find a target, they last 12 seconds or until destroyed; clip size of 5, 2 seconds reload time

Secondary fire: Mode swap

Swap into different modes of your bots, the different modes are:

Follow : The Bots will follow the Summoner arround

Patrol : The bots will move arround 10m arround the area they were spawned in

Inmobile : The bots will stay in place and not move of it no matter what

Move: the bots will move towards the place your currently standing in, and stay there

Ability 1: Summon omnic

Summons a omnic bot (Similar to the basic talon soldiers, or the basic robots on uprising)

Max of 4 active robots, cooldown of 6


150 hp

Projectile weapon that each shot travels arround lucios shooting speed, 3 round brust shot, Infinite ammo, Each shot does 15 damage , Firerate of 1 (Brust) Per second, (Maximum dps of 180 if all bots were shooting at the same target, 45 dps per singular bot)

Ability 2: Summon Big omnic

Cooldown of 15, Max of 1


200 hp 100 armor

Frontal barrier of 600 hp on shields

Regens at 100 shields per second after beeing destroyed

Regens at 50 shields per second after 4 seconds of not taking damage

Shoulder mounted cannon that does 75 damage on direct hit, 25 splash damage, 1.5 s/ firerate, Projectile behavior similar to bastions, as in a projectile)

Ultimate: Reprogram Assault

Upon activation, all your summons are healed to full hp, they gain 50% increased damage also their ai is modified, They will become aggresive, leaving their defensive posts and charging at the enemy, Ultimate lasts for 12 seconds, After the ult expired or summoner is killed, the bots (if any survived) Will go back to their posts

Fortress (Tank)



Fortress is an omnic, in apparence similar to reinhart, as in, that he looks similar to a big dude in armor, while a bit less tall, its armor is bulkier and heavier in appearance, he two hands a massive round shield, holding it at his side while idle, the shield is bigger than him in both height and lenght


100 hp

300 armor

Primary Fire: Shield bash

Fortress bashes with his shield fowards, causing minor knockback and damage in a cone 45° in front of him

Knockback distance: 2m

Damage: 40

Firerate: 1 attack per second

Secondary fire: Block

Fortress holds his shield directly in front of him, blocking all incoming damage in the front, the shield has no limit in how much damage it can block, nor how much damage it can be held, While holding it, it reduces its movement speed, and reduces knockback taken

Movement Speed reduction: 75%

Knockback Reduction: 75%

Ability 1: Bunker up

Fortress activates an aura arround him, preventing himself, and anyone in his team who is inside the area of effect to be knocked back or stunned, the ability cooldown starts as soon as the ability expires

Duration: 5 seconds

Cooldown: 8 seconds

Area of effect: 10 meters

Ability 2: Ram

Fortress sprints forwards with his shield up, Ramming anything in front of him with his shield, Causing damage and knockback

Damage: 80

Knockback: 5m

Cooldown: 8 seconds

Ultimate: Defensive stance

Fortress activates an aura arround him, causing all teammates in its area of effect to take reduced damage

Area of effect: 12m

Damage Reduction: 50%

Duration: 10s

Sniper Tank (Tank)

Sniper tank


300 hp

100 armor

Primary fire: Railgun

  • Charge time of 2 seconds

  • Deals 200 damage on direct shot

  • 3 ammo

  • 3 second reload time

  • Produces a light in front of him, acting as a visual warning for his shot,

Secondary fire: Zoom

  • nothing special, just a zoom

Ability 1: Barrier shot

  • Shoots out a barrier where it is aiming, its a barrier that curves arround like orisas, base HP is 300

  • HP of the barrier increases by 100 for each meter that the shot travels until its point of deployment, (e.g 25 meters shot: 2500 + 300) base hp)

  • Cooldown of 10 seconds, Active time of 15 seconds

Ability 2: Jump

  • Literally just a jump, like winstons

  • No damage

  • 4 second cooldown

Ultimate: Piercing shot

  • Activates a mode in its cannon, Making it pierce through Shields and walls alike,

  • The ability itself lasts until the next time you reload, so maximum 3 shots

Athena ("Support")



Role: Support (Any, she is capable of beeing anything due to how she works, but ill put her in the support category)

Health: 50

Shelds: 200

Armor: 0


Athena in-game appears as a laptop on a desk, Upon the match starting, the athena player will choose a spot to spawn, and will deploy there, From this point onwards, the athena player cannot switch locations until death, if so where to happen, normal respawn time would occur and the player would be able to pick a different place to spawn,

Game Mechanics, PlayStyle

Upon spawning, athena will have a menu at her disposal, in which she´ll have a list of units where she can drag and drop units, the only can only be dropped at a 5m radius arround athena herself except in certain cases, this will be expanded upon in the units list, Upon then, Athena will be able to click on the units and order them arround as so, This will be expanded in Unit control section,

Athena is in the support role, But she can fill any roll she wished, depending on the units she chooses to deploy, Therefore this role is only for the matter of clasification,

Athena will have a constant eagle eye view of the battlefield, which she can move arround the camera using the directional controls, She also posses an F ability called “Relocate”


Relocate is an ability Bound to the Interact button, on a 30 second cooldown

As the name states, Like I stated in the general mechanics, Athena once she spawns she gets a prompt to select where to deploy, from her aerial view, This relocate ability will do the same, But its usable once Athena has already been deployed, She may deploy somewhere else. She has a 10s duration until she is forcibly placed wherever she currently has her cursor over, similarly to doomfists meteor strike

Eagle eye view

Athena despite having a eagle eye view cannot see all the map, She may only see

The capture point (if captured in favor of her team)

10m arround her teammates

10m arround herself

10m arround the scanners

The payload and 5m arround it (only if its beeing pushed by teammates)

The rest of the area will not be visible and will be darkened

She may move the camera with WASD, Mousewheel to zoom in and out

Athena has a drop down menu of units she can deploy, the unit cap works on a resource system that is a maximum of 14, each unit takes up a x amount of resources and once their full, no more units can be added until one is removed and enough resources are avaible,

Assault Unit:

The assault units have 150 hp, They posses a hitscan rifle with 20 ammo that shoots 5 shots per second, each shot doing 8 damage, with a reload time of 1.5 seconds, They cost 2 resources each, They possess normal player speed

Heavy Assault Unit

The heavy assault units have 250 HP, they posses a hitscan minigun with a total of 150 ammo with a slightly faster firerate than Orisas, each projectile fired by it does 6 damage (almost half of orisa) and have a reload time of 2 secondsThey cost 4 resources each


Athena can deploy barriers anywhere on the map (as long as its visible), she is not limited to the 5m range of her other units in this case, Each barrier as 500 hp and costs 3 resources, This barriers cannot be repaired whoever, they are slightly smaller than reinharts barrier, barriers cannot be moved nor ordered arround, they may only be destroyed


Athena can deploy scanners anywhere on the map (even if not visible), she is not limited to the 5m range of her other units in this case, Each scanner has 30 hp, They reveal enemies to teammates nearby in a range of 10m 360° degrees of the scanner itself also gives visibility to athena in tthe same range they cost 1 resource each, Scanners cannot be moved nor ordered arround they may only be destroyed


Turrets are hitscan units similar to torbjorn turret itself, This turrets are located on small wheeled platforms, and are unable to fire as it moves, In fact, they must be deployed before firing, they have a range of 10m and deal arround 50dps and have 100 hp each, they cost 3 resources each

Artilerry Unit

Artilerry units are turrets located on small platforms that can only fire in their Deployed state, They have 100 hp each, they posses a single, front mounted cannon in front aimed slightly upwards, This turrets have a range of 50m and fire a single explosive projectile every 2 seconds at enemies , the explosive projectile has a small splash radious of 3m of the impact zone, Direct hit damage beeing 120, The Projectiles are fired upwards by the cannon arcing downards and to land directly on top of the enemies, They cost 4 resources each, Artilerry cannons cannot target an enemy at close ran

Heal Pod

Healing pods are Small pods in a base with wheels that can be moved arround, the heal pod heals 12Hps in a 5m radious arround it only in its deployed state, They have 75 health

Note 2: If athena where to be killed, all her units will be despawned

Note 3: Turrets, artilerry units and heal pods have a specific order for them only that orders them to enter in deployed state

Unit Control

Upon clicking on units, a set of commands are displayed which the player can select and utilize

Move : The unit will move to the spot that was clicked at, if possible, if not the unit will Not move, Repetedly clicking on multiple spots can make a set of waypoints for the unit to go through, unit will not shoot

Defend: The unit will stay at the marked spot and attack any enemy that enters their range, upon the enemy leaving their range they will not chase after

Attack : The unit will target the selected enemy and fire at them, if they get out of their range they will chase after until the target is dead, Turrets will enter their undeployed state and follow after the target until they have range and then they will deploy and fire

Heal: Units will enter a inactive state, Healing themselves at a rate of 5hp per second, The unit cannot fire while in this state and will not attempt to unless ordered, upon attacking the effect is canceled

Fire: The unit will fire at the selected location even if a target is present in it or not, Especially useful for units like artilerry units, Units can only fire in their intended range, if a spot outside of their range is selected, they will move towards the spot until they are in range to fire

Destroy: Unit will be destroyed

Follow: Unit will follow the selected target and fire at anything in range

Note: Units will not fire automatically, they will only perform this behavior in the “defend” mode, and in this case they will target the first enemy they see, and not let go until the target is dead, out of their range, or the unit is destroyed, this is to further encourage the managment and manual control of the units, while letting the player set the units in auto pilot mode as they take care of another matter

Note 2: All units will spawn next to athena (unless specifically stated that they may be placed anywhere ) and must be moved to their desired spot

Note 3: All of her units have a internal cooldown of 3s each from their placement, so athena may not spam similar units


Any good RTS player knows shortcuts are especially important (NOTE: THEY DONT WORK ON CONSOLE, sorry console players, your joysticks are too small)


0: Select all units

1: Select all assault units

2: Select all Heavy assault units

3: Select all Turrets

4: Select all artilerry units

5: Select all Healing pods

Note: Pressing more than 1 of this buttons at a time will select both groups of units

CTRL + A: Select attack order

CTRL + D: Select Defend order

CTRL + F: Select fire order

CTRL + H: Select Heal Order

CTRL + D: Select Destroy

CTRL + M: Select Move Order

CTRL + F: Selct follow order

Hero interactions

Sombra: Any hacked units will be disabled, If hacked athena herself, she will lose control of her units and they will resume the last task they were ordered

If stunned/frozen, she may lose control of her units, and they may resume the last order given

Athena may not be knocked,

Recon Arrow and Infra sight will reveal the area they act in for athena,


Upon pressing Q, athena will get a new unit, placeable anywhere (as long as she had view) on the map, (this unit is the one we saw and speculate that is athena in the pic)

Upon placing it, Athena will take control of the unit herself for 15s,

The units primary fire is a beam with a range of 12m, that does 80 Dps, coming from their left palm

The units secondary fire is the same as the primary but from her right palm, both beams can be fired from a continious 5s until they overheat, and need to cool down

Her E is a large Chest beam that does 120Dps and can be fired for 4s until it overheats

The android has 200 hp and 400 shields,

If the duration ends, the android is destroyed or athena is destroyed the ult will end

note: all of athenas units during her ult will perform the last order they had been sent to do, until ordered otherwise, athena loses control of her unis and cannot further order them as she ults, therefore its up to her to tell her units what to do on the pre ult phase

Spider Tank (DPS)

Spider Tank prototype

Spider tank Prototype Hero concept on Vimeo ← showcase

Role: DPS


An omnic designed for battle and nothing else, part of some special units created at the end of the omnic crisis, this type of units never saw the light of day as the omnic crisis

was stopped before the main prototype was here, And whos this main prototype you say?

Well your hearing about it right now, Its essentially a attempt to make a more mobile

version of bastion tanks, This prototype posses a cannon turret on top of a large base

attatched with a small sidearm at its side, with 8 mechanical spider legs, attached

the base for extra mobility, the prototype was secured by talon, reprogrammed, and

upgraded to fight for them


100 hp 200 armor

Primary fire: Cannon

The prototype fires a large linear projectile from its main cannon, dealing a lot of damage to the target it hits,

Damage: 125

Splash: 60

Splash radius: 2m

Ammo: 2

Reload time: 2s

Firing Speed: 1 shot every 0.8 seconds

Secondary fire: Emergency Rifle

The prototype, alongside its main cannon, posses a small rifle attached to it, while its not especially designed as a primary weapon, its especially useful to damage fast enemies or finish off enemies that were damaged but not killed by your cannon,

Ammo: 25 shots

Damage: 4 per shot

Spread: None

Damage Faloff: None



The prototypes spider legs were designed to assault highly fortified bases, By crawling above the bases ceeling, and invading it from above,

The prototype is able to climb walls for infinite durations, and will stay hanged on them if so desired by its controller

Ability 1: Thrusters

The prototype activates thrusters attatched to its mechanical base and legs, and lunges at the direction its looking at, if a surface is on its way, it will attatch to it and regain movement

Cooldown: 4s

Ability 2: Movement Scanner

The prototype was designed for sieges of highly protected bases, therefore it was equipped with a movement scanner, The movment scanner will spot anyone in the visual cone of the prototype that is moving arround, Despite this, The scanner will not spot characters who are walking arround stealthly (crouching) But it will detect fast moving targets, and even invisible ones

  • No cooldown

  • Acts on a resource bar

  • Max active time of 5s

  • Resource bar recharges fully in 5s after beeing at literally 0

Ultimate: Siege mode

The prototype will activate its siege mode, increasing its firing speed, total ammo count, and reload speed, it lasts for 8 seconds

New firing speed: 1 shot every 0.5 seconds

New reload speed: 1 second

New ammo count: 8

Magician (Support)



A very bold man, he is not afraid of saying what he thinks to other people without thinking of the consequences, He wears classic magician outfit complete with robes and a hat wherever he goes and feels no shame about it, despite people multiple times calling him a weirdo for it, he claims to be able to perform magic, dislikes people who claim to be "magicians" but only do cheap tricks


Role: Support

150 hp

Primary fire: Spell Cast

The magician uses its current equipped spell to attack

Secondary fire: Swap Spell

Cycles to the next spell

Spell List:

Lightning: Shoots a flurry of lightning in front of him, that automatically locks on to anything in front of him, anything that gets hit will get the "paralized" status effect, Paralized targets have 25% reduced movement speed, and all mobility ablities are disabled, deals 30 damage per second, effect lasts for 2s after disconnection of the attack, range of 5m

Fire: Shoots a stream of fire in front of him, dealing 40 damage per second to anything in it, and also applying the "burned" status effect, "burned" heroes will take 50 damage per second for 5 seconds, range of 5m

Ice: Shoots a linear projectile, an ice spear, in front of him, dealing 80 damage per hit, firerate slightly lower than meis,

Air: casts a tornado where he is looking at, the tornado sends everyone in a range of 5m flying away, knockback of 5m

Mana bar:

All his primary fire spells are connected to one resource meter that slowly fills up over time, and they slowly drain it while using his spells,

Ability 1: Regeneration pulse

Casts a regeneration pulse arround him, that applies an over time effect to all the allies arround him, that were inside the initial effect

Range: 10m

Regenration: 20 healing per second

Active time: 8 seconds

Cooldown: 16 seconds

Ability 2: Dark mist

Casts a dark mist arround him, that blocks vision for the enemy, and blocks any auto-lock attacks from attatching to him and any of his teammates inside of it (like soldiers ult or mccrees ult, mercys beam, etc)

Range: 10m

Active time: 6s

Cooldown: 10s

Ultimate: Unleash magic

The magician casts 6 orbs that automatically float arround and do their job, the 6 orbs are a lightning,fire,ice,air,Darkness,Healing orbs, THe 4 orbs that are like his primary fire fly into the enemy and attack them, their attacks are the same as the magicians, The darkness one automatically casts the mist effect 5m arround it, and the green one sends a regeneration pulse every 5 seconds

Disguiser (DPS)


Disguiser Concept Test on Vimeo <— Showcase

Role: DPS

Health: 50 health, 100 shields


a small african girl, not older than 12, with a knife on her hand, she is very energetic, During her Childhood (and i mean before now, shes still technically in there) her home was assaulted by talon and killed, She was the last survivor of her family, in order to survive, She learned the art of disguising and stealing, Now she brings this abilities in battle, looking to get revenge on talon for what they did to her


Stealth: Is undetecteable while crouching, also she has high base movement speed, arround 8m/s and increased jump height

Primary fire: Knife

She swings in front of her with her knife, dealing 40 damage to whathever is in front of her, Deals 100% extra damage if hitting from the back

Secondary fire: Leap attack

She leaps forwards, swinging her knife at them as shes flying through the air, dealing 150 damage if hit from the front or sides, IF Hit from the back, she´ll perform a special animation and directly assasinate the target if they have 250 hp o less, if not, she´ll just deal 250 damage , Cooldown of 4

Ability 1: Cloak

She disguises herself as a destructable prop in the map, the disguise will be lost if she attacks or uses any of her abilities,

Cooldown of 4 seconds

Infinite active time

Ability 2: Leap

Lunges in the air, Cooldown resets if she performs a sucesfull assasination

Cooldown of 6 seconds


Goes invisible for 12s, Invisibiltiy is lost for 2s after beeing hit, and is restored after the duration

Phantom (Support)



Phantom is a girl wearing a full body cloak and a mask, her face was never seen by anyone, and also carries arround a voice modulator, making her voice sound deep and demonic, in her early stages of life, She worked with talon, acting as their main enforcer even before reaper joined talon, she is a scientist, similar to moira, except shes more intrested in molecular science, She quit talon after reaper joined, because, by her own words "we have been fighting this guy for years, and he has killed many of our soldiers, and now we let him join? im not working with this murderer"

Role: Support

Stats: 150 HP

Primary fire: Death ray

She posseses a black laser weapon, that shoots a beam in a straight line, dealing 60 damage per second, the beam is similar to zaryas in the way it works, no autolock

Secondary fire: Anti-serum

Using her molecular research, she managed to produce an anti serum, this anti serum is carried on her belt in small flasks, upon pressing right click, she will throw one of her flasks, affecting each hero differently

Armor: Gets turned into anti-armor, increasing any attack that does less than 10 damage by 50%, and any attack that does greater than 10, gets a flat +5 damage added

Shields: Shields slowly decay after 2s of not taking damage

Normal hp : Recieves 50% reduced healing

Cooldown: 12 seconds

Active time: 4 seconds

Splash radius: 6m

Ability 1: Phase

Phantom, just like her name implies, activates a device created by her, located in her wrist, causing her to enter a "ghost-like" state, for a period of time, letting her phase through walls (as long as there is a valid location behind that wall to go to) and giving her increased speed

Cooldown: 10 seconds (starts after ability ends)

Active time: 4 seconds, 25% increased speed

Ultimate: Mind control

She launches a black projectile that slowly homes to nearby targets, the projectile stays until it comes in contact with any surface, If it hits a player, it will give control to phantom to that specific player for 10s, she is able to use all their abilities at will, including their ultimate, friendly fire is activated for the player in question, he can be harmed by allies and harm allies alike, barriers and walls easily block this attack

Shotcaller (Support)


Description: ???

Role: Support

Primary Fire: Tactical Rifle

A sniper rifle with 6 shots, This weapon cannot headshot, It deals 80 damage per shot, Its primary effect, is that when you hit a target

Secondary Fire: Flash Grenade

Deals no damage, Blinds all enemies around the explosion impact for 4 seconds, has a area of effect of 6m and its thrown in an arc, similarly to ashes dynamite, It explodes when it makes contact with any surface or person, 10 second cooldown,

Ability 1: Target

The hero highlights a certain target of the enemy team, Not only making them take 15% extra damage, But also revealing them through walls, and similarly to how you can see the objective marker through walls and really from any direction, a marker would be placed on the target that acts the same way.

Cooldown: 6 seconds (Cooldown starts when the duration of the ability finishes)

Active time: 8 seconds

Ability 2: Defense Tower

The hero places a large, tower like structure, on its current spot, The structure has its own GUI indicator like Symmetras teleporter has, In a radius of 12m, The tower gives allies 20% damage resistance,The tower also posseses 4 laser-like weapons attatched to its sides, This lasers do 10 damage per second, and slow the enemies down by 50% and any mobility abilities are disabled if the laser is hitting them, it does not stack if multiple lasers attack the same person, and their AI is programmed to split up and target multiple enemies if their available, Cooldown of 10 seconds, starts when the tower is destroyed

Ability 3: Beacon

This brings out another deployable , a small structure with an antenna on top, This structure reveals enemies through walls in a 12m range around it

Ultimate: Distress beacon

Once the ult is charged, pressing it while the beacon Is active, activates its secondary effect, Sounding an alarm that can be heared anywhere from within the map no matter the range, After 2 seconds, all the heros team will be teleported whenever the beacon is currently placed.(Another possibility is this will cancel respawn time and bring even dead enemies back, not sure how that would feel though)

The ult will not be usable if no beacon is placed anywhere within the map

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i only looked at the first 3 ones still but i feel like their cool, and would fit the game nicely

my only complaint is that Dmons mech is gigantic and it would nede like 1000hp to not die instantly XD