(2year old necro) Hero concept lab - hero concepts here!

Role: Healer (Main healer, utility, mobility)
Health: 100 normal hp, 100 shields
Normal movement speed

Photon beam (primary)
-echo shoots a beam projectile that pierces through and heals allies
-base healing is 60 hps, and for every ally it passes through, it decreases by 10 hp. Caps at a minimum of 30 hp per second
-12 ammo

Photon Beam (secondary)
-echo shoots a beam projectile that does damage and pierces enemies
-base damage is 30 damage per second
-ramps down 10 damage for every enemy hit but caps at 10

Projection (LShift)
-echo teleports foward (2 tracer blinks or so) and leaves an illusion behind in her place
-teleports instantly
-illusion is staticy in apperance and its easy to tell the difference if you watch it
-shots go through illusion
-illusion lasts for 3 seconds
-7 second cooldown
-Can be used in any direction
-If shot, damage is shot backwards towards the enemy for 20% of the damage, and then after a second it does 10% and after another second it goes to 5% of damage. Works in a short aoe
-if healed, the healing goes back to allies in an aoe for 20% of the healing, and then after a second it does 10% and after another second it goes to 5% of the original healing

Shield Cleanse (E)
-Locks on to an ally and grants a debuff cleanse. After a second. it starts to generate 50 shields over the course of 3 seconds. Then 5 seconds after, any active shields turns into health
-if they are full hp, the shields just disappear
-5 second cooldown
-Grants cc immunity for the first 3 seconds of the effect

Savior (Ult)
-Echo heals everyone in a large radius for extreme amounts of temporary shields and health
-Doesnā€™t require line of sight
-Lasts 5 seconds
-She is unable to move during the duration
-Unaffected by the buff (easy target to kill)
-interupted by cc
-2 second cast time
-takes a long time to charge

Gift (Passive)
-Upon dying, echo creates a burst of healing around her of 25 hp to all allies in a small radius

Iā€™ve been trying to toy around with an idea for a main tank that can protect their team similar to Reinhardt and Orisa but doing it in a way that doesnā€™t involve a barrier. I also threw in a hitscan weapon with long range to give people the ā€œsniper tankā€ they want (itā€™s not gonna be an actual one-shot-kill sniper kind of deal, just long range precision damage).


Name: Donā€™t care

Origins: Donā€™t care

Aesthetics: Very militarized, looking a bit more futuristic than an IRL modern soldier. Wears full body armor and a skeletal exosuit over it. Body size should be a bit bigger than Zarya.

Hitpoints: 200 health + 200 armor

Primary Weapon: Pulse Laser

This weapon shoots a quick burst of three laser pulses per trigger pull, making it basically a Halo Battle Rifle that shoots beams instead of bullets. As a beam weapon this will ignore Genjiā€™s Deflect and D.Vaā€™s Defense Matrix. Falloff distance should be similar to McCree or better. Raw DPS will be on the lower end (prolly between 60-80 DPS for bodyshots) because this hero is meant to be a main tank focused on helping teammates not die.

Right Click: Riot Shield

Durability of 500 armor

This introduces a new ā€œPhysical Shieldā€ (itā€™s just a hunk of metal) mechanic that works differently from current plasma energy barriers. It will block all melee and other attacks that normally penetrate energy shields, but ā€œchargingā€ attacks like Doomfistā€™s RP and Reinhardtā€™s charge will disable the shield for several seconds upon impact (but the damage/knockback is completely blocked). Beam weapons deal bonus damage against physical shields. Can be climbed up by enemy and allied wall-climbers. Basically it counts as a wall.

In this case our new hero can use his weapon while holding up the shield (like a Null Sector Eradicator), but he will move much slower and can only use a tiny viewport in the shield to see out from. You can melee with the shield active but it only acts like a normal melee (30 damage and no CC).

Shift Ability: Tactical Advance

Toggleable aura ability. While active, all allies in a small radius (a bit smaller than Lucioā€™s) will receive 20% damage resistance (doesnā€™t stack with any other resistances) and critical hit immunity (crits are normal hits) but in exchange they have a significant (at least 15-20%) movement speed penalty.

The tricky part here is making it strong enough to prevent Widowmaker oneshots on squishies (because this guy is supposed to be a main tank like Reinhardt) but not cause a repeat of the 35% Ironclad debacle.

E Ability: Iā€™m actually having a hard time coming up with one right now.

Iā€™m thinking some kind of ā€œskillshotā€ ability because the rest of this heroā€™s kit feels like it gets a little too much value by just existing. Maybe something like a Halo Plasma Grenade that sticks to whatever surface it first hits (including people).

Ultimate: Nullifier Beam

A channeled beam similar to Mercyā€™s beams, but you use it on an enemy hero to reduce their damage output for its duration. You can juggle between different targets while itā€™s active but you canā€™t use your primary while channeling it (you can switch back and forth between the Pulse Laser and Nullifier Beam while the ultā€™s duration is active).

Passive: Combat Knife

You can quick melee faster than other heroes and with slightly more range. Comes with an obligatory ā€œDonā€™t bring a gun to a knife fight!ā€ voice line when you kill someone with it.


Definitely has to have SWAT, police, and military themed skins. The police skins will change the Combat Knife to a Baton.

Im gonna go ahead and just put the abilities of two of them in here under the dropdowns but full story and even art for the first one (done by my awesome friend Waiinut, check her out) with links at the top of each. Second is much less done because im lazy so I wont post link.


Appearance. ProtoCarbon is a 6ā€™5 omnic wearing a dull golden helmet with two horns out either side pointing up. They have a patchwork or golds, rust and black on the rest of their body from the different parts they used to rebuild. One leg is a simple metal spike like peg. He wears a tattered red cape with holes and burns in it. His right arm has no hand but instead an air cannon. Looks very junkery.

350 health.

Primary Fire. Hero blaster. Arm cannon shoots blasts of air. Each blast knocks people back 2m and does 45 damage. Has range of 15 meters. Shoots every 0.75 seconds and holds 4 shots. Reload is 1.5 seconds. If it hits a shield user Zarya/Rein/Brig. Will knock them back but not disable the shield.

Secondary fire/. Hero Shield. Hero shield channels a force-field that stops the enemy from moving towards him. He can aim the beam off-center to angle the direction of blocking. Provided the movement direction matches the blocking direction, the shield causes the movement, traversals, and mobile abilities of the enemy to travel no distance. When not actively stopping the enemy, the beam depletes slowly. On a resource meter, drains 10points per second. And has 100 points max. Can be used with little as 10 points. Doesnt stop bullets or abilities, just movement towards where the beam is angled. Yes, if you are above pharah you can put it above her and stop her from flying. No you cannot put it beneath people to stop them from falling

Ability 1. Hero support. ProtoCarbon can mark any teammate with this auto target marker. For 10 seconds he can then teleport to them at any time. If the marker runs out of time there is a 4 second cooldown.

Ability 2. Hero Spirit. ProtoCarbon instantly heals 100 health and overheals 100 barriers. Anyone within a 3m range is healed 50 overshields. All shields decay at 5/sec.Cooldown is 10 seconds.

Melee ability/Passive. Hero Punch!. Proto carbons meleeā€™s do 50 damage!

Ultimate. Hero Heart. ā€œJustice Always Prevails!ā€ ProtoCarbon Pounds the ground knocking all enemies away, doing 100 damage and proceeds to overheal everyone within 8metres 100 barriers including himself. All cooldowns reset. 1600 charge

Strategy: ProtoCarbon, like other higher health damage heroes has closer range damage couples with minor self sustain. He plays much like a mobile offtank due to his defensive nature and his ability to be everywhere at once. The Hero Support lets ProtoCarbon appear in the knick of time to save his teammates such as a mercy being dragon bladed. He revolves around knocking away and saving his teammates making him into tank who only tanks at the last second. The Hero barrier lets him stop people like genji ult, rein charge, Dva ult, but it doesnt stop people moving in directions it isnt in so a quick genji could ult up over it and avoid it easily. Resource management is essential. Wouldnt be needed on every team but has a small niche.

Emre Sarioglu

Appearance: Is a lean late twenties man in a white snow uniform. He has short brown hair that is somewhat wavy and a no facial hair. He carries a Gewer3 Battle Rifle and floating either side of him at his two bots. The OB53R:V.3 and the P0cK3t

Position: Emre is a Dps Support Hybrid playing into a scout role.


Primary Fire: Emra Shoots his rifle. This bolt action rifle has a slow firerate of 1 shot every 0.5 second and does 35 damage per body shot and 70 per headshot. It has a mag cap of 6 shots and has a 1.2 second reload. No aim in.

Ability 1: Observe: Auto Targets an enemy and attaches the OB43R:V.3 bot on them. This bot cannot be destroyed by enemy fire. It shows the health, ult charge and abilities off cooldown to all team players. It lasts 8 seconds and has a 5 second cooldown. Does not require LOS to remain on a hero but needs LOS to target one.

Ability 2: Pocket: Auto Targets a Teammate with the P0cK3t bot. This bot supplies a shield to a teammate. The bot can be easily seen and broken with 30 damage. This bot lasts 5 seconds and charges this shield for 30/s making a max of 150. This works like a non rechargeable blue shield. Using it without a target use it on self.

Ability 3: Whiteout : Brings back both bots (if theyre out) and forms a white barrier below Emre. This causes him to hover off the ground slightly where he can move in any direction while shooting at 8m/s for 5 seconds. Can hold one other teammate if they jump on. Cooldown is 12 seconds. Activation is instant if bots are with him.

Ult: White Dome: Emre Throws a small box, inspired by winstons shield. This creates a large dome of pure white shield. Enemies cannot walk out of it but can walk into it. They cannot see out of it nor shoot out of it but teammates can shoot into it and see through it like a clear white

then how is it like hack?

a 20 HP shield seems really weakā€¦might need a little bit of a buff, id suggest to change the ability entirely into mobilty, like a booster jet that boosts her forwards,

Maybe have the LMB be the Spear attack itself, and the RMB using the flames? You could have a fun little skill-based system having the flames be on a resoruce, and dealing damage causes it to regen faster than normal or get more charge

Seems a bit useless without a secondary effectā€¦Id say increase the damage and have it slow people down or something, Maybe have it be some sort of autolock-esc and have it ā€œparalizeā€ people, disabling their mobility

It seemsā€¦Kind of useless? likeā€¦all it does is remove display stuffā€¦ Why not have it disable the primary fire and secondary fire, but not abilities? the oposite of a sombra hack (and of course have both not stack)

It sounds cool but im iffy on this oneā€¦ id atleast add a ā€œpeople that are at 50% hp dont share damage anymoreā€ imagine if i was ā€œlinkedā€ but low on HP and i suddenly die out of nowhere

The AI is so bad that it wont trick anyoneā€¦id say atleast have them do damageā€¦

Like, Darken their vision? sounds like something a flanker should have, but still cool

Guess ill give it a try,
Never really do this because i always think mine arnā€™t as good as others but guess iā€™ll go for it.

Name: Belina Del Mar


Fake Name: Bernice Robinson (Formerly)

Height: 5"5

Age: 29 years old

Nationality: Spaniard

Occupation: Field medic, Adventurer, Doctor

Base of Operations: Spain, Madrid, Overwatch (Formally)

Affiliation; Overwatch

  • Originally wanted to join OW from a younger age

-Eventually joined but through other means

-when receiving Winston recall message, she at first denied it, Believing OW was finished and was nothing more than a fantasy, but after some self thinking and realisation, she decides to help the people that are dear to her.

Role: Support(Main/Off healer hybrid, but leans towards off healer more)

Total Health:200

  • 200 of Health

Movement Speed: Default movement speed

1st Spawn Quote: Belina Del Mar, at your service

Difficulty: āœ®āœ®

A Star that guides those who wander to far back to where they need to be. Belina Del Mar a fighter for peace, healer and Scientist.

Belina as a young girl was pretty normal, despite being born into an extremely wealthy family recognised around the world, She was always kind person, Though every now and then she did act snobbish but her older brother Pablo always made sure to bring her right down into reality.

When recruited into Overwatch, she studied under Angela and helping with her research. Eventually wanting to help those in the battle field she sought out to make her own field medic suit. Upon seeing her brothers research on a suit that could make the user manipulate gravity to a small degree, she suggested the idea to test the suit as a field medic, through many test phases and recommendations from Angela.
Belina was ready to assist injured soldiers in the fight, and help fight back those who opposed peace.

when the recall message was sent out Belina though hesitant decides to assist Winston and tracer with the revival of Overwatch, believing in her friends words.



Passive: Emergency aid

When her hp reaches 100 or below immediately start healing at 20hps nonstop for 5 seconds (Does not stack)

When taken damage and it doesnā€™t drop to 100 HPor below recover HP at 12 hps after 3 seconds of not taking damage

Weapon: Polaris Ring
(Secondary weapon)
Primary Fire

Type Targeted Homing Projectile
Healing 30 health per second
45 when stacked
Projectile speed 120 meters per second
Max. range 24 meters
Duration 5 seconds (if out of sight)

Belina can heal allies by sending out biotic energy star that covers the top half of allies with a soft yellow light that shimmers slightly.
-Can send out a max of two stars to two different allies as long as they are within her line of sight.
-She can send both her stars onto a single ally though the healing will be reduced to 45 hps.
-Belina can do damage while healing allies,
-This is similar to torbs hammer and mercyā€™s blaster, simply press the switch weapon key to swap between your blaster and ring

Weapon: Hand Blasters
(Primary Fire)

Type Linear Projectiles
Damage 38
Spread angle Pinpoint
Projectile speed 70 meters per second
Rate of fire 1.3 seconds
Ammo 20
Reload time 2 seconds
Headshot āœ“

Belina fires energetic blast from her hand Blasters.

Ability 1: Gravity Grip
(Secondary Fire)

Type Linear Projectile
Damage 10
Projectile speed 40 meters per second
Max. range 20 meters
Casting time 0.3 seconds
Cooldown 10 seconds
Headshot āœ•

Belina will shoot a small Disk shaped object that when it comes in contact with a hero they will be immobilised for 1 second.

*Enemies can still attack, but all movement based abilities will be unusable during the duration.

  • Can be reflected by Deflect
    *Cannot stop abilities such as Rocket Punch, Charge and Shield bash if used directly in front of them, though it can stop them if used behind or by the side
    *Can be blocked by shields
    *Can cancel reloading animation when its halfway through
    *Can be used in the air and ground

Ability 2: Zero- Gravity

Move. speed 10 m/s (omni-directional flight)
Duration 5 seconds
Cooldown 6 seconds

Belina gains the ability to fly by activating her zero gravity suit

-Cooldown starts after the duration is over or cancelled
-Can be cancelled by pressing skill again
-By pressing the jump key while activating the ability gain a faster vertical boost (Jump mechanic that most supports get added to their movement based abilities)
-Can be used in the air and ground

Ability 3: Enhance (Cant think of a good name for this one)

Health 25 shields (DPS) 75 Shields (Tank) 50 shields (Support)
Max. range 30 meters
Duration 2 seconds (if out of range)
Benefits 20% damage increase (DPS) 10% Damage reduction increase (Tank) 15% Movement speed increase (Support)

-This ability is based on the what role the hero is from, heroes from different roles get different benefits
-Can be used on self by simply pressing the ability with no ally in sight or holding the key.
-This ability can only be on one person at a time, if used on another target while one is active, the previous user will immediate loose the buff.
-Can be used in the air and ground

Ultimate: Stellar Field

Healing 100 health per second
Burst healing 100
Area of effect of Burst healing 22 meter radius max
Move. speed Debuff within the area of effect 20%
Area of effect 12 meters radius
Duration 8 seconds
Cast Time 1 second
Charge required 1800

Belina releases a wide AoE blast that heals over time,

Has a spherical shape.
once activated Stellar field will remain where it was activated till duration is over
It can be used both in the air and on the ground.
Healing doesnt not go through barriers



-Voice line for when healing an ally:
Iā€™ll have you patched up in no time.
Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve got you
Let me help
Its alright
estar tranquilo (Be calm)

Got you Dr. Ziegler

All is well Captain.

Slow down Lena (Laughs)

You alright big guy?

-Voice line for when ability 1 activates:
Got Ya!
Its no use.
stay still.

-Voice line for when the ability 2 activates:
Movin out!
Iā€™ll see whose out their!
En Movimiento (On the move)

-Voice line for when the ability 3 activates:
This should help
(DPS) Boosting you up/ daƱar hasta (Damage Up)
(Tank) Need a bit of help /esto deberĆ­a ayudar (this should help)
(Support) lets get a move on/ vĆ”monos (Letā€™s move on.)
On self: sigh Eso estuvo cerca. (That was close)/ vĆ”monos (Letā€™s move on.)

-Voice line for when the ultimate activates:
la esperanza nos da fuerza (Hope gives us strength)
Stellar field deployed

-Voice line for when the ultimate is charging:
Stellar field is charging
My ultimate is charging
My ultimate is almost ready
Stellar field is nearly ready
Stellar field is ready, Secure the area!
My Ultimate is ready, Iā€™ve got your back

  • Voice line if you kill someone:
    You should be rethinking your current strategy
    Ouch! Your going to need a medic.
    Need and Ice pack for that one?
    Iā€™m the one they told you not to worry about.

Got you this time Mcree
Best out of 3?

A lot has happened ever since Numbani
Seems like you havenā€™t evolved at all (Mockingly)

Temper, Temper

Iā€™m more than just a Del Mar.
Like they say curiosity killed the cat.


  • Voice line upon re-spawn:
    My team needs me.
    Dont sleep on the job
    Iā€™m not done yet
    Need to rethink my positioning.

-Voice line if the ability achieves an in-game award:
5 card award:
Thanks for cheering me on

10 card award:
We all played our part to make this happen.
This is such an Honour, I wont forget this.

On fire:
I am on fire!
I am burning this place up!



Belina is a a off healer that can somewhat function as a main healer, if the player wants to.
She can heal two allies at the same time,
Her heal can be good for squishes.
She works best mid range.
Her grip ability can be used to ward of flankers or enemies that get to close to a degree.
Like all off healers she can heal while doing damage.
Her Role booster ability serves to boost other heroes main roles,

Support Sync;


  • Mercy
  • Zen
  • Lucio
  • Ana
  • Bridgette
  • Moira


Belina is squishy,like most Supports,
She is still a support so she cant completely fend off every flanker or DPS hero
She lacks any form of burst healing besides her Ultimate which can easily be countered.
Her stacked healing isnā€™t that great for tanks, Making her not that suitable for quad Tank or goats

Countered by;

  • Sombra
  • Any burst type DPS*
  • Genji/Tracer


Overall she is well suited for a Dive based comp or standard 2-2-2. Sniper based comps to some extent she can somewhat work as a solo healer if you can get her ult up pretty quickly but it is ultimately better to have a second healer.
Her Ultimate does go well with group based/ brawl Ultimateā€™s (Rally, Trans,SB) since enemies will receive a slow de-buff if they enter inside the field

Victory Poses:


Default; heroic:
Floating above ground one leg down straight while the other is slightly bent. Both hands down by the side

Pose 1; Confident:
Standing with one arm folded and her other arm bent towards her face while resting on her folded arm. smug look on her face

Pose 2;On duty:
Floating with one hand stretched out towards the camera. while the other is down by her side, Serious face on

Pose 3;Chilling:
Sitting in the air, legs crossed hands on her knees. With a confident smile

Summer games Event; medal:
one hand on her hip while her other hand is by her side (palm open) with a medal floating. Satisfied look on her face

Halloween Event; Pumpkin:
Has both her hands placed on one side (one arm is above the other) with a pumpkin in the middle floating

Winter Wonderland; Cheers:
Has one hand holding a tea cup with a cheerful expression on her face



Default; Heroic:
Floating above ground one leg down straight while the other is slightly bent. Both hands down by the side

Pose 1;The dance:
K-pop and J-Pop dance reference:
Dokidoki! Precure Dance lesson ED 1
Gfriend Glass bead
will add description of dance moves soon

Pose 2;Laugh:
giggles with her hand covering her mouth, then burst out laughing.(Hand still covering mouth)

Pose 3;Relaxed:
Sits downs similar to mercy but brings out a holographic projection (square shaped) and swipes up on it (reading something)

Pose 4; Exhausted:
With one arm folded and the other resting on it, she places her none folded arm on her face, with a tired expression, then shakes her head with her eyes closed while looking slightly down.

Pose 5; Respect:
Graciously bows with one leg behind the other, eyes closed

Pose 6:
Brings out Polaris ring which produces 3 biotic mini stars that orbit around Belina,(Clockwise) she slowly ascends upwards spinning arm spreading apart slowly, then stops when facing the player, stars fade into dust and she descends down immediately

Highlight Intros:


Highlight 1, Heroic:
Floating above ground one leg down straight while the other is slightly bent. Both hands down by the side.

Highlight 2;Stellar Field
Somewhat similar to sombra emp Belina spins around 3 times with her hand out and her Polaris ring floating on top of it, on the third spin she then lifts her hand out as Bright light burst out from her ring

Highlight 2; Healing:
the camera gets shot and its vision gets hazy, in its hazy vision Belina slowly floats towards them, the camera blacks out for a bit and slowly lights up to see Belina healing, then looks at the camera with a relieved smile.

Highlight 4;Flight:
Belina is shown flying, she then flies up and spins while ascending as soon as she reaches a certain height she falls down backwards. She re adjust herself with a quick flip before landing. Looking at the camera with her back facing the camera she gives a confident smile



(Have yet to really finalize her design)
Theme: All Ranunculaceae Flowers
Rare 1: Rose (Reddish)

Rare 2: Anemone (Blue-Purplish)

Rare 3: Helleborus (Lime-Green)

Rare 4: Buttercup (Yellow)


Epic 1: Platinum

Epic 2: Silver

Winter wonderland event Epic; Frost


Legendary 1: Heiress.
Heiress to the family business, Belina had everything in her life done for her with any say in it.

Legendary 2: Lady Belina
Heiress to the family business, Belina had everything in her life done for her with any say in it.

Legendary 3: Fortune Teller
Sun based theme

Legendary 4: Soothsayer
Crescent Moon Based


Anniversary; Dancer

Halloween; Sorceress
When The wild witch resurrected Dr Junkenstien, the Sorceress could feel the kings sorrow, when the king was ready to seek out help she offered to guide his crows to find suitable sheep to defend his castle,
The king hesitant at first asked what she would gain from this.
She simply laughed, a vile cruel laugh and said as she faded into the darkness " All i wish to do is help, your majestyā€¦"

Archives; Bernice
After being forbidden from her paranoid father to not become a doctor and commit to the family business, Belina escaped and joined into OW with the help of her older brother, but now as a completely different person.

Lunar New Year: Kitsune



As of now she still possess a compassionate and caring nature, and is always willing to help others with a fierce determination (A particular aspect Angela noticed when she first saw her).
She takes the connections she has made with people very close to her.
Despite her feminine personality she will not hesitate to go beyond it to achieve a goal. Being kind, she does posses a snobby attitude from time to time along with arrogance, and has a limit of how kind she can be when pushed.

Belina also does feel guilty when she feels she has betrayed someone, as when she ran way from home, every now and then she would constantly think about how she makes her farther worry, and berate herself for it.
Another example is after waiting a few months before deciding to join winston recall, she felt a bit guilty for not responding immediately as soon as she ehard the message.

One small detailed aspect about Belina is that when she doesnā€™t do the task given to her by the higher ups standards (Picture perfect to be exact), she can get pretty depressed, though its not as strong as before, its still there.

Voice Lines:
Look at the stars, for hope shine bright!
Indulge me.
oh my!
I donā€™t get paid enough for this.
Do you feel anything at all?
Remember your prescriptions.
(Es el paciente ya/Is the patient ready?)
Donā€™t forget to call me for any unusual symptoms


  • ā€œOn Dutyā€ (While waiting in spawn)
  • ā€œDr Ziegler was right a moment of peace and quiteā€ (While waiting in spawn)
  • ā€œIf you need help, remember to call me for helpā€ (While waiting in spawn)
  • ā€œAlright, letā€™s goā€ (Upon being character swapped and spawning in)



Belina: Hey Genji, wanna spar later on?

Genji: Of course.


Hanzo: It seems fate had different plans for us

Belina: I donā€™t believe in fate.

Hanzo: Never thought I would see a Del Mar in battle.

Belina: Weā€™re just full of surprises arenā€™t we.

Lucio: That is some sweet choreography, mind showing me a few moves.

Belina: oh sure, it would be an honour.


Moira: Your brother never wavered to get the results he wanted.

Belina: Well Iā€™m not my brother. Iā€™m his sister


Belina: Travelling alongside Reinhardt? I have to say I am envious.

Bridgette: chuckles Reinhardt can sometimes get carried away, someones gotta make sure he comes back in one piece.


Bridgette: Belina want me to take a look at your armour?

Belina: Of course,


Zen: I sense great stress within you child, do not be afraid none will judge you here

Belina: Thanks but Iā€™m fine. whispers really


Belina: Snowball is so adorable.

Snowball: chuckles

Mei: Snowball says thank you.


Ashe: Let me guess, Family drama?

Belina: My god, You have no idea.


Pharah: I have to say Belina, sneaking into Overwatch as a completely different person. How did you pull it off?

Belina: Not really something I am proud of but it may have to do with not having a commanding officer as a parent made it a lot easier.


Mcree: Well if it aint, the Lil lass herself. chuckles

Belina: Will you ever take me seriously, Jesse?

Mcree: I can, but wheres the fun in that.


Belina: Come on Winston, no need to worry.

Winston: Whenever you say that how can I not worry.


Winston: Belina!? You came.

Belina: Itā€™s been a long time, my friend. I would like to offer my services, if you will have me.

Winston: Of course! You didnā€™t need to ask.

Soldier 76;

Belina: You were role model, a icon, an inspiration. What happened?

S76: Life happened. You wanna play hero? Fine by me but dont expect me to play the part.


Sombra: I wonder what would happen if the world new all the secrets the del mar family have been keeping undercover.

Belina: I am not guilty of my fathers crimes, try again next time.

Sombra: I have to say took me a long time to find out, Bernice.

Belina: Do what you wish with my past. It doesnā€™t bother me anymore.


Belina: You do know whats coming in the future.

Tracer: Mhm, doesnā€™t change the fact we still have to do something, while we still can.


Belina: Reinhardt, can you tell me the story of when you faced the dragons?

Rienhardt: Laughter Of course. (or) Right after we win the battle.


Belina: I told him, I told him everything.

Ana: You did what was best Belina, You made the right decision.


Mercy: Overwatch was shut down for a reason Belina, I thought you understood why to.

Belina: I know, but Winston still believes there is hope for Overwatch, that the world needs us and I trust him.

Mercy: Just like old times.

Belina: Indeed, I have your back Dr Ziegler.


Symmetra: Why would someone leave a life of order and discipline for a life of such chaos?

Belina: Order and discipline can easily lead to control and manipulation.


Belina: I canā€™t believe we have to work together. Just try not to do anything stupid.

Doomfist: Always the worrisome one, just like when we were kids.


Doomfist: You are aware what is going to happen with anyone associated in Overwatch activity?

Belina: I joined knowing fully aware of the consequences and I have no intention of going back on them. So please spare me your sympathy.


Heads up, I suck at writing stories so, its kinda of a summary/story hybrid, so sorry in advance if you donā€™t understand half of whats going on

Later on in life after seeing the constant war between Humans and omnics, seeing innocents caught in the crossfire, this made Belina desire to help those in need. Early on her goal was set in stone, becoming a Doctor and helping save lives.
But all that change after the incident at home, causing her parents to divorce and her older brother Pablo to go with their Mom. Now entrusted without any say of her own to run the family business, the workload was difficult to say the least but she refused to waver from her true goal. Through determination she managed to make both of them work, studying for the family business and to become a Doctor.

Despite the seperation between Belina and Pablo at a young age, they still managed to keep in touch. Pablo went on to study in the field of gravity and how to manipulate and create it. Later on gaining the attention of Overwatch.

Her unique understanding in the field of applied nanobiology, eventually caught the attention of Dr. Angela Ziegler herself, during her visit to one of the few hospital in Madrid. Seeing Belina fierce yet patient and understanding determination to help both omnics and Humans in need, Impressed her, offering her a chance to come and study under her as her pupil in Overwatch was a dream come true. Though later on Pablo surprised her even more by informing her of when he heard Angela was heading to madrid he may have nudged her to see Belina at work.

All seemed to be going beyond perfect. Belina finally gets to see her brother more often, she studies under her idol and was even given the offer to join Overwatch, everything was going fine.

Until Her father caught whiff of the situation. Overprotective of his daughter, he forbade her from accepting Overwatch offer, and instructed her to now only focus on the family business. With no explanation why and his constant refusal to listen Belina was left heart broken, but she refused to give up. Tired of her decisions being made for her she decided to go against her fathers Instructions, but she had to be discrete or else Overwatch would take the blame. Spending over 2 and a half months planning her escape and fake identity she left.

No longer was she Belina del Mar, she was now Bernice Robinson.

Upon escaping with her Brother unaware, he soon caught whiff of the situation, having no choice she explained all that happened. Upon hearing the situation he agreed to assist her, under one condition that after a year or so she will come out and tell her father how she directly feels, explaining how she is just running away from the problem placed in-front of her.

Upon being recruited once word of Belina del mar was missing went viral, she and her brother was called by the Strike commander he along with Blackwatch commander Reyes and Captain Amari and some other higher ups, knew of her true identity.

The decision for her to stay or go was on the table, and it seemed it was leaning towards her leaving. Determined not to go she explained her situation to them, all that had happen that led her to where she is now. Offering the idea for her to being closely monitored by Pablo and her brother vouching for her stay. A vote was taken upon the three, Ana disagreed with the idea and believed that she should return back to her father, Reyes on the other hand was impressed with the kids determination and level of strategic thinking. The final vote was left to Morrison who decided for her to stay, due to her studying under Angela.

Her stay in Overwatch as Bernice was a memory she would treasure deeply, despite the rising tension against Overwatch, she still overall enjoyed her stay Forming strong bonds with Winston,Tracer and Mcree, some of the people she formed close relationships with.
(people that found out about her real identity is this order: Genji (he had his suspicions and eventually put 2 and 2 together but never bothered to say anything about it unless asked), Winston, Tracer, Mcree)
Unfortunately during the explosion at the Swiss headquarters. Her brother was caught in the explosion which resulted in his death. Heart broken she left Overwatch and went to Numbani, meeting her Mother that she hasnā€™t spoken to in years.

Questions asked and answered they reconciled and a connection once broken was mended.

Years passed by as she continued to stay in Numbani, until she eventually decided to return back to Madrid, being persuaded by her mother to go try and reconcile with her father or at the very least to meet her younger brother Miguel.

Upon reuniting, the reunion was awkward to say the least with her father but was completely opposite upon meeting Miguel.
Belina decided to work as a doctor to continue saving lives.

When Belina finally decided to go help winston before she left, she felt obliged to see her father before she goes and inform him of where she was going, feeling guilty for causing him so much heart ache before. She leaves telling him before she goes that they will need to discuss the gap between them.

Nationality: Grecian.
Cā€™mon dude.

Heā€™s Reinhardt, but better

There have been many of these Magy, but more is nice. Here is my most recent one: ^Hero concept: CĆ³p nhį» - Google Docs

Edit: Great. I lost trust level 3.

Edit: Another one of mine. One Iā€™ve done more for.

Well yeah but there have not been any in a while :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

Just so everyone knows you can post all of these hero concepts on the Hero Concept Lab. You can search for it using the search tool in the upper right corner of the screen.

Wow that sounds amazing. I really like the star iconography. I think her healing is kinda weird tho, since she isnt a main or off healer. Kinda inbetween. It could work but it might just end up being awkward.

Maybe instead of detaching out of sight, it could stay on to them for a very long time, or maybe it could be destroyed in some way. It would make it a bit different from zen.

Also maybe instead of granting a support extra movement speed, maybe they do extra healing? But either could work

FInally, i was a bit confused on how the weapons switch. Can you use all the abilities despite your weapon equipped. Is it an automatic weapon switch?

This is a really, really cool design

Just a random one I came up with. Probably hella unbalanced but it was just for fun.


Name: N/A

Origins: N/A

Appearance: N/A, does have a sword though.

Health: 250

LMB: Melee sword attack. Unlike Brigitte and Reinhardtā€™s LMB, it only hits enemies directly in front of the crosshair. (100 Damage/swing, 0.8 attack speed)

RMB: Shield. Gives a passive 15% resistance to bullet and explosion damage when held. The shield itself has 200 health that takes full damage as you take the reduced damage. If broken, it will undergo a 15 second cooldown. If damaged but not completely broken, then the shield will regenerate 15hp/s that cannot be boosted by any means.

Shift: Charge. Charge forward with full turning control at 13m/s. Landing a sword strike within 0.4 seconds of impacting an enemy will cause your strike to deal 1.35x damage. The impact itself deals 25 damage. Your shield must be activated in order to charge, and cannot be used if your shield is broken. (6 second cooldown)

Ultimate: Instantly gain a kill tier (read below) and gives you rampaging attacks (Attacks will cause enemies within 4m of your struck target to take 50% damage. Only works if a successful hit is scored against your initial target; it is not a hitbox increase).

Passive: Harvest. With each kill you will become stronger. Assists count as 1/3 of a kill.

  • Your first kill will lower your swing speed from 0.8s to 0.65s
  • Your second kill will grant you 50 armor health.
  • Your third kill will make you immune to CC.
  • Your fourth kill increases your damage from 100 to 150
  • Your fifth and final kill allows your attacks to ignore any form of damage resistance (Take a breather, Nanoboost, Fortify, etc.) and allows your attacks to damage regular health first (I.E. Mccree has 200hp and 75 temporary armor from Brig. Attacking Mccree will damage his 200hp first, leaving him at 50hp and 75 armor. The armor then decays, leaving him with just 50hp)
  • Speed increases by 0.5m/s per kill, starting at 6.5m/s at 0 kills. At 5 kills, you will move at 9m/s.
  • All benefits are lost on death.

Obvious weaknesses include being easy to shut down when having little kills and having no ranged weapon whatsoever.



Old thread called the Hero Concept Lab. Made by Brakes. Coincidentally this thread has the same name.


Hero Details
  • Real Name: Keahihoā€™omalamalamaā€™ikawela (or Keahi, for short)
  • Age: 32
  • Appearance: About 5ā€™8", fairly muscular Hawaiā€™ian man, with short hair and goatee
  • Nationality: American, of Hawaiā€™ian descent
  • Occupation: Volcanologist-turned-vigilante
  • Base of Operations: Hawaiā€™i (the big island)
  • Affiliation: None, sympathetic to Talon

Born into a traditional Hawaiā€™ian family on the island of Maui, Keahi spent much of his life learning the history and mythology of ancient Hawaiā€™ian culture. He developed a particular interest in Tutu Pele, which prompted him to take his first visit to Kilauea. Keahi quickly became enamored with the power of the volcano.

Not long into his childhood, however, tragedy struck. An Omnic uprising in Kahului prompted Overwatch to come to the remote islands to aid the inhabitants in quelling the unrest. The resultant destruction left two of Keahiā€™s siblings dead, and his mother comatose in a hospital.

Now a grown man, Keahi remembers only too well the destruction left by the Omnics and Overwatch. With another Omnic Crisis looming and the return of Overwatch seemingly inevitable, Keahi has decided to take matters into his own hands to stop the two sides from exacting an even greater toll on his family and on his home. Inspired by the legends of Tutu Pele, Keahi wields the power of fire against those who would threaten his people.

Stats and Default Attacks
  • Role: Damage
  • Niche: Anti-armor, anti-healing
  • Health: 200
  • Movement Speed: Default

Primary Fire: Fire Torch

Type Frontal Wave
Damage 50 Damage per second
Spread angle 30 degrees
Range 8 meters
Rate of fire 20 per second (tickrate)
Ammo 50
Ammo usage 10 per second
Reload time 1.5 seconds
Headshot :x:

Keahi blows on his flaming torch, spewing out a gout of sizzling flames

  • Keahiā€™s Fire Torch does not experience reduced damage from Armor

Secondary Fire: Poi Ball

Type Arching Splash Projectiles
Damage Direct Hit: 80, Splash: 25-55 across 2 m
Spread angle Pinpoint
Projectile speed 25 meters per second
Rate of fire 1.2 shots per second
Ammo 6
Reload time 2 seconds
Headshot :x:

Keahi spins then hurls a flaming poi ball, which travels in a slight arc before bursting into flames


Passive: Volcanic Blood
Keahi takes 25% less damage from fire effects, such as the DoT from Asheā€™s Dynamite, Reinhardtā€™s Firestrike, and Torbjornā€™s Molten Core

Ability 1: Superheat

Type AOE
Damage 50
Max Range 10 meters
Duration 5 seconds
Cooldown 12 seconds
Casting Time 0.3 seconds

Keahi slams a flaming poi ball into the ground, sending out a blast of heat that melts enemy armor

  • Enemies hit by Superheat receive a burning effect for 5 seconds. While burning, any armor on that hero loses its damage-reducing qualities against all incoming damage (armor affected in this way is colored dark orange)
  • Keahiā€™s Fire Torch deals 33% greater damage per second against burning armor (80 DPS as opposed to 60 DPS)
  • Cooldown begins on ability usage

Ability 2: Heatwave

Type Frontal Wave
Damage 50 damage per second while in animation, 5 damage per second during effect (total damage = 85)
Spread angle 30 degrees
Range 10 meters
Duration 7 seconds
Cooldown 15 seconds
Casting Time 0.3 seconds wind-up, 1 second animation

Keahi holds his fire torch out as he rapidly spins his poi, fanning out a cone of blistering air that suppresses healing

  • Enemies hit by Heatwave are marked by a dark red border around their health bars
  • Affected enemies receive 50% less healing for the duration of the effect
  • Health Packs will remove the DoT, but not the healing penalty. Zaryaā€™s Bubble and Cryofreeze can remove the anti-heal
  • Cooldown begins on activation

Ultimate: Eruption

Type AOE
Damage Inner radius: 150 / Outer Radius: 20-150 / Burn 5 damage per second
Max Range Inner radius: 5 m / Outer Radius: 12 m
Duration 12 seconds
Casting Time 1 second
Charge Required ??? I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not good with this part. High-ish

Rapidly twirling his fire torch, Keahi slams it into the ground, causing a massive burst of flame to erupt from his position and scorch nearby enemies

  • Enemies hit by Eruption receive 75% anti-healing for the duration of the burn. Heal packs will remove the DoT. Zarya bubbles and Cryofreeze can remove the anti-heal
  • Eruption also applies the burning effect to armor, removing its damage reduction for all sources and boosting Keahiā€™s Fire Torch damage against it
Sample Voicelines


  • He wela loa iaā€™oe? (Too hot for you?)
  • Iā€™m gonna roast you alive


  • E manaā€™o i ke ahi! (ā€œFeel the burn,ā€ lit. ā€œimagine the fireā€)
  • Get scorched!


  • Ke manawa e hoā€™onui ai i ka wela! (ā€œTime to turn up the heat!ā€)
  • Letā€™s heat things up!

On Elimination

  • Crispy
  • 'Ai ke ahi (ā€œThe fire devoursā€)
  • (To enemy Mei) Guess global warming got you
  • (To enemy Pharah) Flew a little too close to the sun

Itā€™s a different kind of hack

Thanks for the feedback!

Iā€™m really considering your suggestions for JunkerQueen. I think they are spot on.

Regarding Lynx 17 I really like the cap on Iris link on 50% hp. Could be the way to actually Sever the link.


I still need to adjust some stuff in my ideasā€¦

Just a tip, the lower they are on the list the newer they are

Thanks, sorry as soon as I was done I kinda just passed out.
The secondary weapon functions the same like mercy gun and torbs hammer. So pretty much you can use all it abilities just that you can deal damage since it takes over the primary fire key. but as soon as you selected a target you can just switch back to your blasters and deal damage while your allies are being healed within it line of sight.

As for the healing at some point it deal heal more but then I kinda saw how if she basically healed more when stacked people would use her more than mercy.

I did at some point think that the healing would not require line of sight and could be destroyed but then, having a tracer run around the map not having to worry about going to healer made me think against that idea.
Having it stay on a target for a very long time is not actually a bad idea.
Thank so much for the tips.