👿 Hero 29 Hint is late...... or not coming?

Who is this Boozette and is her specialty giving everyone booze?


Bowsette of King Boo.

I’d rather have a rule 34 of a Boozette that distributes free booze.

Balance will always, always be an ongoing thing. Just as hero additions will be an ongoing thing. They’re gonna add a new hero every four months, whether the game is “perfectly balanced uwu” or not.

I’m perfectly fine with this, understand the logic behind it, and am tired of fools clowning themselves with statements like “nO nEw HeRo UnTiL gAmE aM bAlAnCeD.” Stop.

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Game won’t be balanced unless all Tanks can oneshot Widowmaker somehow and still not be OP (jk it’s a mess)

Also just because

Sooner or later she will be an official character in Mario.

Hero 29 is King from the Meka team. Already confirmed.


Still think Overlord better chance

This makes me wanna Torbjorn Rework

Very likely nothing will be seen 2 weeks before.

Sanjay Korpal - Talon/Vishkar.
Talon unnamed female - Talon agent that attacked Overwatch HQ. Assassin maybe?
Someone from the archeologists?

anyone remember when they tried banning nsfw overwatch content XD

It gets them players.
And would’t stop people from making more.

I’m certain that hero 29 will be revealed at Blizzcon and released mid November. That would be around 3.5 months since Wrecking Ball came out. Which is the average time between hero releases. Not to mention Sombra and Moira were both released mid November.

Or there has been already?

I mean, Jeff literally saying at the con before if JunkerQueen should be either Tank or DPS might be the biggest most blantant one lol

K, I hope some hint comes next week… else I am saying it’s Sanjay for now. 🛰 Sanjay chance to be Hero 29 highlight

Next Hero is an alien. It looks like those alien toys in Hollywood map.
It’s been hinted all along.

I for one welcome our thicc turtle overlords.

So much happened in a dozen days.

Blizzcon hero’s have been teased throughout the year mostly. With Sombra, voice lines with interactions (Reaper “Where’s Sombra when you need her?”) well before Blizzcon and of course the ARG where there to hint at her. Halloween Terror 2016 also did with the “Boop” spray and the Sombra candy. With Moira, it was the Masquerade comic and the interaction between Reaper and Sombra on Oasis (Sombra: “What are we doing here boss?” Reaper: “I’m here to visit an old friend”)

These hints have been given throughout from and before the release dates of both. The hints vary and are always at a weird times. There are no patterns that I can recall for Blizzcon that mean closer to the release date, more hints.

Pretty sure Junker Queen will be coming.